nature of EU foreign policy
< multifaceted, multi-method and multi-level < objectives and principles as mentioned in Treaty
< relationship between EU and MS foreign policy < difference relational and structural foreign policy
< areas of tension < globalizing context
= comprising CFSP, CSDP, external action and external dimension of internal policies
< different fields with different competences, objectives, institutional arrangements, instruments, budgets ...
- relationship between faces not always clear-cut and center of gravity will differ
- non-exclusive and not all-compassing nature
< CFSP (Common Foreign and Security Policy) : developing and implementing political and diplomatic dimension
+ position EU with regard to foreign policy issues
+ actively pursue EU's foreign policy interests
+ mediation efforts and other international diplomatic initiatives
- intergovernmental dynamics
< CSDP (Common Security and Defence Policy) : military and civilian crisis management operations
< external action : external trade policy, development cooperation, economic and financial cooperation with
third countries, humanitarian aid, sanctions, and international agreements
+ stronger legal competences in these fields
+ availability of considerable financial resources and bureaucratic apparatus
< external dimension of internal policies : external dimension with important foreign policy relevance (energy,
environment, migration …)
< national foreign policies (MS) : coordination and cooperation between national foreign policies
≠ European foreign policy : EU does not include all European states
≠ CFSP / CSDP : too narrow understanding
≠ sum of national foreign policies : interaction MS and EU
= combining intergovernmental and community method (direct consequence of multifaceted nature)
!! policymaking often occurs in grey zones : interaction and symbiosis methods (≠ simplistic categorization)
community method (EU) intergovernmental method (MS)
= institutional equilibrium between Council, EC, EP = dominant position European Council and Council +
and CoJ + possibility MV most decisions in Council predominance of unanimity in decision making
+ external action and dimensions of internal policies + CFSP and CSDP
+ more and more central to EU FP : shift in EU focus
< transfer of competences from MS to the EU < cooperation : national governments cooperate and
< Ordinary Legislative Procedure (OLP) coordinate FP (no transfer
< integration: competence transferred to EU, but
only Council can decide (by consensus)
= entailing national, European and international levels
< interaction MS and EU : policies mirrored in national policies + participation national actors in policymaking
< international context : EU and MS part of regimes, organizations and institutions (partly, jointly or separately)
= different objectives : different interests and competences
!! FP can never be coherent : importance areas of tensions (considerations when working on different subjects)
multilevel and multilocation
= MS level + EU level + level of international organisations
!! policies are developed on different levels : complicated + internal discussion
EU actorness
= EU's capabilities as an international actor and capacity to mimic features of nation-states
< capability-expectations gap ?
< actorness, performance, presence and effectiveness ?
- neglect of specificity and added value of EU foreign policy (alternative issues, objectives and methods)
- perception of zero-sum game between EU and MS (positive-sum game in other cases)
= effect of the EU on politics and policies of its member states
> national foreign policy structures and processes adapt to EU context
> actual content of national polices changes as a result of consultation, coordination and joint policymaking
> pursue and expand foreign policy objectives beyond those attainable with domestic capabilities
- process of de-Europeanization
MS' differences in power, capabilities, interests, worldviews and role definitions
> variety in preferred outcomes
> major challenge of EU foreign policy making : overcoming differences and developing common policy
power and capabilities
= differences in power and capabilities between MS give rise to different interests, objectives, status in the
world and in the EU, different responsibilities, different routes …
< geography, demography, economic power, military power and diplomatic power
- smaller and medium-sized states : fear of being dragged along in larger MS' power games
- larger states : doubt relevance of powerless MS having a say in the decision-making process (tendency to act
bilaterally, in ad-hoc coalitions or other restricted settings)
+ EU sometimes relies on power of MS to act on international scene
+ equally glaring power gap between most powerful MS and US, RU and CH
+ specific assets of less powerful MS (such as privileged relations)
converging and diverging interests
= complex pattern of converging and diverging interests
!! also diverging positions of MS on a specific foreign policy issue (timing, prioritization, method, risks …)
< common interests : no country can pursue them alone, but possible free-rider problem (EU useful/necessary)
< converging interests : MS as competitors, because of limited numbers of opportunities
< diverging and incompatible interests
< absence of interest : impede development of EU policy or stimulate informal division of labor
worldview and role conception (identity of MS)
= different views on how the world is or should be + identification with specific values and objectives
, !! closely related to identity : more difficult to overcome obstacles than differences in power or interest