S12 Certificate of Fitness Sprinkler
UPDATED Actual Questions and
Buildings ( - Shall be inspected (how often) the building owner shall ensure that all
areas of the building containing water-filled piping shall be maintained at a minimum
temperature of 40°F and not exposed to freezing conditions - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔-
When the pump is in operation a small water leak on the pump bearings is desirable and
should not be considered a malfunction. Additionally, water should discharge from a ----
relief valve (electric pump) or --- exchanger (diesel pump) while the fire pump is operating
under a "no-flow" condition. - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔- circulation /heat
A sprinkler system is a - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔- fire extinguishing system, other than a
water mist system, that utilizes water as the extinguishing agent.
Inspection, testing, servicing and other maintenance of sprinkler systems must be -
CORRECT ANSWER✔✔- personally supervised and be performed in accordance with
NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) #25 2011 edition.
All multiple dwellings, factories, office buildings, warehouses, stores and offices, theaters
and music halls, hospitals and asylums, and all public schools and other public buildings,
churches and other places where large numbers of persons are congregated for purposes of
worship, instruction, amusement, and all piers, bulkheads, wharves, pier sheds, bulkhead
sheds or other waterfront structures shall provide - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔- fire
extinguishers, buckets, axes, fire hooks, fire doors and other means of preventing and
extinguishing fires as the commissioner may direct.
Required fire protection systems shall be extended or altered as necessary to maintain and
continued protection whenever - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔- the building or structure is
altered. Systems not complying with this section shall be considered to be impaired.
It shall be unlawful to install or maintain any fire protection system or device that has -
CORRECT ANSWER✔✔- the physical appearance of fire protection equipment but that
does not perform a fire protection function where it may be confused with actual fire
,protection equipment. An example would be a CCTV camera that is installed inside a shell
that resembles a sprinkler head
1. Automatic and non-automatic sprinkler systems shall be inspected, tested and maintained
as required by NFPA #25 2011 edition by a competent person holding a S-12 Certificate of
Fitness and employed or contracted by the owner, to see that all parts of the system are in
good working order, and that the Fire Department connection(s), if any, are ready for
immediate use by the Fire Department. A detailed record shall be kept on the premises or
other approved location, for a minimum of 3 years for examination by any representative of
the Fire Department. - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔-
2.A supply of at least six extra sprinkler heads shall be kept available on the premises, to
replace promptly any fused or damaged sprinklers. Any head which has opened or has been
damaged shall be replaced immediately with sprinkler head of similar characteristics such as
operating temperature, orifice size, deflector orientation and thermal sensitivity. - CORRECT
3. At least once every five years, the Fire Department connection or connections for a
sprinkler system shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test to demonstrate its suitability
for Fire Department use. The test shall be arranged to be conducted by a Master Fire
Suppression Piping Contractor in the presence of a Fire Department representative.
The contractor shall be hired by the owner or the owner's representative. - CORRECT
4.There shall be one or more employees or individuals contracted by the owner with a
Certificate of Fitness to inspect the sprinkler system following the standard of the NFPA 25 of
Automatic and non-automatic sprinkler systems shall be inspected, tested and maintained as
required by NFPA #25 2011 edition by - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔- competent person
holding a S-12 Certificate of Fitness and employed or contracted by the owner, to see that all
parts of the system are in good working order, and that the Fire Department connection(s), if
any, are ready for immediate use by the Fire Department.
,A detailed record shall be kept on the premises or other approved location, for a minimum of
- CORRECT ANSWER✔✔- 3 years for examination by any representative of the Fire
A supply of at least----extra sprinkler heads shall be kept available on the premises, to replace
promptly any fused or damaged sprinklers. - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔- 6
Any head which has ----or has been----1. shall be replaced immediately with sprinkler head
of similar characteristics such as operating temperature, orifice size, deflector orientation and
thermal sensitivity. - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔- opened/damaged
At least once every ---- years - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔- Fire Department connection or
connections for a sprinkler system shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test to
demonstrate its suitability for Fire Department use.
At least once every five years, the Fire Department connection or connections for a sprinkler
system shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test to demonstrate its suitability for Fire
Department use. The test shall be arranged to be conducted by a ----by a----The contractor
shall be hired by----- - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔- Master Fire Suppression Piping
Contractor/1. a Fire Department representative/the owner or the owner's representative.
There shall be---more employees or individuals contracted by the owner with a----Certificate
of Fitness 1. inspect the sprinkler system following the standard of the NFPA 25 of 2011. -
It shall be the -----'s responsibility to maintain the sprinkler system and to determine the
individual qualifications and competencies of the COF holder that performs the functions
related to inspection, testing and maintenance of such system. - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔-
The building owner shall assign an ----to comply with the requirements of study material. -
CORRECT ANSWER✔✔- impairment coordinator
, The impairment coordinator shall take the action(s) when - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔- a
standpipe system, sprinkler system or fire alarm system is out of service.
The impairment coordinator shall maintain records of all - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔-
system inspections, tests, servicing and other items of maintenance
The impairment coordinator's records of system inspections, tests, servicing and other items
of maintenance shall be kept on the premises or other approved location for a minimum of ---
and made available for inspection by any member of---- - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔- 3
In absence of a specific designee,the ---shall be considered the impairment coordinator. -
CORRECT ANSWER✔✔- building owner
Planned removal from service: When the system, or a portion of the sprinkler system, is
placed out of service for a scheduled inspection, testing, regular maintenance, minor repairs
or for construction affecting not more than 1 floor, the ---- and ----of and authorize the
placing of the system out of service. - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔- COF holder/impairment
Unplanned out of service condition - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔- A serious defect in the
sprinkler system including, but not limited to: an empty tank, a break or major leak in the
system's water piping, inoperative or shut water supply valves, defective fire department
connections, construction related shut downs affecting more than one floor, or complete or
partial shut downs of the sprinkler system, other than a shut down for a planned removal from
When a Fire Protection system is out of service fire watch personnel must: - CORRECT
ANSWER✔✔- • Continuously patrol the area affected by the out-of-service fire protection
system to which such person has been assigned, keeping constant watch for fires.
• Be provided with at least one approved means for notification of the Fire Department and
emergency preparedness staff.
• Immediately report any fire to the Fire Department and notify emergency preparedness staff
on premises.