Side Effects - Usually mild-moderate and may be transient of the entire time you take the drug.
Nurse Assessment for medication - feelings/thought about meds, possible reasons for non-
adherence, medication reconciliation, reactions, allergies, side effects
Nursing Intervention - Question an order that conflicts with your assessment, Nurse makes
"PRN" decisions, consider vitals signs, labs, value, diagnostics, educate patient/family, obey 7
rights, document
Evaluation - Know target symptoms to measure the efficiency of drug, minimize side
effects/prevent adverse reactions when possible, determine barriers to continued adherence to
prescribe drugs
General Teaching points on drugs - names/purpose, route/store/disposal, time/dosage/duration,
lifestyle changes, dietary/drug interactions, forgotten dosage, possible adverse effects,
monitoring needed, travel, financial aspects, cultural considerations, importance of being
compliant, precautions, stopping drug
Paradoxical effect - a unique response, usually the opposite of intended effect
Idiosyncratic - unusual unexpected
Safety measures - 1) Must have 2 legal identifiers (State Full name and DOB 2) The 7 rights of
medication administering
7 rights of medication administration - Right drug, right dose, right patient, right route, right time,
right reason, right documentation
Medication order must include - Drug name, dose to be given, route to be given, frequency. e.g.
Acetemetophin 500mg PO TID
Drug Classifications - Chemical, Therapeutic, Physiologic
Chemical - By the active ingredient and how it acts in the body e.g. morphine classified as an
Therapeutic - By how it is used to treat specific condition e.g. morphine is an analgesic