Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
Volume 2022, Article ID 3773883, 11 pages
Research Article
A Cloud-Based Machine Learning Approach to Reduce Noise in
ECG Arrhythmias for Smart Healthcare Services
Paras Jain ,1 Walaa F. Alsanie,2,3 Dulio Oseda Gago,4 Gilder Cieza Altamirano,5
Rafaél Artidoro Sandoval Núñez,5 Ali Rizwan ,6 and Simon Atuah Asakipaam 7
School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT Bhopal University, Kothrikalan, Sehore, Madhya Pradesh 466114, India
Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences, The Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia
Centre of Biomedical Sciences Research (CBSR), Deanship of Scientific Research, Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Chota, Cajamarca, Peru
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
Tamale Technical University, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Tamale, Ghana
Correspondence should be addressed to Simon Atuah Asakipaam; simonasakipaam@gmail.com
Received 25 March 2022; Revised 17 April 2022; Accepted 5 May 2022; Published 28 June 2022
Academic Editor: Arpit Bhardwaj
Copyright © 2022 Paras Jain et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
ECG (electrocardiogram) identifies and traces targets and is commonly employed in cardiac disease detection. It is
necessary for monitoring precise target trajectories. Estimations of ECG are nonlinear as the parameters TDEs (time
delays) and Doppler shifts are computed on receipt of echoes where EKFs (extended Kalman filters) and electrocardiogram
have not been examined for computations. ECG, certain times, results in poor accuracies and low SNRs (signal-to-noise
ratios), especially while encountering complicated environments. This work proposes to track online filter performances
while using optimization techniques to enhance outcomes with the removal of noise in the signal. The use of cost functions
can assist state corrections while lowering costs. A new parameter is optimized using IMCEHOs (Improved Mutation
Chaotic Elephant Herding Optimizations) by linearly approximating system nonlinearity where multi-iterative function
(Optimized Iterative UKFs) predicts a target’s unknown parameters. To obtain optimal solutions theoretically, multi-
iterative function takes less iteration, resulting in shorter execution times. The proposed multi-iterative function provides
numerical approximations, which are derivative-free implementations. Signals are updated in the cloud environment; the
updates are received by the patients from home. The simulation evaluation results with estimators show better per-
formances in terms of reduced NMSEs (normalized mean square errors), RMSEs (root mean squared errors), SNRs,
variances, and better accuracies than current approaches. Machine learning algorithms have been used to predict the stages
of heart disease, which is updated to the patient in the cloud environment. The proposed work has a 91.0% accuracy rate
with an error rate of 0.05% by reducing noise levels.
1. Introduction [3]. The fundamental concept of radars is similar to that of
sound wave reflection. Radars detect and locate objects by
Target identifications/tracking, management of air traffic, using electromagnetic radiation bursts. Radars can be
and remote sensing are all common uses of ECG [1, 2] where classified in a variety of ways, but categorized into eleven
transmitters send signal bursts and receivers receive dis- groups based on their functionality and primary charac-
persed versions of those signals. The scattering of signals is teristics [4].
measured using TDEs and Doppler shifts in received signals, Generic pulse radars play a prominent role in ECG
and the target’s range and radial velocities are computed. where they emit a series of short-duration rectangular pulses
These measurements are employed as measurements in ECG in repeated patterns. Pulse radars can be divided into two
, 2 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
categories, namely, radars with MTYIs (moving target in- 2. Literature Review
dications) and radars with pulse Doppler. Both these types
employ Doppler frequency shift, which works with in- Singh et al. [4] in their study proposed nonlinear esti-
coming signals to find a moving target. The TDEs and mations based on sparse KLMSs (Kernel Least Mean
Doppler shift are used to calculate measures such as range Squares). Their scheme used adaptive kernel width op-
and radial velocity based on these two kinds. Difficulties in timizations for reducing computational complexities and
calculating TDEs between received signals of same trans- easier implementations [17]. The study used modulated
mitters are known as TDEs [5] where computing these and orthogonal frequency division multiplexed radar
parameters is critical for detecting targets with radar’s signals where Cramér–Rao lower bounds were con-
transmitters. These received echoes are referenced with structed for their proposed estimations. Target ranges
signals by the usage of filters to estimate TDEs and assure were estimated by Singh et al. [18] where unique iterative
target recognitions. nonlinear KLMSs estimations were used. Their scheme
New techniques in nonlinear estimation [6, 7] such as when compared with FTs (Fourier Transforms) based
KLMSs (Kernel Least Mean Squares) have been developed estimation in simulations showed KLMSs converged with
that are efficient in estimating TDEs and Doppler shifts. reduced MSEs. KLMSs have significant limitations in
Employing representational theorems and iterative esti- assessments on characteristics including kernel widths,
mation of nonlinearity between unknown parameters, step sizes, and dictionary threshold values, and when
RKHSs (Reproducing Kernel Hilbert’s Spaces), are used to these parameters are run on specified ranges, they yield
return signals while using KLMS estimators to estimate suitable values [19].
nonlinearity. The LMS approach in RKHSs is used to Kulikov and Kulikova [20] suggested accurate con-
adaptively update the parameters that have been tinuous-discrete EKFs based on ODEs (ordinary differ-
determined. ential equations) with global error controls. They
EKFs and UKFs are nonlinear estimators that are often compared their proposed scheme with continuous-dis-
employed in radar measurements and have been examined crete cubature and UKFs using seven-dimensional radar
for tracking objects in radar measurements [8, 9]. Specific tracking where aeroplanes made coordinated turns [21].
uses of synthetic aperture radars are as follows: Kalman The study proved the worthiness of nonlinear filtering
filter’s variant MCKFs (Modified Convolution Kernel techniques in their tests by using them for actual target
Functions) [10] assessed parameters of returning LFMSs tracking; however, their accurate continuous-discrete
(Linear Frequency Modulated Signals) in certain cases [10]. EKFs were found to be versatile and resilient in their tests
TDEs and Doppler shifts in target tracing applications are [22]. It could successfully address air traffic control situ-
estimated using EKFs and UKFs, which have not been ations for diverse data and variety of sample times without
studied in detail. any manual adjustments.
Rather than producing linear models, they approach Gu et al. [23] suggested multicomponent LFMS pa-
nonlinear systems using first-order linearization, which rameter estimations based on MCKFs. The suggested
results in linear models [11]. Because of their weak accuracy scheme was quicker as there were no searching operations,
and stability in difficult situations with low SNRs and heavy- reduced external influences, and lowered computing bur-
tailed clutters, they are unable to distinguish between targets dens [24]. Furthermore, it was resistant to additive noises.
with high certainty. In addition, improved EKFs and UKFs Their suggested strategy was supported by simulated and
assess systems in their nonlinear true forms, which aids in real-world data. On the other hand, EKFs and UKFs have
the estimation of reliable parameter estimations even in not been used to estimate the TDEs and Doppler shift for
challenging contexts [12]. It should be noted that the goal of target tracking.
IEKFs is to seek for superior linearization that is suitable for For global optimization issues, Ibrahim et al. [25] pre-
severe nonlinearities rather than to repair linearization er- sented SKFs (Simulated Kalman Filters), a population-based
rors directly [13]. They are a logical extension of EKFs, which metaheuristic optimization, based on Kalman filter esti-
combine NLSs (nonlinear least squares) with GNs to form a mations. State estimations were treated as optimization is-
new class of EKFs known as IEKFs (Gaussian Newton). sues where SKF agents were Kalman filters. A population
Using optimization approaches, this work offers a agent using a typical Kalman filter framework to solve
multi-iterative function for monitoring filter perfor- optimization issues comprised simulated measurement
mances in real time and striving to enhance them as much procedures [26]. Their findings from SKF were compared
as possible. The usage of cost functions might help you with other metaheuristic algorithms using statistical analysis
keep track of state corrections and save money [14]. The where findings revealed that the suggested SKF algorithm
optimization of a new parameter is carried out using was a promising technique that outperformed various well-
MCEHOs, which approximate the nonlinearity of the known metaheuristic algorithms such as GAs (Genetic
system, and multi-iterative function, which estimates the Algorithms), PSOs (Particle Swarm Optimizations), BHAs
unknown parameters of a target [16]. In order to optimise (Black Hole Algorithms), and GWOs (Grey Wolf Opti-
the underlying cost functions, a multi-iterative function mizers) [27].
technique based on the MCEHOs approach is used. As Nonlinear estimators based on KLMSs were proposed
proven by the simulation findings, this research is able to by Singh et al. [18], and they outperformed traditional
obtain higher levels of accuracy. estimators. KLMSs estimators have poor selections of