What percent of the adults infected with HBV recoer completely and do not become
chronically infected? - Answer- 95%
How many stomach points are on the chest? - Answer- 12
How many KD meridian points are on the lower abdomen? - Answer- 12
The stages of the 6 stages are : tai yang, yang ming, shao yang, tai yin, shao yin, jue
yin - Answer- tai yang, yang ming, shao yang, tai yin, shao yin, jue yin
How would you insert a needle on GV20? - Answer- .5 to 1 cun transverse insertion
How many cun is the spinal canal from the skin surface when needling GV points
between the vertebrae? - Answer- 1.25 & 1.75 cun
What is the distance between the jing river points of the foot yang ming meridian and
the lower He sea points of the Large Intestine? - Answer- 10 cun
OSHA recommend that Hep B vaccins be made available to all heaalth care workers
within how many days from initial employments: - Answer- 10 Days
Incubation for HAV is - Answer- 10-50 days. Typically 28 days.
What is the distance between the greater trochanter and the popliteal crease? -
Answer- 19 cun
At what angle and depth should cv22 be needled? - Answer- 1st puncture
perpendicularly, .2 cun, then needle tip down, long posterior aspect of sternum, .5 to
1. cun
The height of the patella is - Answer- 2 cun
How many small intestine points are on the entire neck? - Answer- 2 points, x
bilaterally = 4
BL6 is located where? - Answer- 2.5 cun within the anterior hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to
the midline
What is the dsitance between the he-sea points of the foot yang ming, and lower he
sea points of Large Intestine? - Answer- 3 cun (aci)
Which needles are best for electroacupuncture? Size: - Answer- 32 guage
GB38 is located - Answer- 4 ACI superior to the lateral malleolus, at the border of the
fibula, on outside of leg.
,In direct exam of the ear to find ear points, the acupuncturist looks for many things:
1. change of color, 2. change of shape, 3. accumulations, 4 color that does not
change with pressure: - Answer- 4 Color that does not change upon pressure
What is the distance between the influential point of the marrow and xi cleft points of
the foot shaoyang meridian? - Answer- 4 cun
What is the discance between the he-sea and xi-cleft points of the hand taiyin
meridian? - Answer- 5 cun
What is the distance between the jing river and xi cleft points of the hand yang ming
meridian? - Answer- 5 cun .
what is the incubation for HBV? (time) - Answer- 50 - 180 days.
How many bladder meridian points on the top of the head? - Answer- 6 points x
bilateral = 12
What is the distance between the he-sea and xi clefts of the hand yang ming
meridian? - Answer- 7 cun
The incubation period for HBV is - Answer- 7 to 26 weeks
What is the incubation period for Hep B? - Answer- 7 weeks to 6 months
Which of the following is NOT true about HBV? (70% infected have no signs, OSHA
requried all employers to offer HBV, HBV vaccination consists of many shots, CDC
recommends all health care workers to get vacinated) - Answer- 70% of infected
have no signs or symptoms is FALSE.
Which forms of Hepatitis have a vaccine? - Answer- A & B
Which hep is transmitted via fecal in food and water? - Answer- A & E
What conditions is moxa and salt best used? - Answer- Abd. Pain and vomiting, and
prolonged dysentery
Which issues listed can you use ginger? Impotence, KD yang Xu, Premature Ejak,
yang Collapse, Scrofula, TB, early stages of skin cancer, Abd pain, soreness, and
pain in joints, diarehha. - Answer- Abdmn Pain, soreness and pain in joints, and
What is characterized by the yang ming meridians? - Answer- Abundant QI and
Your patient is taking Ginkgo Bilbao., What is it OK for him to take with it? - Answer-
A group of workers has the greatest risk for HBV? - Answer- Acupuncturists
,CV17, TB10, SI1, SI1, ST18, PC6 are prescription for what? - Answer- Acute
Which of the following is the best ear acupuncture point for shock? Chen men,
Occipital, Adrenal, Parasympathetic? - Answer- Adrenal
During the incubation period of HBV the infectious virus appears in all the following
but: (blood & saliva, feces and urine, tears and sweat, air particles) - Answer- Air
Cupping can be performed in all the following except: - Answer- Allergic skin
On which part of the ear is the vertebrae located? - Answer- Antihelixes
The Qi from the GV1 Luo connecting point - Answer- Ascends bilaterally to the nape
of the neck and spreads over the occipital
The endocrine point is located - Answer- at the base of the Cavum Conchae in the
inerratic notch
Which of the following is an acceptable method of sterilization? - Answer- Autoclave
Which is the accepted method of sterilization? - Answer- Autoclave
What are the two types of infection associated with Acupuncture? - Answer-
Autogenous and cross infection
How is ST9 needled? - Answer- Avoid puncturing the common carotid artery,
perpendicular insertion .5 to 1. cun
Points for hypertension headaches the acupuncturist should avoid what practice? -
Answer- Avoid strong needle stimulation
A 25 year old px has stiffness, pain and swelling of the foot, headache, and irregular
menses, what extra point should you use? - Answer- Ba Feng
Which Chinese scalp acupuncture point is located three centimeters lateral to the
external occipital protuberance, and extends downward parallel to the posterior inline
for 4 centimeters? - Answer- Balance area
When should you wash your hands? - Answer- before and after each patient contact
When should reusable needles be disinfected? - Answer- Before Sterilization. (But
who uses them?)
Your patient is taking Melatonin to help with sleeping issues. Which meds should he
consult with a Dr first? - Answer- beta Blockers, such as lopressor
, What is the location of the fire point of the foot yang ming meridian? - Answer-
Between the tendons of m. extensor digitorum longus, and hallucis longus approx at
level of the tip of the external malleolus: ST41
What is the meeting point for bones? - Answer- Bl11
A px has aversion to cold, fever and headaches, body aches, no sweating, and
superficial tight pulses? TX? - Answer- Bl12 with cupping, Lu7, Li4, GB20. Greater
Yang (tai Yang) with cold predominating.
Which tx is for chills, fever and aversion to cold, runny nose and stiff neck ? -
Answer- Bl12, GB20. LI4, LU7
PX has fever, aversion to cold, stiff neck, sweating, super low pulse. TX: - Answer-
BL12, Lu7, Li4, GB20, St36: Greater Yang (Tai Yang) with wind
Px has greater yang (tai yang) sumptoms and signs, with cold predominating. TX: -
Answer- Bl12, lu7, li4, gb20: Greater Yang (Tai Yang) with cold.
Px has greater Yang (tai yang) sumptoms and signs, with wind. TX: - Answer- BL12,
with cupping, LU7, LI4, GB20, ST36
A 6 yr old is awakened every night, between 3 and 5am, wheezing, sob, weak voice,
sweating and tight breath. T: pale and thin white moss and p: weak - Answer- BL13,
LU9, ST36
You are tx-ing a pt for depression. From which set of points would you add to the
prescription of PC6, HT7, an main, ST36, KI3, if pt has insomnia, frequent dreams,
nocturnal emissions, disorientation, temporal headache, dizziness, tinnitus, palps,
and nervous fright? - Answer- Bl15, PC4, BL23, GB20, TB23
Which of the following points is not used in a prescription for leucorrhea with white
discharge? BL23, SP9, GB26, CV3 - Answer- Bl15, PC4, BL23, GB20, TB23
What si the meetnig piont for blood? - Answer- BL17
Which point combo helps in the tx of wandering Bi? - Answer- BL17, SP10
The point prescription for fixed epigastric pain with dark stools, and pain worse on
pressure is PC6, ST36, combined with - Answer- BL17, SP6, SP4
A px has insomnia, dd/sleep, headaches, bitter taste in mouth, distended pain in the
ribs: PX: - Answer- BL18, Bl19, GB12, HT7, SP6, Extra Point an mian : Upward
Distrubance of Liver Fire
PX 45, with asthma, accompanied with wheezing, breathlessness, tightness in chest,
feeling cold, with chills, no sweating, stiff neck. P: floating and tight. Few Tx's reports
better, but asthma getting worse, w/emotional stress and has sensations of
oppression in chest and hypochondrium area. T: normal and P: wiry. TX? - Answer-
Bl18, CV17, PC6, Lr14, SP4