St George University
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Latest notes & summaries St George University
1. The set of properties that characterize the effects of a drug on the body is called 
(A) Distribution 
(B) Permeation 
(C) Pharmacodynamics 
(D) Pharmacokinetics 
(E) Protonation 
Answer: C. Pharmacodynamics is the term given to drug actions on the body. 
Drug-Receptor Interaction 
2. What does the term tachyphylaxis mean? 
(A) An increase in the rate of the response, for example, an increase of the rate of muscle 
(B) Immediate hypersensitivity reactions (ie,...
Dr Leonardo Dasso 
Spring Term 20172 
Log [Dose] 
Heart rate 
Drug A Drug B 
Drug C 
1. Drugs A, B, and C bind selectively to β1 adrenoceptors. 
The figure below shows a dose-response curve for the 
three drugs acting at cardiac β1 adrenoceptors. The 
data presented in the figure shows that 
A. B. C. D. E. 
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 
A. Drugs A and B have equal efficacy 
B. Drugs A and B have equal potency 
C. Drug C has higher potency than Drug A 
D. Drug C is a full agonist...