Appalachian State University
Latest uploads at Appalachian State University. Looking for notes at Appalachian State University? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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Latest notes & summaries Appalachian State University
Goes over nomenclature, reactions and mechanisms of alcohols.
explains radicals and how they work, shows some common radical mechanisms
explains how to determine acidity and defines acidity in 2 ways. diagrams how to assess stability of an acid's conjugate base.
Explains IUPAC nomenclature of alkanes, including how to name their substituents. Shows common conformations of ethane, propane, butane and cyclohexane along with their Newman projections and energy diagrams.
Shows 12 different mechanisms of reactions with alkenes, including how they are made. defines terms and provides reactants for each reaction.
Shows 12 different mechanisms of reactions with alkynes, including how alkynes are made. defines terms and provides reactants for each reaction.
includes some review of general chemistry topics and introduces what will be covered in organic. includes functional groups, a reaction masterlist, and several important key terms and concepts.
explains how chemical mechanisms work and shows diagrams with mechanism arrows drawn. Explains and diagrams 4 key mechanisms and defines key terms needed to understand mechanisms.
covers isomerism, goes into detail about how to identify stereoisomers of a compound. defines several key terms and has examples drawn out and explained. explains how chirality works and shows several examples
Notes taken on substitution and elimination reactions. Includes mechanisms, definitions, and reaction schemes for each type of reaction. Covers SN1, SN2, E1 and E2 reactions.