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Essentials of Strength Training and
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j Conditioning 4th Edition Haff Test Bank
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, Essentials jof jStrength jTraining jand jConditioning j4th jEdition jHaff jTest jBank
1. The jpelvis jis jlocated to jthe jpatella.
a. inferior
b. medial
*c. jsuperior
d. jlateral
2. Which jof jthe jfollowing jis jthe jsmallest jcontractile junit jof jskeletal jmuscle?
a. myosin
*b. jsarcomere
c. jepimysium
3. Which jof jthe jfollowing jdescribes jType jIjmuscle jfibers?
a. inefficient jand jeasily jfatigable
b. rapid jforce jdevelopment jcapabilities
c. high jmyosin jATPase jactivity
*d. jfatigue jresistant jwith jhigh jaerobic jenergy jsupply
, Essentials jof jStrength jTraining jand jConditioning j4th jEdition jHaff jTest jBank
4. Which jof jthe jfollowing jdescribes jthe jflow jof jblood?
*a. jright jatrium, jright jventricle, jlungs, jleft jatrium, jleft jventricle, jbody
b. left jventricle, jleft jatrium, jbody, jright jventricle, jright jatrium, jlungs
c. body, jright jventricle, jleft jventricle, jlungs, jright jatrium, jleft jatrium
d. right jventricle, jright jatrium, jbody, jleft jventricle, jleft jatrium, jlungs
5. On javerage, jhow jmany jtimes jper jminute jdoes jthe jSA jnode jdischarge jat jrest?
a. j10-30
b. j35-55
*c. j60-80
d. j85-105
6. Which jof jthe jfollowing jare jthe jtwo jmain jdivisions jof jthe jskeletal jsystem?
a. upper jand jlower jbody
*b. jappendicular jand jaxial
c. jmedial jand jlateral
d. jendergonic jand jexergonic
7. Some jof jthe jhighest jbone jmineral jdensities jhave jbeen jseen jin jwhich jof jthe jfollowing jtypes jof
*a. jgymnasts
b. cross-country jskiers
c. swimmers
d. field jhockey jplayers
, Essentials jof jStrength jTraining jand jConditioning j4th jEdition jHaff jTest jBank
8. What jjoint jcomprises jthe jankle jand jwrist jjoints?
a. hyaline
b. multiaxial
*c. jbiaxial
d. jsimple
9. Which jof jthe jfollowing jis jthe jorder jof jthe jphases jof ja jmuscle jcontraction?
a. contraction, jrelaxation, jexcitation-contraction jcoupling, jrecharge, jresting
b. excitation-contraction jcoupling, jrelaxation, jcontraction, jresting, jrecharge
*c. jresting, jexcitation-contraction jcoupling, jcontraction, jrecharge, jrelaxation
d. jrelaxation, jrecharge, jexcitation-contraction jcoupling, jresting, jcontraction
10. The jchronotropic jeffect jis jcaused jby jstimulation jof jthe nervous jsystem
jand jcauses jthe jheart jrate jto .
a. parasympathetic; jdecrease
b. parasympathetic; jincrease
c. sympathetic; jdecrease
*d. jsympathetic; jincrease
1. Two jindividuals jof jthe jsame jbody jmass jare jlifting jweights. jAssuming jall jother jfactors jto jbe
jequal, jthe jperson jwith jtendons jinserted jon jthe jbone the jjoint jcenter jshould jbe
jable jto jlift weight.
a. closer jto; ja jheavier
b. medial jto; jless
c. laterally jto; jless
*d. jfarther jfrom; ja jheavier