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NSG 6020 Week 1 Quiz - Question and Answers

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NSG 6020 Quiz 1. Building a Comprehensive Health History 1. When recording assessments during the construction of the problem-oriented medical record, the examiner should: 2. What finding is unique to the documentation of a physical examination of an infant? 3. The quality of a symptom, such as pain, is subjective information that should be: 4. When communicating with older children & teenagers, you should be sensitive to their: 5. J.M. has been seen in your clinic for 5 years. Sh...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 4 pages • 
  • by MuithyaD • 
  • uploaded  10-02-2021
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NSG 6020 and Answers A GRADED Respiratory - Question

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The anterior surface landmark on the thorax that is denoted by a hollow U-shaped depression just above the sternum and betweenthe clavicles is termed the Increased anteroposterior diameter of the chest, purse-lipped breathing, and dyspnea with talking, suggest The line that extends through the inferior angle of the scapula when the arms are at the sides of the body is the The lower tip of the scapula is located Stridor heard louder in the neck than over the chest wall indicates A 37-year-ol...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 6 pages • 
  • by MuithyaD • 
  • uploaded  10-02-2021
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NSG 6020 Cardiovascular Disorders - Q and Answers

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In order to bring the ventricular apex closer to the chest wall when assessing the point of maximal impulse (PMI), ask the patient to: The tonsillar, submandibular, and submental nodes drain the lymphatic fluid from portions of the When screening a patient for peripheral arterial disease (PAD), one risk factor would include a history of Heart sounds produced by turbulence due to a temporary increase in blood flow in predisposing conditions, such as hyperthyroidism, is considered A patient co...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 5 pages • 
  • by MuithyaD • 
  • uploaded  10-02-2021
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NSG 6005 Test Bank EXAM A+

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1.For which of the following patients would a comprehensive health history be appropriate? 2.The components of the health history include all of the following except which one? 3.Is the following information subjective or objective? Mr. M. has shortness of breath that has persisted for the past 10 days; it is worse with activity and relieved by rest. 4. Is the following information subjective or objective? Mr. M. has a respiratory rate of 32 and a pulse rate of 1...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 4 pages • 
  • by MuithyaD • 
  • uploaded  09-02-2021
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NSG 6005 Midterm Exam A+

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NSG 6005 Midterm Exam Test Bank 1. The first-line treatment for cough related to a upper respiratory infection in a five-year-old is: 2. Pregnant patients with asthma may safely use ____ throughout their pregnancies. 3. A stepwise approach to the pharmacologic management of asthma: 4. Infants with reflux are initially treated with: 5. Many patients self-medicate with antacids. Which patients should be counseled to not take calcium carbonate antacids without discussing with their p...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 6 pages • 
  • by MuithyaD • 
  • uploaded  09-02-2021
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NSG 6005 Final Exam 2

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NSG 6005 Final Exam 1. An ACE inhibitor and what other class of drug may reduce proteinuria in patients with diabetes better than either drug alone? 2. Adam has type I diabetes and plays tennis for his university. He exhibits knowledge deficit about his insulin and his diagnosis. He should be taught that: 3. Age is a factor in different responses to pain. Which of the following age-related statements about pain is not true? 4. Alterations in drug metabolism among Asians may lead to: ...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 18 pages • 
  • by MuithyaD • 
  • uploaded  09-02-2021
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NSG 6005 Final Exam 1 A+

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NSG6005 Final Questions The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates: Nurse practitioner prescriptive authority is regulated by: Electronic health records (EHRs) Alterations in drug metabolism among Asians may lead to Pharmacokinetics among Asians are universal to all the Asian ethnic groups. Gender differences between men and women in pharmacokinetics include: The factor that has the greatest effect on males developing male sexual characteris...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 5 pages • 
  • by MuithyaD • 
  • uploaded  09-02-2021
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NURS 6550 Midterm Exam 1. The AGACNP is caring for a patient who is quite ill and has developed, among other things, a large right sided pleural effusion. Thoracentesis is sent for pleural fluid analysis. While evaluating the fluid analysis, the AGACNP knows that a fluid identified as a(n) __________ is the least worrisome type. 2. Mrs. Miller is transported to the emergency department by paramedics. She is having profound, unremitting chest pain, is diaphoretic and pale. She has...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 15 pages • 
  • by MuithyaD • 
  • uploaded  09-02-2021
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NRNP 6541N Midterm Exam 1 (Summer)

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NRNP 6541 Midterm Exam 1. Which of the following statements regarding adolescent substance use is true? 2. You see a 4-year-old for a well-child visit. He has received four diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccines (DTaP); three injected polio vaccines (IPV); one measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR); one varicella vaccine; and two hepatitis B (Hep B) vaccines. What do you order today? 3. The parents of a 7-year-old are concerned their son does not want to attend school....

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 3 pages • 
  • by MuithyaD • 
  • uploaded  09-02-2021
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NURS 6550 Final Exam 2 A+

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NURS 6550 Final Exam 1. A 21-year-old woman requests hormonal emergency contraception after a condom break during intercourse approximately 16 hours ago. Today is day 14 of her normally 27–29 day menstrual cycle. You advise her that: 2. A quality improvement plan characterized by limiting variability and removing defects in a process best describes: 3. A 38-year-old woman comes to the emergency department complaining of a rapid heartbeat, tremors, and chest tightness. She reports earl...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 40 pages • 
  • by MuithyaD • 
  • uploaded  09-02-2021
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