On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller johnmurimi.
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20 items
Environmental Impacts of Denver International Airport
The documents analyzes and describes the environmental impacts of Denver Internation Airport
- Essay
- • 10 pages •
The documents analyzes and describes the environmental impacts of Denver Internation Airport
Social Media Addiction
The document is an essay that analyzes, evaluates, and discusses Social Media Addiction.
- Essay
- • 8 pages •
The document is an essay that analyzes, evaluates, and discusses Social Media Addiction.
Environmental Economics
The package deals cover all lectures on Environmental Economics. The documents contain clear contents and illustrations that allow the student to easily understand.
- Package deal
- • 4 items •
- Introduction to Environmental Economics • Class notes
- Introduction to Environmental Economics: Market failures and the environment • Class notes
- Introduction to Environmental Economics: Coasean Bargaining • Class notes
- Introduction to Environmental Economics: Pigouvian policy • Class notes
The package deals cover all lectures on Environmental Economics. The documents contain clear contents and illustrations that allow the student to easily understand.
Environmental Economics; Tradable Permits
The lecture notes cover the following: 
1. How do tradable permit systems work in theory and in the real world? 
2. What happens under a tradable permit system?
- Class notes
- • 79 pages •
The lecture notes cover the following: 
1. How do tradable permit systems work in theory and in the real world? 
2. What happens under a tradable permit system?
Introduction to Environmental Economics: Pigouvian policy
The document covers the following: 
1. How do we model our problems going forward? 
2. What are the different kinds of standards in theory and the real world? 
3. What happens under a standard?
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 51 pages •
The document covers the following: 
1. How do we model our problems going forward? 
2. What are the different kinds of standards in theory and the real world? 
3. What happens under a standard?
Introduction to Environmental Economics: Coasean Bargaining
The documents cover the following questions: 
1. Can we achieve an efficient outcome without government intervention? 
2. What does the Coase theorem say? 
3. What are the limits to Coasean bargaining?
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 43 pages •
The documents cover the following questions: 
1. Can we achieve an efficient outcome without government intervention? 
2. What does the Coase theorem say? 
3. What are the limits to Coasean bargaining?
Introduction to Environmental Economics: Market failures and the environment
What are market failures? 
When do they happen? 
What are the consequences?
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 84 pages •
What are market failures? 
When do they happen? 
What are the consequences?
Introduction to Environmental Economics
What's enviro econ? 
First, what is economics? 
Economics: the study of how agents (people, firms, etc) make choices with scarce resources and the social results of these choices 
Everything is scarce compared to wants and needs. 
We need to choose among alternatives and make trade-offs. 
These ideas can be applied to the environment.
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 38 pages •
What's enviro econ? 
First, what is economics? 
Economics: the study of how agents (people, firms, etc) make choices with scarce resources and the social results of these choices 
Everything is scarce compared to wants and needs. 
We need to choose among alternatives and make trade-offs. 
These ideas can be applied to the environment.
Environmental Economics: Emission taxes
The document covers emission taxes from environmental emission. 
1. What are the different kinds of price instruments in theory and the real 
2. What happens under a tax?
- Class notes
- • 21 pages •
The document covers emission taxes from environmental emission. 
1. What are the different kinds of price instruments in theory and the real 
2. What happens under a tax?
Chinese Economy
The package deal contains lecture notes on the Chinese Economy (Econ211). It constitutes all lecture notes, including China's urban and rural divide, President Xi Jinping New Era; Central planning, and the Midterm exam to boost your performance.
- Package deal
- • 4 items •
- Xi Jinping’s New Era • Class notes
- Urban and rural divide • Class notes
- China urban and rural divide. • Class notes
- Chinese Economy Midterm Exam • Exam (elaborations)
The package deal contains lecture notes on the Chinese Economy (Econ211). It constitutes all lecture notes, including China's urban and rural divide, President Xi Jinping New Era; Central planning, and the Midterm exam to boost your performance.