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Class notes History Polscience Sociology Geography ISC €9,67   Ajouter au panier

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Class notes History Polscience Sociology Geography ISC

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Class notes for History, Political Science, Sociology, and Geography in ISC encompass comprehensive questions and answers sourced from various reliable materials. These notes serve as invaluable resources for students, offering detailed insights into diverse subjects. They provide clarity on comple...

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  • 10 juillet 2024
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  • Notes de cours
  • Arghya dasgupta
  • Class 11 isc
  • Lycée
  • 5
A5: Curzon's policies included the Curzon's Q9: What administrative reasons did Lord
Growth of Nationalism Act of 1898, which criminalized acts Curzon give for the Partition of Bengal?
intended to provoke Indians against the A9: Lord Curzon cited administrative
Q1: What was the initial attitude of the British, reflecting his hardening stance convenience as the main reason for the
Congress towards the British? towards Indian dissent. Partition of Bengal, arguing that a smaller
A1: Initially, the Congress showed respect administrative unit would be easier to
for British liberalism and justice, with Q6: What was Lord Curzon's intention govern effectively.
government officials even attending regarding the Indian National Congress
meetings and participating in resolutions. (INC)? Q10: How did the Partition of Bengal aim to
A6: Lord Curzon aimed to suppress the curb Bengali nationalism?
Q2: Why were Congress leaders during this growing political agitation within the Indian A10: The Partition of Bengal intended to
period known as Moderates or Early National Congress (INC) and weaken its weaken Bengali nationalism by dividing the
Nationalists? influence. Bengali-speaking population into two
A2: They were called Moderates because administrative regions, thereby reducing
they advocated for peaceful methods like Q7: What was the impact of the Calcutta their political influence and unity.
prayer and petitions to achieve their goals. Corporation Act (1899) introduced by Lord
Curzon? Q11: Why did the British claim East Bengal
Q3: What marked a new stage in Indian A7: The Calcutta Corporation Act reduced was too far from Calcutta?
nationalism under the Moderate leaders? the number of elected Indian members, A11: The British claimed that East Bengal
A3: Indian nationalism under Moderates saw ensuring British majority rule and serving was geographically distant from Calcutta,
the emergence of experienced political the interests of the European business making centralized administration difficult.
leaders and a growing assertiveness in community. However, the real motive was to diminish
demanding rights from the British. Calcutta's influence as a center of Bengali
Q8: How did Lord Curzon attempt to nationalism.
Q4: What administrative controversy control Indian Universities through the
marked Lord Curzon's tenure as Viceroy? Universities Act (1904)? Q12: What were Lord Curzon's motives
A4: The Partition of Bengal in 1905 was a A8: The Universities Act of 1904 imposed behind reducing the importance of Calcutta?
controversial administrative measure that strict official control over Indian A12: Lord Curzon aimed to diminish
sparked strong resentment among Indians. Universities, as Curzon perceived them as Calcutta's significance as a center of Bengali
centers fostering nationalism among nationalism by separating East Bengal,
Q5: How did Lord Curzon's policies react to Indians. thereby reducing the city's political and
growing Indian dissent? cultural influence over the region.


,Q13: What economic reason did Lord two provinces: Bengal and East Bengal. The like Aswini Kumar Dutta and Rabindranath
Curzon give for the Partition of Bengal? scheme was implemented on October 16, Tagore played key roles.
A13: Lord Curzon argued that dividing 1905.
Bengal would reduce the cost of 3. **Third Phase:** Introduced the concepts
transporting tea from Assam to Calcutta, Q17: When did the Partition of Bengal of Swadeshi (self-reliance) and Boycott of
thereby making transportation more cost- officially come into effect? British goods as economic strategies.
effective. A17: The Partition of Bengal officially came Newspapers like 'Sanjivani' and leaders like
into effect on October 16, 1905, dividing Lal Mohan Ghosh promoted these ideas.
Q14: What was Lord Curzon's motive Bengal into East Bengal and West Bengal.
regarding the Bengali intelligentsia? 4. **Fourth Phase:** Saw student
A14: Lord Curzon aimed to diminish the Q18: How did the Anti-Partition Movement involvement in picketing shops selling
political influence of the educated middle begin? foreign goods, leading to government
classes, particularly the Bengali A18: The Anti-Partition Movement began repression. Revolutionary societies like
intelligentsia, who were prominent in with a hartal (strike) on the day of the Anushilan Samity and educational
advocating national and liberal ideas Partition's declaration in October 1905. It institutions played significant roles.
challenging British dominance. initially employed methods of prayer and
petition similar to those used by the Early 5. **Fifth Phase:** Characterized by
Q15: Why did Lord Curzon implement the Nationalists (Moderates). increasing revolutionary activities, including
Divide and Rule Policy through the Partition plans to assassinate British officials,
of Bengal? Q19: What were the five major phases of the reflecting heightened anti-British sentiments
A15: Lord Curzon sought to implement a Anti-Partition Movement? among the youth.
Divide and Rule Policy by creating East A19:
Bengal as a Muslim-majority province 1. **First Phase:** Marked by hartal, Hindu- Q21: How did the Assertive Nationalists
separate from Hindu-majority West Bengal. Muslim unity symbolized by tying threads, differ from the Moderates in their approach
This division was intended to foster and protests at the Calcutta Town Hall. to gaining concessions from the British?
religious divisions and weaken unified Notable figures like Rabindranath Tagore A21: Assertive Nationalists, unlike
nationalist movements. and Muslim leaders actively participated. Moderates, rejected the policy of prayer and
petition as ineffective. They believed in
Q16: When did Lord Curzon announce and 2. **Second Phase:** Focused on indigenous more aggressive methods and direct action
implement the Partition of Bengal? national education and the promotion of rather than relying solely on diplomatic
A16: Lord Curzon announced the Partition Swadeshi (self-reliance) initiatives. Figures appeals to the British.
of Bengal on July 20, 1905, dividing it into


, Q22: What compromise occurred during the needed to be actively promoted to challenge against the British. In contrast, Early
Kolkata Session of the Congress in 1906? British authority. Nationalists were suspicious of these
A22: Dadabhai Naoroji was brought from strategies, preferring more moderate
England to preside over the 1906 session of Q25: What was the ultimate goal of the approaches like prayers and petitions.
the Indian National Congress (INC) to Radicals like Tilak, Lajpat Rai, and
prevent a split between Moderate and Aurobindo during this period? Q27: What conflict arose during the Surat
Assertive Nationalist factions. This A25: Radicals such as Tilak, Lajpat Rai, and Session of the Indian National Congress in
compromise avoided a potential division Aurobindo aimed to expand the nationalist 1907?
within the Congress leadership at that time. movement beyond Bengal, advocating for A27: The conflict arose between Assertive
mass mobilization and direct action towards Nationalists, who supported Lala Lajpat Rai
Q23: What significant terms and ideas were achieving Swaraj (self-rule) throughout for the presidency, and Early Nationalists,
adopted during the 1906 Kolkata Session of India. who proposed Rash Behari Ghosh. This
the Congress? dispute led to a chaotic session marked by
A23: The 1906 Kolkata Session of the Q20: What cultural and educational confusion and ultimately ended in failure.
Congress adopted the terms 'Swaraj', initiatives were undertaken during the Anti-
'Swadeshi', and 'Boycott'. This session Partition Movement? Q28: How did the Surat Session of the INC
marked a shift towards more assertive A20: Cultural initiatives included the in 1907 impact the nationalist movement?
nationalist strategies, which included composition of patriotic songs by poets like A28: The Surat Session highlighted the
promoting self-reliance (Swadeshi) and Rabindranath Tagore, Dwijendralal Roy, and growing division between Assertive
boycotting British goods as means to achieve the dissemination of nationalist ideas Nationalists and Early Nationalists within
self-rule (Swaraj). through literature and drama. Educational the Congress. It resulted in a significant
initiatives included the establishment of setback as the session failed to resolve its
Q24: How did the Moderates and Assertive national educational institutions and native leadership dispute, leading to a period of
Nationalists differ in their views on industries promoting self-reliance. decline in the nationalist movement.
Swadeshi and Boycott?
A24: Moderates viewed Swadeshi and Q26: What were the contrasting views of Q29: What actions did the British
boycott with suspicion, preferring Assertive Nationalists and Early Nationalists government take in response to the
constitutional methods like prayers and regarding Swadeshi and Boycott? nationalist activities following the Surat
petitions to achieve their goals. In contrast, A26: Assertive Nationalists believed that Session?
Assertive Nationalists believed that Swadeshi and boycott were essential A29: Following the Surat Session and the
Swadeshi and boycott were essential elements to achieve their objectives, ensuing chaos, the British government
elements of their nationalist agenda and emphasizing the need for strong action launched a repressive crackdown on


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