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3 Avis reçus

    6 mois de cela melihcaliskan

    Marketing de essentie - samenvatting

    Review Writer Avatar

    Par: klaartjehellebaut • 6 mois de cela

    Hey Melihcaliskan, I just wanted to ask why I'm getting a bad review for this summary. I myself got a good grade in this course and already helped a few other students who were very satisfied with this summary. Furthermore, all the information can be found in the description... including which edition of the book I used, a few example pages and the fact that the summary contains' almost 'everything, but is not complete, is also in my reference. I would love to hear from you!

    6 mois de cela stefsnyers

    Burgerlijk Recht - samenvatting

    Review Writer Avatar

    Par: klaartjehellebaut • 6 mois de cela

    Glad I was able to help!

    6 mois de cela noahnsabimana

    Marketing de essentie - samenvatting

13 éléments

Praktisch Economisch Recht - samenvatting

2x  vendu

Praktisch Economisch Recht - samenvatting VIVES Hogeschool 2023 Referenties van het handboek: Praktisch Economisch recht – Basisbeginselen (editie 2022) Uitgeverij VAN IN (De Boeck) Gerda Ghysels, Jan Roodhooft

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  • Resume
  •  • 36 pages • 
  • par klaartjehellebaut • 
  • publié  30-12-2023
Aperçu Rapide
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