Begrippen/namenlijst: Anthropologie (‘23-’24)
1: Introduction
Ethnography T
he practice of fieldwork, participant observation
The study of everyday life, going into the field
A ntropologen die vanuit huis schreven en data en observaties kregen
anthropologe toegestuurd vanuit andere landen → inherent racistisch want gaat
n sowieso uit van veralgemeningen, stereotypes,...
A 1. C ritically opening up and exploring possibilities of the human
y’s double condition
mouvement 2. Recording the everyday lives and practices of our interlocutors
a. (freezing and stabilizing realities)
contradictory movement of opening and closing (paradox)
EMIC view ubjective, insider: focus on the intrinsic cultural distinctions that are
meaningful to the members of a given society
ETIC view bjective, outsider: data gathering by outsiders that yield questions
posed by outsiders
ostcoloniali A
P break with the past, onderzoek naar de invloed van kolonialiteit op
ty cultuur, identiteit en politiek
Decoloniality D
ecolonization: historical, political and epistemological movement
→ critically challenging the hegemony of “the west / modernity”
→ kennisproductie en sociale systemen moeten ook gedekoloniseerd
2: History and the Anthropological Narrative
( Cultural) oseph Conrad → Heart of Darkness
Evolutionism Idea that you can return in history by going to “not civilized places”, alle
societies in de wereld volgen dezelfde lineaire geschiedenis, waardoor je
minder “geëvolueerde” samenlevingen kan zien als een vorige versie van
verdere, meer moderne samenlevingen
9th century
1 omte, Ranke:Looking at history as moving in one direction (positivism,
determinism the capacity of reason) + Social Darwinism
C L. H.Morgan, H.Maine, E.Tylor
Tylor nilineal evolution (savagery, barbarism, civilization) + types of barbarism
(lower, middle, upper) = gekoppeld aan uitvindingen
S = scientific explanation/justification of social difference: result of nature
, Diffusionism ranz Boas
Historical particularism: evolutionist theory was to simplistic: societies
and cultures all have their own history
Culture developed historically through the interactions of groups of
people and the diffusion of ideas, there was no process towards
continuously higher cultural forms
→ rejects the “staged”-based organization of ethnological museums
→ introduced the ideology of cultural relativism
C RANZ BOAS:Cultures cannot be objectively ranked as higher or lower,
relativism better of more correct, but that all humans see the world through the lens
of their own culture, and judge it according to their own culturally
acquired norms
→ necessary to gain an understanding of the language and cultural
practice of people studied
S alinowski→Theories of reciprocity and exchange: bestudeerde “the
functionalis Kula Ring” → economic anthropology
m Radcliffe Brown→
Malinowski tructural functionalism, Theories of reciprocity and exchange:
bestudeerde “the Kula Ring” → economic anthropology
Britisch Structural Functonalism: the a-temporal, immutable social
structures and systems, to the exclusion of social processes
adcliffe-Bro S
R tructural functionalism (French sociology influence) → british
wn anthropology: considers society as organism, different institutions =
different organs, always certain equilibrium that you have to keep.
ocial institutions as the key to maintaining the overal social order of a
society, analogous to the organs of a body: his study of social function
examines how customs aid in maintaining the overall stability of a society
J “ Time and the other”, how anthropology makes it object
Fabian → denial of coevalness
→ 4 different times
enial of
D the denial that anthropologist and interlocutor exist in the same time,
coevallness Using 3 tools:
1. Ethnographic present: (written in present, freezes people in time)
2. Elimination, suppression of the anthropologist’s autobiographical
voice → self-reflexivity made very difficult
3. Rhetoric of vision: → denying or preventing anthropo of
→ criticism of functionalism: as if people are living in a froze time
and anthropology pretends to be in that world
Physical time Fabian: Lineaire, onveranderlijke tijd. Kan gemeten worden door klok
M abian: De oplegging van grote perioden boven op fysieke tijd (bijv.
time Neolithicum, bronstijd, ijzertijd, enz.). Deze vorm van tijd wekt weinig
interesse bij Fabian, omdat het menselijke geschiedenis slechts verdeeld
in relatief willekeurige perioden die geen bijdrage leveren aan
antropologisch werk.