University Of Nebraska - Omaha
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Latest notes & summaries University Of Nebraska - Omaha
hepatocytes correct answer: liver cells that produce and secrete bile 
bile correct answer: stimulates peristalsis and breaks down fats in the intestine 
canaliculus correct answer: channels between hepatocytes that drain bile into the common bile duct into the duodenum and gall bladder 
hepatic artery correct answer: carries oxygenated blood into the liver 
portal vein correct answer: carries blood high in nutrients (from the GI tract) into the liver; provides energy for liver func...
homeostasis correct answer: stable internal processes. middle is normal. 
pathology correct answer: microscopic study of tissues 
gold standard experiments correct answer: double blind study, big 
ex: drug companies 
global health correct answer: no escaping, no avoiding, no boundaries 
diagnoses correct answer: specific disease, identification requires multiple sources, data. aggressiveness in testing 
etiology correct answer: what causes the disease 
idiopathic correct answer...
General types of immune alterations: (immune system acts inappropriately) correct answer: -exaggerated 
-misdirected against host own cells 
-directed against bacterial foreign tissues 
-deficiency (insufficient) 
Exaggerated (immune disorder) correct answer: against environmental antigens 
Misdirected against host's own cells (immune disorder) correct answer: autoimmunity 
Directed against beneficial foreign tissues (immune disorder) correct answer: isoimmunity 
Hypersensitivity co...
Renal disfunction: Hematocrit correct answer: -Anemia (lower hematocrit) 
-The kidneys normally produce the hormone, erythropoietin, which stimulates bone marrow to produce RBCs. When the nephrons fail, the kidneys can't produce erythropoietin. This leads to decreased hematocrit. 
Renal disfunction: Potassium correct answer: -Hyperkalemia 
-Nephron damage or failure leads to decreased GFR which leads to the inability to filter out excess K+ 
Renal disfunction: Calcium correct answer: -Hy...
pH normal level correct answer: 7.35-7.45 
pCO2 normal level correct answer: 35-45 
HCO3 normal level correct answer: 22-28 
Think of ________ as an acid. correct answer: pCO2 
Think of ________ as a base; similar to pH trends. correct answer: HCO3 
Decreased pH of arterial blood (<7.35) 
-a systemic increase in H+ ion concentration or decrease in HCO3- correct answer: Acidosis 
Increased pH of arterial blood (>7.45) 
-a systemic decrease in H+ ion concentration or increa...
When should you start an infant's first foods? correct answer: When they: 
-sit up alone or w/ support 
-use neck muscles to hold head up straight 
-open mouth when they see something coming 
-turn head away if they don't want it 
-mouth stays open if they want it 
-keeps tongue flat and low when spoon enters mouth 
-closes lips over spoon 
-keeps food in mouth 
What are some suggestions for 'baby's first foods'? correct answer: Iron fortified baby rice cereal or barley 
--mixed w/ fo...
What is pediatric palliative care? correct answer: specialized medical care for children with serious illnesses that focuses on providing relief of symptoms, pain, and stress 
What is the most important aspect of working with palliative patients? correct answer: ensuring quality of life is maintained 
What are ways to maintain physical quality of care? correct answer: Maintaining functional ability, for example, independence, pain management, cognitive function, sleeping, appetite 
Disappearance of the ________ ________ is a sign that the infant is ready for solid food. correct answer: Extrusion reflex 
T or F: All primitive relfexes dissapear over the first few months of life. correct answer: F - Most do, but some take up to a year. 
T or F: One stool every day or two is considered normal if the stool remains soft. correct answer: T. 
T of F: A benefit of formula is that it has a higher iron concentration than breast milk. correct answer: F - It does have higher...
informed consent correct answer: legal capacity 
exceptions to informed consent correct answer: unconscious 
intellectual disability 
emergency - doctrine of emergency 
children and consent correct answer: legal age = 18 years old 
guardian/parent to provide consent 
mature minor 
mature minor correct answer: child may consent if: 
capable of understanding the nature and consequences of the treatment 
duty of care correct answer: responsible care to avoid acts ...
What does the portal vein do? correct answer: carries nutrients from intestine to liver 
What do the sinusoids do? correct answer: Capillaries between hepatocytes that carry blood to the hepatic vein 
What does the hepatic vein do? correct answer: carries blood away from the liver back to the heart and lungs 
What does the hepatic artery do? correct answer: carries oxygenated blood to the liver 
How many functions does the liver have? correct answer: 500 
What's the largest inter...