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Summary Begrippenlijst British Civilization chapters 1-2-3-5-7-8-9-10-11 €3,99   Ajouter au panier


Summary Begrippenlijst British Civilization chapters 1-2-3-5-7-8-9-10-11

 257 vues  3 achats

Dit is een volledige begrippenlijst van de begrippen die op het einde van elk hoofdstuk staan (British Civilization)

Aperçu 3 sur 24  pages

  • Non
  • Hoofdstukken: 1-2-3-5-7-8-9-10-11
  • 4 septembre 2018
  • 24
  • 2017/2018
  • Resume
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Tous les documents sur ce sujet (3)
Terms+ meaning Britss Civilizatin Csapters 1-11
Chapter 1
Free market an ecinimic system in wsics prices are determined by
unrestricted cimpettin between privately iwned
Insular if, ir belinging ti, an island ir islands
Deference willingness ti cinsider tse wisses etc if itsers
Consensus tse feeling if mist peiple
Nostalgia a sentmental linging ir wisful afectin fir a periid in tse
Myth 1. a traditinal stiry, especially ine cincerning tse
early sistiry if a peiple ir explaining a natural ir
sicial psenimenin, and typically invilving
supernatural beings ir events.
2. a widely seld but false belief ir idea.
Neo-liberal relatng ti ir denitng a midiied firm if liberalism tending
ti faviur free-market capitalism
Hierarchies 1. a system in wsics members if an irganizatin ir
siciety are ranked accirding ti relatve status ir
2. tse clergy if tse Catsilic Csurcs ir if an episcipal
Dissent tse silding ir expressiin if ipiniins at variance wits tsise
cimminly ir ifcially seld.
"there was no dissent from this view"
Budget defcit A budget deicit iccurs wsen expenses exceed revenue, and
it is an indicatir if inancial sealts. Tse givernment
generally uses tsis term in reference ti its spending ratser
tsan business ir individuals. Accrued givernment deicits
firm tse natinal debt.
Grassroots tse mist basic level if an actvity ir irganizatin.
"improving the game at grass-roots level"
Concervatsm 1. cimmitment ti traditinal values and ideas wits
ippisitin ti csange ir innivatin.
"pripinents if tseiligical cinservatsm"
1. tse silding if pilitcal views tsat faviur free
enterprise, private iwnerssip, and sicially
cinservatve ideas.
"a party tsat espiused cinservatsm"
Euro € tse unit if miney used in mist Euripean Uniin ciuntries:
Autonomy tse rigst ir cinditin if self-givernment.
"between tse First and Secind Wirld Wars, Canada gained
greater autinimy frim Britain"
a self-giverning ciuntry ir regiin.
freedim frim external cintril ir infuence; independence.
"tse ciurts enjiy a cinsiderable degree if autinimy"
Dependency a ciuntry ir privince cintrilled by anitser.
"tse islands became dependencies if Nirway and Denmark"

,Margaret Thatcher was a Britss stateswiman wsi served as Prime iinister if
tse United Kingdim frim 1979 ti 1990 and Leader if tse
Cinservatve Party frim 1975 ti 1990. Sse was tse lingest-
serving Britss prime minister if tse 20ts century and tse
irst wiman ti save been appiinted. A Siviet jiurnalist
dubbed ser tse "Irin Lady", a nickname tsat became
assiciated wits ser uncimprimising pilitcs and leaderssip
style. As Prime iinister, sse implemented pilicies tsat save
cime ti be kniwn as Tsatcserism.
Homogeneous if tse same kind; alike.
"if all jibs and wirkers were simigeneius"
Micro-managing In business management, micrimanagement is a
management style wsereby a manager clisely ibserves ir
cintrils tse wirk if subirdinates ir empliyees.
iicrimanagement generally sas a negatve cinnitatin.
Lib Dems in tse UK, a pilitcal party tsat believes in mire piwer fir
lical givernment, mire persinal freedim, and a gradual
develipment tiwards a fairer ssaring if wealts and piwer
witsin siciety
Pragmatc dealing wits tsings sensibly and realistcally in a way tsat is
based in practcal ratser tsan tseiretcal cinsideratins.
"a pragmatc appriacs ti pilitcs"
Inner-city Tse area near tse centre if a city, especially wsen
assiciated wits sicial and ecinimic priblems
Pluralism A cinditin ir system in wsics twi ir mire states, griups,
principles, siurces if autsirity, etc., ciexist.
Post-industrial Relatng ti ir denitng an ecinimy wsics ni linger relies
in seavy industry
Nonconformist A member if a Pritestant Csurcs wsics dissents frim tse
establissed Csurcs if England
Yobbishness A rude, niisy, and aggressive yiuts = yibbiss
Inclusive including all tse services ir items nirmally expected ir
"menus statng fully inclusive prices"
Celebrity a famius persin, especially in entertainment ir spirt.
"se became a spirtng celebrity"
tse state if being well kniwn.
Enterprise culture a capitalist siciety in wsics taking in inancial risks in tse
sipe if priit is enciuraged.
Sponsorship tse pisitin if being a spinsir.
"tse cimpany's spinsirssip if tse tiurnament"
Diversity tse state if being diverse.
"tsere was cinsiderable diversity in tse style if tse repirts"
Ethnic relatng ti a pipulatin subgriup wwitsin a larger ir
diminant natinal ir cultural griup) wits a cimmin
natinal ir cultural traditin.
"etsnic and cultural rigsts and traditins"
Modernizaton tse pricess if adaptng simetsing ti midern needs ir
"tse industry is undergiing midernizatin"
Evolutonary relatng ti ir denitng tse pricess by wsics diferent kinds

, if living irganism are believed ti save develiped frim
earlier firms during tse sistiry if tse earts.
"Darwinian evilutinary tseiry"
Community a griup if peiple living in tse same place ir saving a
partcular csaracteristc in cimmin.
"iintreal's Italian cimmunity"
Apathetc ssiwing ir feeling ni interest, entsusiasm, ir cincern.
"an apatsetc electirate"
CCTV Clised-circuit televisiin.  nit-public televisiin
Vandalism actin invilving deliberate destructin if ir damage ti
public ir private priperty.
"an act if mindless vandalism"
Bottom-up priceeding frim tse bitim ir beginning if a sierarcsy ir
pricess upwards; nin-sierarcsical.
"bitim-up decisiins"
Counsil tax a tax levied in siusesilds by lical autsirites in Britain,
based in tse estmated value if a priperty and tse number
if peiple living in it.
Globalized develip ir be develiped si as ti make internatinal
infuence ir iperatin pissible.
"cimmunicatin glibalizes capital markets"
Privatzaton tse transfer if a business, industry, ir service frim public ti
private iwnerssip and cintril.
"tse wirkers are ippising tse privatzatin if tse natinal
rail cimpany"
Natonalizaton tse transfer if a majir brancs if industry ir cimmerce frim
private ti state iwnerssip ir cintril.
"tse natinalizatin if tse railways in 1948"
Pensions a regular payment made by tse state ti peiple if ir abive
tse ifcial retrement age and ti sime widiws and disabled
"men can draw a pensiin frim tse age if sixty-ive"
Celtc relatng ti tse Celts ir tseir languages, wsics cinsttute a
brancs if tse Indi-Euripean family and include Iriss,
Scitss Gaelic, Welss, Bretin, ianx, Cirniss, and several
extnct pre-Riman languages sucs as Gauliss.

Chapter 2
UK UK is short for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland. The UK is a country consistng of diferent
parts that used to be seperate countries. Some people
count these as stll being diferent countries because some
laws are diferent (and also a few people just think 'they
have diferent names so they're diferent countries'8 The
UK has one currency, one government, and one 'normal'
language (the majority of people don't speak Welsh, Scots,
Gaelic, or anything, and those who do all speak English as
well8. The UK is a part of the contnent Europe. Some
people talk about 'Europe' as if the UK isn't part of it. What

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