Writing your thesis
Plagiarism Certificate
KU Leuven
, What minimum information should you include in your reference list about a contribution
to a collective or editorial work?
Author(s) of the contribution. (year of publication). Title of the contribution. In name of
the editor(s) (Eds.), Name of the collective work. Publisher
If you refer in the same sentence, in parentheses, to several publications by different
authors, the ranking of those sources will take place:
alphabetically by name of the author(s). The different sources are separated by a semicolon.
If you have several sources that are written by the same author, in the same year.
Which of the following statements is true?
The reference list must include a letter (a, b, c, ...) after the date of publication, in
alphabetical order of the title of those sources. The reference list does not contain those
A text contains the following sentence:
The strong rise of shale gas and oil in the US creates the biggest threat to OPEC's
market position (Koster, n.d.; Marquez, 2018; Vranckx & Ophoff, 2014).
The order of the references is correct.
In a text by a student it says the following:
Burnout is a syndrome of extreme fatigue (exhaustion), distance from work (distance)
and little confidence in one's own ability (reduced competence), the causes of which lie
either in the working atmosphere or in the way in which employees deal with stressful
aspects in their work. (Taris et al., 2013).
The original text is:
Burnout is a syndrome of extreme fatigue (exhaustion), distance from work (distance)
and little confidence in one's own ability (reduced competence), the causes of which lie
either in the working atmosphere or in the way in which employees deal with stressful
aspects in their work.
The reference data of the source is: Taris, T., Houtman, I., & Schaufeli, W. (2013).
Burnout: de stand van zaken. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 29(3), 241-257.
Consulted on 15 april 2019
via https://www.wilmarschaufeli.nl/publications/Schaufeli/410.pdf
Which improvement is correct?
Taris, Houtman and Schaufeli, 2013, p. 241: "Burnout is a syndrome of extreme fatigue
(exhaustion), distancing oneself from work (distance) and little confidence in one's own