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Test Bank For Marketing Research An Applied Orientation 7th Edition by Naresh K. Malhotra €14,74   Ajouter au panier


Test Bank For Marketing Research An Applied Orientation 7th Edition by Naresh K. Malhotra

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Test Bank For Marketing Research An Applied Orientation 7th Edition by Naresh K. Malhotra. PART I: INTRODUCTION AND EARLY PHASES OF MARKETING RESEARCH 1. Introduction to Marketing Research 2. Defining the Marketing Research Problem and Developing an Approach PART II: RESEARCH DESIGN FORMULATION 3. ...

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Marketing iResearch: iAn iApplied iOrientation, i7e
i(Malhotra) iChapter i1 Introduction ito iMarketing


1) Boeing icommissioned iHarris iInteractive, iInc. ito iconduct ia istudy ito idetermine ithe
iaircraft ipreferences iof ifliers. i Boeing idid ithis ibecause ithey iunderstood ithe iimportance iof
icontinuously imonitoring ithe idynamic imarketplace iand iunderstanding ithe ineeds iand
ipriorities iof iBoeing icustomers.
Answer: i TRUE
Diff: i2 Page iRef: i3
iAACSB: i Reflective
LO: i 1.1 iDefine imarketing iresearch iand idistinguish ibetween iproblem-identification iresearch
iand iproblem-solving iresearch.

2) Satmetrix icapitalizes ion ithe ineed ifor i"recent" imarketing iresearch iby iproviding iclients
iwith idata ion ia iweekly ibasis.
Answer: i FALSE
iDiff: i3 Page iRef: i4
AACSB: i Analytical ithinking
LO: i 1.1 iDefine imarketing iresearch iand idistinguish ibetween iproblem-identification iresearch
iand iproblem-solving iresearch.

3) Quick-Track® iis ia isyndicated imarket iresearch iproject iconducted iquarterly ito itrack
ikey iconsumer ibehavioral iand iattitudinal imeasures ifor iall imajor ifast ifood iand ipizza
ichains iin iindividual imarkets.
Answer: i TRUE
Diff: i3 Page iRef: i5
LO: i 1.1 iDefine imarketing iresearch iand idistinguish ibetween iproblem-identification iresearch
iand iproblem-solving iresearch.

4) Marketing iresearch iis ithe isystematic iand iobjective iidentification, icollection, ianalysis,
idissemination, iand iuse iof iinformation ifor ithe ipurpose iof iassisting imanagement iin idecision
imaking irelated ito ithe iidentification iand isolution iof iproblems i(and iopportunities) iin
imarketing. iAnswer: i TRUE
Diff: i1 Page iRef: i6
LO: i 1.2 iDescribe ia iframework ifor iconducting imarketing iresearch ias iwell ias ithe isix isteps iof

5) Marketing iresearch iis iclassified iinto itwo iareas: iproblem iidentification iand iproblem
isolving iresearch.
Answer: i TRUE
Diff: i1 Page iRef: i7
LO: i 1.2 iDescribe ia iframework ifor iconducting imarketing iresearch ias iwell ias ithe isix isteps
iof ithe imarketing iresearch iprocess.

Copyright i© i2019 iPearson iEducation,

,6) Sales ianalysis iresearch iis ia itype iof iproblem isolving
iresearch. iAnswer: i FALSE
Diff: i3 Page iRef: i7
LO: i 1.2 iDescribe ia iframework ifor iconducting imarketing iresearch ias iwell ias ithe isix isteps
iof ithe imarketing iresearch iprocess.

7) Once ia iproblem ior iopportunity ihas ibeen iidentified, imarket ipotential iresearch iis iundertaken
ito iarrive iat ia isolution.
Answer: i FALSE
iDiff: i2 Page iRef: i7
LO: i 1.2 iDescribe ia iframework ifor iconducting imarketing iresearch ias iwell ias ithe isix isteps
iof ithe imarketing iresearch iprocess.

8) Problem iidentification iresearch iprovides iinformation iabout ithe imarketing ienvironment
iand ihelps idiagnose ia iproblem.
Answer: i TRUE
Diff: i2 Page iRef: i7
LO: i 1.2 iDescribe ia iframework ifor iconducting imarketing iresearch ias iwell ias ithe isix isteps
iof ithe imarketing iresearch iprocess.

9) The ifindings iof iproblem isolving iresearch iare iused iin imaking idecisions ithat iwill isolve
ispecific imarketing iproblems.
Answer: i TRUE
Diff: i2 Page iRef: i7
iAACSB: i Reflective
LO: i 1.2 iDescribe ia iframework ifor iconducting imarketing iresearch ias iwell ias ithe isix isteps
iof ithe imarketing iresearch iprocess.

10) In ithe iKellogg's iexample igiven iin iyour itext, ias ia iresult iof iproblem-solving iresearch,
iKellogg's ifound iout ithat iit iwas inot ibeing icreative iin iintroducing inew iproducts ito imeet ithe
ineeds iof ithe iadult imarket.
Answer: i FALSE
iDiff: i3 Page iRef: i8
LO: i 1.3 iUnderstand ithe inature iand iscope iof imarketing iresearch iand iits irole iin idesigning iand
iimplementing isuccessful imarketing iprograms.

11) The itask iof imarketing iresearch iis ito iassess ithe iinformation ineeds iand iprovide
imanagement iwith irelevant, iaccurate, ireliable, icheap, iand icurrent iinformation.
Answer: i FALSE
Diff: i1 Page iRef: i10
LO: i 1.3 iUnderstand ithe inature iand iscope iof imarketing iresearch iand iits irole iin idesigning iand
iimplementing isuccessful imarketing iprograms.

Copyright i© i2019 iPearson iEducation,

,12) Marketing imanagement idecisions iare icomplicated iby iinteractions ibetween ithe
iuncontrollable imarketing ivariables iand ithe iuncontrollable ienvironmental ifactors.
Answer: i FALSE
Diff: i3 Page iRef: i10
LO: i 1.3 iUnderstand ithe inature iand iscope iof imarketing iresearch iand iits irole iin idesigning iand
iimplementing isuccessful imarketing iprograms.

13) Marketing iresearchers iare ibecoming imore iinvolved iin idecision imaking, iwhereas
imarketing imanagers iare inot ibecoming imore iinvolved iwith iresearch.
Answer: i FALSE
Diff: i2 Page iRef: i12
LO: i 1.3 iUnderstand ithe inature iand iscope iof imarketing iresearch iand iits irole iin idesigning
iand iimplementing isuccessful imarketing iprograms.

14) It iis ibest ito ido imarketing iresearch ieven iif ithe iresources iare inot iavailable ito iconduct ia
iquality iproject.
Answer: i FALSE
Diff: i2 Page iRef: i12
LO: i 1.4 iExplain ihow ithe idecision ito iconduct imarketing iresearch iis imade.

15) If ia ifirm ilacks ithe iresources ito iimplement ithe ifindings iarising ifrom imarketing
iresearch, ispending ithe iresources ito iconduct ithe iresearch imay inot ibe iwarranted.
Answer: i TRUE
Diff: i2 Page iRef: i12
LO: i 1.4 iExplain ihow ithe idecision ito iconduct imarketing iresearch iis imade.

16) Marketing iresearch isuppliers ican ibe iclassified ias iinternal ior
iexternal. iAnswer: i TRUE
Diff: i1 Page iRef: i13
LO: i 1.5 iDiscuss ithe imarketing iresearch iindustry iand ithe itypes iof iresearch isuppliers,

17) Field iservice iorganizations iare ilimited iservice isuppliers ithat ispecialize iin iinterviewing
ior ispecialize iin icollecting idata ithrough ithe imail ior ithrough ipersonal ior itelephone
iinterviewing. iAnswer: i TRUE
Diff: i2 Page iRef: i15
LO: i 1.5 iDiscuss ithe imarketing iresearch iindustry iand ithe itypes iof iresearch isuppliers,

18) Analytical iservices iinclude idesigning iand ipretesting iquestionnaires, idetermining ithe
ibest imeans iof icollecting idata, idesigning isampling iplans, iand iconducting istatistical
ianalysis iof iquantitative idata.
Answer: i FALSE
Diff: i3 Page iRef: i15
LO: i 1.5 iDiscuss ithe imarketing iresearch iindustry iand ithe itypes iof iresearch isuppliers,

Copyright i© i2019 iPearson iEducation,

, 19) Branded imarketing iresearch iproducts iand iservices iare ispecialized iproblem iidentification,
idata icollection iand ianalysis iprocedures ideveloped ito iaddress ispecific itypes iof imarketing
iresearch iproblems.
Answer: i TRUE
Diff: i3 Page iRef: i15
LO: i 1.5 iDiscuss ithe imarketing iresearch iindustry iand ithe itypes iof iresearch isuppliers,

20) Operational isupervisor, iproject imanager, iresearch idirector, ianalyst, iand
istatistician/data iprocessing ispecialist iare iall ipositions iin ithe imarketing iresearch ifield.
Answer: i TRUE
Diff: i2 Page iRef: i17
LO: i 1.6 iDescribe icareers iavailable iin imarketing iresearch iand ithe ibackgrounds iand iskills
ineeded ito isucceed iin ithem.

21) When iconducting iinternational iresearch, ithe ienvironment iprevailing iin ithe icountries,
icultural iunits, ior iinternational imarkets ithat iare ibeing iresearched, iinfluences ithe iway ithe isix
isteps iof ithe imarketing iresearch iprocess ishould ibe iperformed.
Answer: i TRUE
Diff: i1 Page iRef: i19
AACSB: i Diverse iand imulticultural iwork ienvironments
LO: i 1.7 iAcquire ian iappreciation iof ithe iinternational idimension iand ithe icomplexity iinvolved iin
iinternational imarketing iresearch.

22) International imarketing iresearch iis imuch isimpler ito iconduct ithan idomestic
iresearch. iAnswer: i FALSE
Diff: i1 Page iRef: i19
AACSB: i Diverse iand imulticultural iwork ienvironments
LO: i 1.7 iAcquire ian iappreciation iof ithe iinternational idimension iand ithe icomplexity iinvolved iin
iinternational imarketing iresearch.

23) Companies ithat ibase itheir ibusiness ion ithe iWeb ido inot ihave iinternational
imarketing iproblems.
Answer: i FALSE
Diff: i1 Page iRef: i19
AACSB: i Information itechnology
LO: i 1.7 iAcquire ian iappreciation iof ithe iinternational idimension iand ithe icomplexity iinvolved iin
iinternational imarketing iresearch.

24) International imarketing iresearch iis iexpected ito igrow iat ia ifaster irate ithan idomestic
iresearch. iAnswer: i TRUE
Diff: i2 Page iRef: i19
AACSB: i Diverse iand imulticultural iwork ienvironments
LO: i 1.7 iAcquire ian iappreciation iof ithe iinternational idimension iand ithe icomplexity iinvolved iin
iinternational imarketing iresearch.

Copyright i© i2019 iPearson iEducation,

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