Penn Foster
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Penn Foster Veterinary Pharmacology Final Exam Questions and Verified Answers 
Distinguish between hormonal, endocrine, and reproductive drugs - Answers 
Describe how drugs affect the nervous system - AnswersDrugs affect the nervous system by acting at the synaptic junctions to promote neurotransmitter's activity, mimic their actions, or block them from acting. 
Identify examples of respiratory drugs - AnswersExpectorants, mucolytics, antitussives, bronchodilators, decongestants 
Penn Foster Pharmacology Exam Questions and Revised Answers 
Define agonist - AnswersA drug with a high level of affinity and efficacy that binds to a receptor and causes a specific action. 
define contraindication - Answersa reason not to use a drug in a particular situation, causes undesirable side effects 
define efficacy - Answersthe degree to which a drug produces its desired response. 
define over the counter drug - Answersa drug that may be purchased without a prescription from a ve...
Penn foster pharmacology – skin Questions with correct answers
Penn Foster Veterinary Pharmacology Final Exam Questions with correct answers
Define agonist Correct Answer-Agonist is a drug with an affinity for a receptor and stimulates the receptor to action 
Define Contraindication Correct Answer-A contraindication is a reason not to use a 
drug in a particular situation 
Define Efficacy Correct Answer-Efficacy is the degree to which a drug 
produces its desired effects in a patient. 
Define OTC Correct Answer-An over-the-counter drug is one that may 
be purchased and used without a 
prescription from a veterinarian 
Define ...
Penn Foster Pharmacology Proctor Exam Practice Questions with correct answers.
Matter Correct Answer-Defined as anything that takes up space and has mass. Exists as solid, liquid, gas, or plasma. 
Element Correct Answer-What all matter is composed of. A substance that cannot be broken down into other substances by ordinary chemical means. 
Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen Correct Answer-four most common elements in living organisms. 
Atomic Theory Correct Answer-States that elements consist of tiny particles called atoms. 
Atomic Symbol Correct Answer-Name of an ...
Pharmacology Penn Foster Veterinary Technician Questions with correct answers.
Which of the following is an example of instictive behavior? Correct Answer-Kittens using litterbox to bury urine 
Whats the best practice in proper elimination training in young canines? Correct Answer-Through positive reinforcement 
How does predatory aggression differ from other kinds of agressive behaviors? Correct Answer-Its distinguished by no warnings 
What medical process may reduce risk of some types of hormone-driven aggression in make felines and canines? Correct Answer-Castrati...
Penn Foster Vet Tech Biology Questions with correct answers.