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5 éléments

Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari - Part 4: The Scientific Revolution

0x  vendu

This is a comprehensive summary of the fourth part of the book Sapiens: A History of Humankind. It covers each chapter with distinct subtitles, making it easy to navigate. I created this summary while reading the book, making it ideal for those looking for a quick overview. It's also available as part of a complete book summary bundle.

i x
  •  Book & Paket-Deal
  • Resume
  •  • 12 pages • 
  • par pepijnbedert • 
  • publié  05-07-2024
Aperçu Rapide
i x

Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari - Part 3: The Unification of Humankind

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This is a comprehensive summary of the third part of the book Sapiens: A History of Humankind. It covers each chapter with distinct subtitles, making it easy to navigate. I created this summary while reading the book, making it ideal for those looking for a quick overview. It's also available as part of a complete book summary bundle.

i x
  •  Book & Paket-Deal
  • Resume
  •  • 7 pages • 
  • par pepijnbedert • 
  • publié  05-07-2024
Aperçu Rapide
i x

Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari - Part 2: The Agricultural Revolution

0x  vendu

This is a comprehensive summary of the second part of the book Sapiens: A History of Humankind. It covers each chapter with distinct subtitles, making it easy to navigate. I created this summary while reading the book, making it ideal for those looking for a quick overview. It's also available as part of a complete book summary bundle.

i x
  •  Book & Paket-Deal
  • Resume
  •  • 5 pages • 
  • par pepijnbedert • 
  • publié  05-07-2024
Aperçu Rapide
i x

Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari - Part 1: The Cognitive Revolution

0x  vendu

This is a comprehensive summary of the first part of the book Sapiens: A History of Humankind. It covers each chapter with distinct subtitles, making it easy to navigate. I created this summary while reading the book, making it ideal for those looking for a quick overview. It's also available as part of a complete book summary bundle.

i x
  •  Book & Paket-Deal
  • Resume
  •  • 5 pages • 
  • par pepijnbedert • 
  • publié  05-07-2024
Aperçu Rapide
i x