Thema 1: “de discipline van architectuur”
Architectuur en de andere kunsten
▪ Creatief en vrijdenken individueel van de artiest is modern concept.
Ars (latijn) = een vaardigheid die te leren was, gebonden aan ervaring en regels.
Aristotle, Metaphysics (I.1, 980a1-982a)
The animals other than man live by appearances and memories, and have but little of connected experience.
But the human race lives also by art and reasoning. From memory, experience is produced in men; multiple
memories of the same thing produce the capacity for a single experience. And experience seems pretty much
like science and art, but really science and art come to men through experience; for ‘experience made art’, as
Polus says, ‘but inexperience [made] luck.’ Now art arises when from many notions gained by experience one
universal judgement about a class of objects is produced. For to have the judgement that when Callias was ill
with a disease that he was unwell […] is a matter of experience. But to judge what made people better when
they were ill of this disease […] this is a matter of art.
With a view to action, experience seems in no respect inferior to art, and men of experience succeed even
better than those who have theory without experience. The reason is that experience is the knowledge of
individuals, the art of universals, and its actions and productions are all concerned with the individual […] If,
then, a man has the theory without the experience, and recognizes the universal but does not know the
individual included in this, he will often fail to cure; for it is the individual that is to be cured. Yet we think that
knowledge and understanding belong to art rather than to experience, and we suppose artists to be wiser than
men of experience […] And this because the former [those with art] know the cause, but the latter [those
with experience] do not. For men of experience know that the thing is so, but do not know why, while the
others [who know art] know the ‘why’ and the cause. Hence we think that the master workers in each craft are
more honorable and know in a truer sense and are wiser than the manual workers, because they know the
causes of the things that are done. (And we think the manual workers are like certain lifeless things which act
indeed, but act without knowing what they do, like lifeless things that perform their functions by a natural
tendency, the laborers perform them through habit). Thus, we view the master workers as being wiser, not in
virtue of being able to act, but of having the theory for themselves and knowing the causes. And in general it
is a sign of the man who knows and of the man who does not know, that the former can teach. And therefore
we think art [is] more truly knowledge than experience; for artists can teach, and men of mere experience
Als remedie gevonden w is ervaring maar wanneer het een grotere populatie kwelt is het de
kunst die voorkomt uit de wetenschap (geneeskunde)
Praktijk is ervaring en kunst is de theorie, gaan hand in hand
Kennis kan je aanleren, beoefenaar die het weet door te doen maar niet de oorzaken kent:
onderscheid mens en dier, kunst en natuur, kennis door ervaring en kennis van principes,
handarbeid en intellectuele arbeid
▪ In deze context is kunst een op kennis gebaseerde ambacht en beroep dat kan onderwezen
Hierarchie van de kunsten in de klassieke traditie:
1. Poëzie
2. Logica en retoriek
3. Muziek (dans en muziek theorie)
4. Beeldende kunsten (schilderen, beeldhouwen en architectuur)
, Wel een onderliggende viering van de kunstenaars ondanks hij een beoefenaar is
en niet een man van theorie
▪ De 7 vrije kunsten: gebaseerd op ideeën van Aristoteles en Plato
Alle kunsten met betrekking op de mensheid die passen bij de liberale mens die de middelen
heeft om te stemmen, uitwisselen van kennis en gedachten en vrij van zorgen om geld te
verdienen. Vormden basis van de universitaire curricula, terwijl beeldende kunsten
onderwezen aan kunstenaars werden geassocieerd met drogisten en goudsmeden.
Trivium: grammatica, retoriek, dialectiek
Quadrivium: rekenkundig, geometrie, astronomie, muziek
▪ De 7 mechanische/ productieve kunsten: duidelijk onderscheid praktisch en theoretisch.
Architectuur behoord onder bewapening (fortificaties), schilder en beeldhouw onder
geneeskunde (maken van pigmenten, stoffen) > niet duidelijk gegroepeerd. Mnachting voor
handarbeid, geen inzicht dat er overlappen kunnen zijn. Theoreticus is superieur, geleid door
hoger doel (Aristoteles).
Wol spinnen
▪ Vrije kunsten vs mechanische kunsten:
Theoretisch kader van menselijke vaardigheid
Sociaal bepalend: duidelijk klasse onderscheid
Verschillend in opleiding
- Vrije: universiteit, latijn, retoriek
- Mechanische: voor lagere klasse (architectuur en is totaal niet in associatie
met schilder, beeldhouwkunst, poëzie of muziek)
Soms uitzonderingen waarbij grote poëten geprezen worden
▪ Etymologie architect
Arkhi = leider
Tekton = bouwer
Held van alexandrie: ondanks mech kunsten wel beschouwd als invloedrijk denker
▪ Architect as Creator -- deus artifex: in oude teksten verwijzing naar architect als schepper
van kunstvoorwerpen. Plato presenteert theorie van de vorming universum en verklaart
orde, in verband met de architect;
Plato, Timeaus, 28c (c. 400 BC)
And that which has come into existence must necessarily have come into existence by reason of some Cause.
Now to discover the Maker and Father of this Universe were a task indeed; and having discovered Him, to
declare Him unto all men were a thing impossible. However, let us return and inquire further concerning the
Cosmos,—after which of the Models did its Architect construct it?
,Thomas Aquinas (1225 – 1274):
the term 'idea' means that a certain form was understood by the agent, according to which likeness he tries to
make an external work, as, for example, the architect has conceived in his mind, and before constructing, a
plan of a house, which is in a certain way the 'idea' of that house which is then materially manufactured.
▪ Christelijke theologie: God = “de grote architect van het universum”: schepping als werk van
de geest in analogie met een ontwerp > idee waarbij vormen eerst gedacht worden.
Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica (c. 1265-1274)
"God, Who is the first principle of all things, may be compared to things created as the architect is to things
“the term 'idea' means that a certain form was understood by the agent, according to which likeness he tries
to make an external work, as, for example, the architect has conceived in his mind, and before constructing, a
plan of a house, which is in a certain way the 'idea' of that house which is then materially manufactured.”
Vitruvius’ De architectura
▪ Marcus vitruvius Pollio ‘De architectura libri decem’ (25 v.C.)
Werkte voor Julius Cesar en Octavian
Onsuccesvol als arch, weinig creatieve projecten, aquaducten en bruggen
Traktaat: verhogen aandacht van het belang van architectuur, eigen profiel/roem en
rol van de architect
1e uitgebreide theoretisch voorschrijvend traktaat over kunst van het bouwen
Enige overgebleven uit de oudheid
Groot begrip van architectuur (machine ontwerp)
Wou geleerd lijken en gebruikt griekse en latijnse termen, geen illustraties > moeilijk
Book 1, Preface
I have observed that you have already built much, are continuing to do so, and I will appreciate that you will
also direct your efforts in the time that remains to you to the construction of public and private buildings, to
be handed down to posterity as a fitting record of your greatness of your deeds. I have drawn up clearly
defined rules, so that by studying them closely you will be able to judge for yourself the quality of the
buildings you have already created and of those to come, for in these books I have laid down all the principles
of architecture.
Gebouw als erfenis van iemand dat blijft voortleven, onsterfelijk
Boek dat keizerrijk moet leiden
Book I: Education of architect, fundamental principles of architecture, city planning
Book II: Materials (brick, sand, lime, stone, timber, etc.)
Book III: Symmetry and proportions
Book IV: The three orders (Doric, Ionic, Corinthian) & the temple
Book V: Civic buildings (forum, theatre, treasury, prison, walkways, gymnasia, baths & harbors)
Book VI: Siting, decorum of housing, foundations
Book VII: Flooring, stucco, decoration, colors (pigments) Book VIII: On Water, aqueducts, wells & cisterns
Book IX: Astrology
, Book X: Machines
Zorgt voor eerste set van regels die na zijn leven nog steeds worden gebruikt
Verklaart oorsprong architectuur: bescherming van de mens tegen de elementen > imitatie
natuurlijke vormen: grotten, hutten
Bouwen voor grotere schaal, in ideale termen, niet hoe er toen mee omgegaan werd
Book I, Chapter 1: The Education of the Architect
1. The architect's professional knowledge is enriched by contributions from many disciplines and
different fields of knowledge and all the works produced by these other arts are subject to the
architect's scrutiny. This expertise derives from practice and theory. Practice consists of the ceaseless
and repeated use of a skill by which any work to be produced is completed by working manually with
the appropriate materials according to a predetermined design. Theory, by contrast, is the ability to
elucidate and explain works created by such manual dexterity in terms of their technical
accomplishment and their proportions.
2. So architects who have struggled to achieve practical proficiency without an education have not been
able to achieve recognition commensurate with their efforts: by contrast, those who have relied only
on theory and book-learning were evidently chasing shadows rather than reality. But those who have
mastered both, like men supplied with all the necessary weapons, have achieved recognition and
fulfilled their ambitions more quickly.
Waarom architect brede vaardigheden nodig heeft, verschillende velden van kennis; bouwt
de omgeving, samenleving
3. For all fields, and especially architecture, comprise two aspects: that which is signified and that which
signifies it. That which is signified is the object under discussion, while that which signifies is an
explanation of it conducted according to scientific principles. Therefore it is evident that a man who
wants to proclaim himself an architect must be proficient with regards to both aspects. So he must be
naturally gifted and ready to learn, for neither natural aptitude without learning nor learning without
natural aptitude will make a perfect practitioner. He should have a literary education, be skillful in
drawing, knowledgeable about geometry and familiar with a great number of historical works, and
should have followed lectures in philosophy attentively; he should have a knowledge of music, should
not be ignorant of medicine, should know the judgements of jurists and have a command of
astronomy and of the celestial system.
Je kan niet enkel talent hebben, je moet ook werken
4. There are the explanations for all this. The architect must have a literary education so that he can
leave a more dependable record when writing up his commentaries. Then he must have the expertise
in drawing which will enable him to represent more easily the appearance of the work he wishes to
design with painted models.' Geometry as well is extremely helpful in architecture, and teaches, first,
the use of straight lines and then of the compasses, thanks to which, above all, the plans of buildings
on their designated sites can be prepared very readily with the correct alignments of right angles,
horizontals and verticals. Again, a knowledge of optics enables light to be drawn correctly from well-
defined areas of the sky. A knowledge of arithmetic enables us to calculate the cost of buildings
precisely and apply the techniques of mensuration correctly, and difficult problems relating to
modular systems are resolved by the application of the laws of geometry.
5. He should also have a wide knowledge of history because architects often devise a great deal of
ornament for their buildings, the meaning of which they must be able to explain to those who ask
why they have made them. […]