European Union
27 member states (NIET: Zwitserland, Noorwegen, UK; CANDIDATES:
Iceland, Turkey, Montenegro, Albania, Nord-Macedonia, Serbia)
24 official languages
Regional Separatism (bv Catalonia)
Determinants of Culture
Political Economy of a Nation
, Political System:
Government system of a
nation (bv Democratic or
Legal System: System of
rules that regulate
behavior and processes
which enforce the laws
(bv Common law or Civic
Economic System: bv
Market economy or
Command economy
EU & Diversity
Many different languages and traditions
Big differences in gross average monthly wage and GDP
Europe’s Mantra: “United in Diversity”
o = as countries we form an unit but there are a lot of differences
between us (cultural and economic) => this diversity comes from
the interaction of the different aspects of political economy
(economics, politics, legal systems, culture)
o we are united and accept our differences.
Basis of EU written down in Lisbon Treaty and EU Charter of Fundamental
o Human dignity
o Freedom
o Democracy
o Equality
o Rule of law
o Human rights
These EU values are common to the EU countries.
American Declaration of Independence: first civic document that had a
modern definition of human rights
A peaceful Europe
Historical roots EU => WWII, Europe wanted to end the numerous bloody
wars between neighbors which caused the Second World War
1. Winston Churchill 1946: “We need a kind of United States of Europe”
Churchill proposed the idea of creating a supranational organization that
would bring together the nations of Europe in a cooperative union, with
the aim of promoting peace, stability, and prosperity in the post-war era.
He argued that such a union would not only help prevent future wars in
Europe, but also promote economic integration and social progress, and
strengthen Europe's role as a global power.
2. Marshall plan 1948:
, significant post-World War II initiative led by the United States to provide
economic aid to help rebuild Western Europe.
Aid was in the form of loans and technical assistance.
It also played a role in fostering political stability, strengthening
democratic institutions, and promoting European integration, laying the
groundwork for the European Union (EU)
3. Council of Europe 1949:
an international intergovernmental organization that aims to promote
democracy, human rights, and the rule of law in Europe
founded with the signing of the Treaty of London by ten European
countries: Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the
Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom
= a response to the aftermath of World War II & the desire to promote
peaceful cooperation among European countries and prevent the
recurrence of war.
several key objectives: the protection of human rights, the promotion of
democratic governance, the development of legal standards, and the
promotion of cultural diversity.
4. European Coal and Steel Community treaty: Germany, France,
Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg decided to run their
coal and steel industries under a common management
Goal: promote economic cooperation and prevent the recurrence of war
by pooling the production of coal and steel (were key strategic
Was a huge success so they expanded their cooperation to other
economic sectors.
It also proposed the creation of a Common Agriculture Policy**, a
Common Transport Policy and a European Social Fund, and established
the European Commission.
5. Common Market (European Economic Community): region
organization of European countries to promote economic integration
and cooperation.
principles: free trade, elimination of tariffs (and other trade barriers),
free movement of goods, services, capital & people
Forerunner of EU
Treaty of Rome
** Common Agricultural Policy:
policy of EU
established as part of European Economic Community
gives members joint control over food production so that everybody had
enough to eat + farmers were paid the same price for their production.
, 6. Customs Union:
Union where member countries have agreed to eliminate tariffs and
other trade barriers (quotas or other duties) between themselves, and to
apply a common external tariff, duties & rules for imports from non-EU
7. Single European Market:
The Single European Act signed 1986 foresaw the establishing of a Single
European Market by 31. December 1992
4 freedoms because of this single market: free movement of
- Goods
- Services
- People
- Capital
= EU is one territory without any internal borders or other regulatory
obstacles which makes the free movement of goods, services, people,
and capital difficult.
Advantages? => Stimulates competition and trade, improves efficiency
and quality, cuts prices
8. 1999: The Euro (€)
first for commercial and financial transactions only
Later in 2002: notes and coins became the legal currency in 12 EU
9. EEA (European Economic Area):
an international agreement between the European Union (EU) and three
non-EU member states: Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway. The EEA
provides for the free movement of goods, services, people, and capital
between the EU and these three countries.
Unites the EU countries and Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein in a
single market
does not cover certain areas of EU policy, such as common agriculture
and fisheries policies, customs union, and common foreign and security
Acquis Communautaire: EEA countries must keep up with any new EU
regulations or standards in certain areas such as consumer protection
and competition.