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Essentials of Strength Training and
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, Essentials rof rStrength rTraining rand rConditioning r4th rEdition rHaff rTest rBank
1. The rpelvis ris rlocated to rthe rpatella.
a. inferior
b. medial
*c. rsuperior
d. rlateral
2. Which rof rthe rfollowing ris rthe rsmallest rcontractile runit rof rskeletal rmuscle?
a. myosin
*b. rsarcomere
c. repimysium
3. Which rof rthe rfollowing rdescribes rType rI rmuscle rfibers?
a. inefficient rand reasily rfatigable
b. rapid rforce rdevelopment rcapabilities
c. high rmyosin rATPase ractivity
*d. rfatigue rresistant rwith rhigh raerobic renergy rsupply
, Essentials rof rStrength rTraining rand rConditioning r4th rEdition rHaff rTest rBank
4. Which rof rthe rfollowing rdescribes rthe rflow rof rblood?
*a. rright ratrium, rright rventricle, rlungs, rleft ratrium, rleft rventricle, rbody
b. left rventricle, rleft ratrium, rbody, rright rventricle, rright ratrium, rlungs
c. body, rright rventricle, rleft rventricle, rlungs, rright ratrium, rleft ratrium
d. right rventricle, rright ratrium, rbody, rleft rventricle, rleft ratrium, rlungs
5. On raverage, rhow rmany rtimes rper rminute rdoes rthe rSA rnode rdischarge rat rrest?
a. r10-30
b. r35-55
*c. r60-80
d. r85-105
6. Which rof rthe rfollowing rare rthe rtwo rmain rdivisions rof rthe rskeletal rsystem?
a. upper rand rlower rbody
*b. rappendicular rand raxial
c. rmedial rand rlateral
d. rendergonic rand rexergonic
7. Some rof rthe rhighest rbone rmineral rdensities rhave rbeen rseen rin rwhich rof rthe rfollowing rtypes rof
*a. rgymnasts
b. cross-country rskiers
c. swimmers
d. field rhockey rplayers
, Essentials rof rStrength rTraining rand rConditioning r4th rEdition rHaff rTest rBank
8. What rjoint rcomprises rthe rankle rand rwrist rjoints?
a. hyaline
b. multiaxial
*c. rbiaxial
d. rsimple
9. Which rof rthe rfollowing ris rthe rorder rof rthe rphases rof ra rmuscle rcontraction?
a. contraction, rrelaxation, rexcitation-contraction rcoupling, rrecharge, rresting
b. excitation-contraction rcoupling, rrelaxation, rcontraction, rresting, rrecharge
*c. rresting, rexcitation-contraction rcoupling, rcontraction, rrecharge, rrelaxation
d. rrelaxation, rrecharge, rexcitation-contraction rcoupling, rresting, rcontraction
10. The rchronotropic reffect ris rcaused rby rstimulation rof rthe nervous rsystem
rand rcauses rthe rheart rrate rto .
a. parasympathetic; rdecrease
b. parasympathetic; rincrease
c. sympathetic; rdecrease
*d. rsympathetic; rincrease
1. Two rindividuals rof rthe rsame rbody rmass rare rlifting rweights. rAssuming rall rother rfactors rto rbe
requal, rthe rperson rwith rtendons rinserted ron rthe rbone the rjoint rcenter rshould rbe
rable rto rlift weight.
a. closer rto; ra rheavier
b. medial rto; rless
c. laterally rto; rless
*d. rfarther rfrom; ra rheavier