Engels unit 5-7
5.1 Secondments aboard
Engels woord Uitleg glossary Nederlandse vertaling
Settle in To become more comfortable and Zich te verstigen in
happy in a new place
International network A group of people or organisations Internationaal network
that are connected or work together
Developmental opportunity A chance to grow and learn new Ontwikkelingskans
things about oneself or one’s job
Brief someone Give someone all the information Vertel iemand
about a situation that he/she will Iemand inlichten
Claim expenses Request money from an employer Claimkosten
for something an employee has Onkosten
paid for
Pay a deposit Pay money when you rent Betaal een aanbetaling
something, which will be given back Waarborg
if you do not damage it
Personal perspective A way of thinking about something Persoonlijk perspectief
that one particular person has
Global mobility team The department in a company Wereldwijd mobiliteitsteam
which supports colleagues on
Adopt to choose to accept a proposal or Annemen ,adopteren
Assign to give someone a particular job or Toewijzen
make them responsible for a toekennen
particular person or thing:
Compensate 1) to pay someone in money Compenseren
and other ways for work vergoeden
that they do.
2) to replace or balance the
effect of something bad
Globalise to have business activities all over Globaliseren
the world
Immigrate to come into a country in order to Immigreren
live there permanently
Mobilise to start to use the things or people Mobiliseren
you have available in order to
achieve something
Process / Proces
Relocate to move to a different place, Verplaatsen
especially for work verhuizen
,Tax an amount of money that you must Belasting
pay to the government according to
your income, property, goods, etc.
and that is used to pay for public
5.2 relocation and retention
Broad-based based on many kinds of things or Breed gebaseerd
Broadly-based people Breed gedragen
Dealership a business that sells a particular Dealer
company’s product, especially cars (autodealer)
From scratch h from the beginning, without using Helemaal opnieuw
scratch anything that was prepared before
Fully-fledged completely developed, trained or Volwaardig
established volledig
Independent outlets a shop that sells a particular Onafhankelijke
company’s product, but is not verkooppunten
owned by that company
Labour- scarce not having enough people to work Arbeid schaarsteµ
for an organisation or in a company Menskracht schaarste
Not only Niet alleen
No sooner Niet eerder
Only Alleen
Under no circumstances Onder geen omstandigheden
Not until Niet tot, pas als
Not once (rarely) Niet één keer (zelden)
5.3 giving feedback on performance (functional language)
in particular Met name
In het bijzondere
thoughts on Gedachten over
Gedachten op
describe Beschrijven
handling Handling
improve on Verbeteren
room for Ruimte voor
Plaats voor
evidence of Bewijs van
Bewijs voor
rewarding Belonen
excelled at Uitblonk in
Uitblinken in
achieved Bereikt
Behaald, gerealiseerd
Lack Gebrek aan
5.5 blog spot describing relocation
, local Lokaal
new Nieuw
first Eerst
busy Druk , bezig
excited Ethousiast, opgewonden
last Laatste, vorig
amazing Geweldig, prachtig
ideal Ideaal
challenging Uitdagend, moeilijk
global Wereldwijd, global
Functional language
thanks to Dankzij
subsequently After something else Daarop, later
finally Eindelijk
Tot slot
Although Hoewel, maar, alhoewel
(is both rewarding and challenging
and) is
giving me Geeft me, gaf me
living up to (our) Naleven van, aarzelen, leven
will be beneficial Te goede zal komen, gunstig
zal zijn
Highly recommend Bevel, sterk aanbevelen
6.1 strategic alliance
pursue business objectives Bedrijfsdoelstellingen
nasterven , zoeken naar
market leader marktleider
broader network Breder netwerk
ideal partner Ideale partner
access to markets Toegang tot markten
codeshare agreement Codeshare-overeenkomst
Acquisition When a company buys another one Overname
or part of another bedrijfsovername
Joint venture A business activity which two or Joint venture,
more companies have invested in Gemeenschappelijke
together and work on together onderneming,
Long-term Continuing for a long period of time, Lange termijn, langdurig
or relating to what will happen in
the distant future
Regulatory approval When a plan or decision is Wettelijke goedkeuring
accepted by an official power Regelgevende goedkeuring
which has control over activities