English Dutch Explanation
Above the fold Boven de vouw A term derived from printed media, which is used
to indicate whether a piece of content is displayed
on a web page without the need to scroll. It is
preferable to have important content above the
fold. The exact position of the fold will be
determined by the screen resolution of a user’s
personal computer.
Above the line Boven de lijn ABL advertising uses mass media as a medium to
promote brands and reach out to target
consumers. This kind of advertising is usually
aimed towards a large number of audiences and is
much more effective when the target group is very
large and difficult to define.
Ad Inventory Advertentievoorraad The total number of ad impressions that a web site
can sell over time (usually specified per month).
Before purchasing inventory an assessment of
current usage should be performed. Adverts from
the organisation itself or partners may indicate
poor sales and therefore an ability to negotiate.
Ad Rotation Advertentieroulatie This occurs when advertisements are changed on a
web site for different user sessions. This may be in
response to ad targeting or simply displaying
different advertisements from those on a list.
Experience shows that banner adverts particularly
become tired with reuse and should be rotated on
a regular basis.
Ad Serving Advertentieweergave The term for displaying an advertisement on a web
site. Often the advertisement will be served from a
different web server from the site on which it is
Ad Skipping Advertentie Automatically skip commercials in recorded
overslaan programmes
,Ad Space Advertentieruimte The area of a web page that is set aside for banner
advertising. Standard banner sizes are set by the
Internet Advertising Bureau.
Aggregated Buying Geaggregeerd kopen A form of customer union where buyers
collectively purchase a number of items at the
same price and receive a volume discount.
Classified ads Geclassificeerde advertenties Classified advertising is a form of advertising which
is particularly common in newspapers, online and
other periodicals sold or distributed free of charge.
Advertisements in a newspaper which may be are
typically short, as they are charged for by the line,
and one newspaper column wide.
Click Stream Klik op Stream A record of the path a user takes through a web
site. Click streams enable web site designers to
assess how their site is being used.
Click Through Doorklik A click through (ad click) occurs each time a user
clicks on a banner advertisement with the mouse
to direct them to a web page that contains further
Click Through Rate Klikfrequentie (CTR) Expressed as a percentage of the total ad
(CTR) impressions, and refers to the proportion of users
viewing an advertisement who click on it. It is
calculated as the number of click throughs divided
by the number of ad impressions.
Content Management Inhoud beheer Software tools for managing additions and
amendments to web site content.
Cost Per Mille (CPM) Kosten per mille (CPM) Cost per 1 000 ad impressions.
Cost Per Targeted Mille Kosten per getarget duizend Cost per targeted thousand for an advertisement.
(CPTM) voor een advertentie.
Coverage Dekking Used about the amount of attention that
television, radio and newspapers give to
something or the way in which something is
Exposure Based Op blootstelling gebaseerde Advertisers pay according to the number of times
Payment betaling the ad is viewed.
,Gatekeeper Verantwoordelijk voor Any person (or group) who controls what media
verzameling en distributie van material eventually reaches the public.
informatie die relevant is voor
Hit Een hit wordt geregistreerd A hit is recorded for each graphic or block of text
voor elke afbeelding of elk requested from a web server. It is not a reliable
tekstblok dat wordt measure for the number of people viewing a page.
opgevraagd bij een webserver A page impression is a more reliable measure
denoting one person viewing one page.
Home Page Startpagina The index (or default) page of a web site with
menu options or links to other resources on the
web site.
Insertion Order Een gedrukte bestelling om A printed order to run an advertisement campaign.
een advertentiecampagne te It defines the campaign name, the web site
voeren receiving the order and the planner or buyer giving
the order, the individual advertisements to be run
(or who will provide them), the sizes of the
advertisements, the campaign beginning and end
dates, the CPM, the total cost, discounts to be
applied, and reporting requirements and possible
penalties or stipulations relative to the failure to
deliver the impressions.
Interactive TV Interactieve TV; Televisie die Television displayed using a digital signal delivered
wordt weergegeven met een by a range of media - cable, satellite, terrestrial.
digitaal signaal. De interacties Interactions can be provided through phone line or
worden geleverd via een cable service.
telefoonlijn of kabeldienst.
Interactivity Het medium maakt een The medium enables a dialogue between company
dialoog mogelijk tussen bedrijf and customer.
en klant
Intermediaries Tussenpersonen Online sites that help bring together different
parties such as buyers and sellers.
Interstitial ads Advertenties die tussen de ene Ads that appear between one web page and the
webpagina en de volgende next.
Media Buyer Mediakoper The person within a company wishing to advertise
who places the advertisement usually via a media
Media Owners Media-eigenaren The owners of web sites (or other media) that
accept advertisements.
, Overexposure Een situatie waarin iemand of A situation in which someone or something
iets zo vaak in kranten, op appears so much in newspapers, on television, on
televisie, op de radio etc. the radio etc that people lose interest.
voorkomt dat mensen hun
interesse verliezen.
Overt Geanimeerde advertentie die Typically an animated ad that moves around the
over de pagina beweegt. page.
Pull Media Consument gaat actief op The consumer is proactive in selection of the
zoek op de website door message through actively seeking out a web site.
proactief de boodschap te
Push Media Communicatie wordt door de Communications are broadcast from an advertiser
adverteerder uitgestuurd naar to consumers of the message who are passive
de consument (passieve recipients.
Reach Het aantal unieke personen The number of unique individuals who view an
dat een advertentie bekijkt advertisement (sometimes expressed as a percent
of a total audience).
Rich Media Advertenties met geluid, Advertisements that are not static, but provide
Advertisements animatie en interactie animation, sound or interactivity.
Superstitials Pop-upadvertenties die Pop up adverts that require interaction to remove
interactie vereisen om ze te them.
Touchpoint Plaats om de consument met Every opportunity where people come into contact
jouw boodschap te bereiken with a brand, including marketing materials,
product use, packaging, websites, social media,
advertising, phone calls, store environments,
company employees, etc.
Traffic Building Het gebruik van online en The use of online and offline promotion
Campaign offline promotietechnieken techniques such as banner advertising, search
zoals banneradvertenties, engine promotion and reciprocal linking to
zoekmachine-promotie en increase the audience of a site (both new and
wederzijdse links om het existing customers).
publiek van een site (zowel
nieuwe als bestaande klanten)
te vergroten.
Trusted Third Parties Bedrijven waarmee Companies with which an agreement has been
(TTP) overeenstemming is bereikt reached to share information.
om informatie te delen.