Electrical Wiring Commercial
v v
18th Edition by Phil Simmons
v v v v v
Complete Chapters By Ascorers
v v v v
(Ch 1 to 21)
v v v v
** All Chapters included
v v v
,Solution and Answer Guide v v v
SIMMONS/ODE, v ELECTRICAL v WIRING v COMMERCIAL, v 18E v © v 2024, v9780357767115; v CHAPTER
Note vto vinstructor: vIt vis vrecommended vthat vstudents vbe vrequired vto vrespond, vwhere
appropriate, v with vanswers vthat vare vcomplete vsentences.
Refer vto vthe vNational vElectrical vCode vor vthe vworking vdrawings vwhen vnecessary. vWhere
applicable, v responses v should v be vwritten vin vcomplete vsentences.
1. What vsection vof va vcommercial vbuilding’s vspecification vcontains va vlist vof
vcontract v
Answer: vA vlist vof vthe vcontract vdocuments vis vcontained vin vGeneral vClauses vand
vConditions. v A vlisting vof vthe vCommercial v Building v contract vdocuments vis v presented vin
vthis vchapter vunder vthe vheading v“Commercial vBuilding vPlans.” vThe vinstructor vmay
vwishv to vhave vthe vstudents vcheck vover vthis vlisting vand vcompare vit vwith vthe vplans
2. The v requirement v for v temporary v light v and v power v at v the v job v site v will v be v found v in
v what vportion v of v a v commercial v building’s v specification?
Answer: vThe vSupplementary vGeneral vConditions vspecifies vthe vjob vsite vrequirements
vfor v
temporary vlight vand vpower. vIn vsome vcontracts, vthis velectrical vsystem vbecomes
vthe v responsibility vof v the vgeneral vcontractor; v in vother v contracts, vit vis vthe velectrical
vcontractor’s vresponsibility vto vinstall vand vmaintain vthe vtemporary velectrical vsystem.
vThev instructor vmay v wish vto vrefer vthe vstudent vto vNEC vArticle v590 v and v discuss vthe
vrequirements v in v detail.
,3. The v electrician v uses v the v Schedule v of v Working v Drawings vfor v what v purpose?
Answer: v The v electrician v uses v the v Schedule v of v Working v Drawings v to v determine
v whether vall v of v the v drawings v are v at v hand. v The v information v on v “the v other v sheets”
v may v be v very vimportant, v especially v in v coordinating v with v other v contractors.
4. Complete vthe vfollowing vitems vby vindicating vthe vletter(s) vdesignating vthe
vcorrect v
source(s) vof vinformation:
No. Answer Item Information
4. Sections Ceiling vheight Sections, v Sheet v A6
5. Electrical Electrical Electrical vsymbol vschedule, vChapter v2,
vsymbol v receptaclevstyle Figure v 2–6
6. Electrical Electrical v outlet Electrical v layout v drawings, v Sheets
vlayout vlocation v El, vE2, v and v E3
7. Elevations Exterior vwall vfinishes Elevations, v Sheets v A4 v and vA5
8. Site v plan Grading velevations Site vplan, vSheet vA4
9. Electrical Panelboard v schedules Electrical vlayout vdrawings, vSheet vE4
10. Architectural Room v width Architectural v floor v plan, v Sheets v Al,
vfloor vplan v A2, vand v A3
11. Architectural Swing v of v door Architectural v floor v plan, v Sheets v Al, v A2,
vfloor vplan and vA3
12. Sections View vof vinterior vwall Sections, v Sheet v A6
Match v the v items v on v the v left v with v those v on v the v right v by v writing v the v letter
v designation v ofvthe v appropriate v organization v from v the v list v on v the v right.
13. NEC Electrical vCode National v Electrical v Code v (NEC)
14. IAEI Electrical vinspectors International vAssociation vof
Inspectors v(IAEI)
, 15. NFPA Fire vcodes National vFire vProtection vAssociation
16. IESNA Lighting vinformation Illuminating vEngineering vSociety vof
North vAmerica v (IESNA)
17. UL Listing v service Underwriters v Laboratories, v Inc. v (UL)
18. NEMA Manufacturers’ National vElectrical
vstandards vManufacturers vAssociation v(NEMA)
19. PE Seal Professional vEngineer v(PE)
Match v the v items v on v the v left v with v those v on v the v right v by v writing v the v letter
v designation v ofvthe v proper v level v of v NEC v interpretation v from v the v list v on v the v right.
20. with vspecial Allowed vby vthe vCode Shall vbe vpermitted, vor vShall vnot vbe
v required, vNEC
21. with vspecial May v be v done Shall v be v permitted, v or v Shall v not
v v bevrequired, v NEC
22. shall Must v be v done Shall, v National v Electrical v Code
23. shall Required v by v the v Code Shall, v National v Electrical v Code
24. never Up vto vthe velectrician Shall vbe vpermitted, vor vShall vnot vbe
required, vNEC
25. Find v NEC v 250.52(A)(5) v and v record v the v first v four v words.
Answer: vThe vfirst vfour vwords vof vNEC v250.52(A)(5) vare vRod vand vpipe velectrodes.
Show vrequired vconversion vcalculations vfor vproblem v26 vand vproblem v27.
26. Luminaire vstyle vF vis vfour vfeet vlong. vThe vlength vin vSI vunits, vas vspecified vby vthe vNEC, vis
Answer: vThe vlength vin vSI vunits vis v1.22 vm; v4 vft v× v0.3048 vm/ft v= v1.2192 vm. vAs vwill vbe
vdiscussed vlater, vthis vluminaire vis vnow vcalled va v4 vby v2 vor vthe vequivalent v1200 vby v600
metric vterms. vThis vquestion vassumes vthat vthe vluminaire vis vexactly v4 vft vlong.
27. The vgross varea vof vthe vdrugstore vbasement vis v1395 vsquare vfeet. vThe varea vin
vsquare v
meters vis
Answer: v The v area v in v SI v units v is v 129.7 v sq. v m; v 1395 v sq. v ft v × v 0.093 v sq. v m/sq. v ft v = v 129.7
v sq. vm.