In dit vak: kennis delen over architectuur, hoe erover denken in de ontwerpstudio’s?
Architecture theory is thinking, discussing and writing about architecture. Architecture itself does not speak about its
origins, meaning, purpose or use; architecture is not a 'natural' given; it is a theoretical construction. Not only the
building, but also the architecture itself must be 'made' and thus 'thought off': there is no architecture without saying
what architecture is.
Why is it interesting to know something about theory or history?
Architecture theory and history provide us with positions while conceiving, speaking and writing about architecture.
Towards a multiple definition
Concepts Positioning Quality standards
Architectural theory is the body of Architecture theory defines what Architecture theory also develops
ideas and concepts that provides the architecture is and provides insight quality standards that architecture
architect with a basis for developing into its essential characteristics. worthy of its name must meet. In
a responsible practice. Architecture Architecture theory reflects on the doing so, it also implies standards by
theory is concerned with the specific role of architecture in society and which projects and buildings can be
components of architecture, its describes its cultural and social evaluated
constructive, formal and spatial significance.
How is architecture experienced?
The definition of architecture is from the author's perspective, the experiencing part will be missing.
Avant-garde magazines
, Periodicals
Increase your awareness of the history of architecture in the late twentieth century
Better understand contemporary practice in the light of recent history.
Develop critical and analytical skills needed to understand the sociopolitical context in which architectural practice
Develop research, writing and speaking skills, and the ability to write a paper academically or non-academically, to
construct an argument, and to initiate and support group discussion
4theoretical attitudes (Kate nesbitt)
1. Descriptive: it describes a state of affairs in the present or in the past. It offers points of view, explanations of
phenomena by linking different elements of history to society
2. Prescriptive: contains new proposals, proposals for new solutions or reconsidered answers for a specific problem.
The tone is often controversial
3. Proscriptive: is controversial. The difference with the prescriptive attitude lies in the fact that it proclaims: not
what should be done, but what should be avoided
4. Critical attitude or critical architectural theory : evaluates architecture (or the built environment) in its relationship
to society. This form of discourse is often politically or ethically oriented and is often intended to stimulate change
,Limits of the definition
As the definition indicates, this starting point is by definition normative: what is not made according to these rules is
imperfect or no architecture at all
This vision excludes certain • If theory prescribes a certain quality, e.g. solidity for architecture then invariably
forms of architecture or some structures are not 'architecture’, minor or 'experimental' architecture, for
building or, at least, it is example, or festival architecture for example
difficult to find a place for
them: • The same applies to design tools: think, for example, of the distinction between
structure and ornament, which is based on a distinction between 'essential' and
less essential aspects of architecture.
• this definition states first and foremost that architecture results from a precise
design method with an author. What about architecture without an author, with
multiple authors, with an unknown author? What about architecture without a
plan or method?
Conversely, a number of • -How is architecture seen, experienced, interpreted?
problems or questions about
architecture find difficult • After all, this definition thinks from the author's point of view. This seems to
their place in this definition imply that there is a direct link between the author's intention and the way in
which his/her work is seen or experienced, or given meaning. Is that true?
• This problem is very relevant when historizing architectural theory. For example,
notions such as 'architectural space’ are quite recently. Nevertheless, there is
early modern architecture that is unmistakably driven by the ambition to stage
or enhance spatial experiences. So how can we identify early modern ideas
about 'space’? Conversely, we can state that the discussions about order,
character and representation are no longer relevant today. How should we
understand the contemporary tendency towards spectacle and the importance
of the façade in contemporary architecture?
Finally, the close mutual • Who is talking and to whom and why ?
determination of
architecture and theory • These questions are essential. As we will see, the seemingly homogeneous
excludes a number of tradition of the discipline of architectural theory is also formed by texts with
questions about the statute diverse purposes, authors, agendas. It seems at the very least relevant to take
itself from theory. these different possible positions into account
• In other words, this multiformity is very well visible in contemporary
'architectural theory’
Anyone who delves further into the architectural-theoretical discourse must be
aware of the position he/she occupies and the normative character of his undertaking
Just as in criticism, there is a specific judgement, a selection from the available texts
and statements. Each text is a-priori ideologically coloured
Hoe de deelname is in de les, en het examen (dus 2 delen), maar examen is het belangrijk. Het zijn open
inzichtvragen om een connectie te kunnen leggen van de lessen.