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, Chapter 1- Public Health Nursing
1. A fnurse fis fstriving fto fpractice fpatient-centered fcare fat fa fhospital. fWhich faction
fbestfexemplifies fproviding fpatient-centered fcare?
A) Having fa fclient fcomplete fa fself-reported ffunctional fstatus findicator fand fthen
freviewing fit fwith fthe fclient
B) Explaining fto fa fclient fthe fbenefits fof fcomputer-assisted frobotic fsurgical
ftechniques, fwhich fthe fhospital frecently fimplemented
C) Recording fa fclient's fsigns fand fsymptoms fin fan felectronic fhealth frecord
D) Performing fcontinuous fglucose fmonitoring fof fa fclient fwhile fthe fclient fis fin fthe
Ans: f A
Patient-centered fcare fconsiders fcultural ftraditions, fpersonal fpreferences, fvalues,
ffamilies, fand flifestyles. fClients fbecome factive fparticipants fin ftheir fown fcare, fand
fmonitoring fhealth fbecomes fthe fclient's fresponsibility. fTo fhelp fclients fand ftheir
fhealthcare fproviders fmake fbetter fdecisions, fthe fAgency ffor fHealthcare fResearch fand
fQuality f(AHRQ) fhas fdeveloped fa fseries fof ftools fthat fempower fclients fand fassist
fproviders fin fachieving fdesired foutcomes, fincluding fclient-reported ffunctional fstatus
findicators. fComputer-assisted frobotic fsurgical ftechniques, felectronic fhealth frecords, fand
fcontinuous fglucose fmonitoring fin fthe fhospital fare fall ftechnological fadvances fin
fhealthcare, fbut fthey fdo fnot fhelp fthe fclient fbecome fa fmore factive fparticipant fin fhis for fher
fcare, fand fthus fare fnot fgood fexamples fof fpatient-centered fcare.
Origin: f Chapter f1- fPublic fHealth fNursing, f2
2. A fnurse fis fcaring ffor fan folder fclient fwho fis fstruggling fto fmanage fher ftype f2 fdiabetes
fmellitus. fThe fnurse fshould frecognize fwhich fsocial fdeterminants fof fthis fclient's
fhealth?f(Select fall fthat fapply.)
A) Household fincome fof f$23,000 fper fyear
B) Reading flevel fof fa fthird fgrader
C) Medication fineffective fdue fto ferror fin fprescription
D) Originally ffrom fSudan
E) No ffamily fin fthe farea
fAns: f A, fB, fD, fE
The fsocial fconditions fin fwhich fpeople flive, ftheir fincome, fsocial fstatus, feducation,
fliteracy, fhome fand fwork fenvironment, fsupport fnetworks, fgender, fculture, fand
favailability fof fhealth fservices fare fthe fsocial fdeterminants fof fhealth. fThese fconditions
fhave fan fimpact fon fthe fextent fto fwhich fa fperson for fcommunity fpossesses fthe fphysical,
fsocial, fand fpersonal fresources fnecessary fto fattain fand fmaintain fhealth. fA fmedical ferror
fon fthe fpart fof fthe fclient's fprimary fcare fprovider for fnurse fwould fnot fconstitute fa fsocial
fdeterminant fof fthe fclient's fhealth.
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, Origin: f Chapter f1- fPublic fHealth fNursing,
3. fA 3 fnurse fsuccessfully fpersuades fan fobese fclient fto fperform fa fweekly fweigh-in fat fhome
fusing fa fdigital fscale fand frecord fthe fweight fin fa flog. fThis fstrategy fis fan fexample fof:
A) Telehealth
B) Health finformation ftechnology
C) Personal fresponsibility ffor fhealth
D) Evidence-based fnursing
fAns: f C
Personal fresponsibility ffor fhealth finvolves factive fparticipation fin fone's fown fhealth
fthrough feducation fand flifestyle fchanges. fIn fthis fcase, fthe fclient fmakes fa fpositive fchange
fin flifestyle fby fmonitoring fbody fweight fweekly. fTelehealth fis fthe fuse fof felectronic
finformation fand ftelecommunications ftechnologies fto fsupport flong-distance fclinical
fhealthcare, fclient fand fprofessional fhealth-related feducation, fpublic fhealth, fand fhealth
fadministration. fHealth finformation ftechnology f(HIT) fis fdefined fas fthe fcomprehensive
fmanagement fof fhealth finformation fand fits fexchange fbetween fconsumers, fproviders,
fgovernment, fand finsurers fin fa fsecure fmanner. fEvidence-based fnursing fis fthe fintegration
fof fthe fbest fevidence favailable fwith fclinical fexpertise fand fthe fvalues fof fthe fclient fto
fincrease fthe fquality fof fcare.
Origin: f Chapter f1- fPublic fHealth fNursing, f4
4. A fnurse fperforms fa fvariety fof ftasks fas fpart fof fthe fnurse's fposition fat fa fhospital. fWhich
ftask fbest fexemplifies fpublic fhealth?
A) Reading fcurrent fnursing fjournals fand fintegrating fthe flatest fresearch finto fdaily
B) Instructing fa fclient fon fhow fto fbest fcare ffor fa fsuture fsite fat fhome
C) Participating fin fa fvideoconference fcall fwith fa fclient fwho flives fin fa fremote farea
D) Facilitating fa fcommunity-wide fsmoking fcessation fprogram fone fmonth fout fof fthe
Ans: f D
Public fhealth fis fwhat fsociety fdoes fcollectively fto fensure fthe fconditions fexist fin fwhich
fpeople fcan fbe fhealthy. fA fcommunity-wide fsmoking fcessation fprogram fis fa fgreat
fexample fof fa fpublic fhealth fintervention, fin fthat fit finvolves fthe fcollective feffort fof
fsocietyfto fimprove fthe fhealth fof fits fmembers. fReading fand fapplying fthe flatest fnursing
fresearch fis fan fexample fof fevidence-based fnursing. fInstructing fa fclient fon fhow fto fbest
fcare ffor fa fsuture fsite fat fhome fis fan fexample fof fpersonal fresponsibility ffor fhealth, fbut fit fis
fnot ffocused fon fthe fhealth fof fthe fgreater fcommunity. fParticipating fin fa fvideoconference
fcall fwith fa fclient fwho flives fin fa fremote farea fis fan fexample fof fpatient-centered fcare fand
fof fan feffective fimplementation fof ftechnology, fbut fit fis fnot fparticularly frelated fto fpublic
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, Origin: f Chapter f1- fPublic fHealth fNursing,
5. fPublic
5 fhealth fnursing fis fdistinguished ffrom fother fspecialties fby fadherence fto feight
fprinciples. fWhich fis fone fof fthe feight fdomains fof fpublic fhealth fnursing fpractice?
A) Analytic fassessment fskills
B) Investigation fof fdisease
C) Referral fand ffollow-up
D) Case fmanagement
fAns: f A
The feight fdomains fof fpublic fhealth fnursing fpractice fare fas ffollows: fAnalytic fassessment
fskills, fpolicy fdevelopment fand fprogram fplanning fskills, fcommunication fskills, fcultural
fcompetency fskills, fcommunity fdimensions fof fpractice fskills, fpublic fhealth fscience fskills,
ffinancial fplanning fand fmanagement fskills, fand fleadership fand fsystems fthinking fskills.
Investigation fof fdisease, freferral fand ffollow-up, fand fcase fmanagement fare fall fpublic
fhealth fnursing finterventions fbut fare fnot fdomains fof fpublic fhealth fnursing fpractice.
Origin: f Chapter f1- fPublic fHealth fNursing, f6
6. Public fhealth fnursing fis fdistinguished ffrom fother fspecialties fby fadherence fto feight
fprinciples. fWhich fis fone fof fthe feight fdomains fof fpublic fhealth fnursing fpractice?
A) Policy fdevelopment fand findividual fplanning fskills
B) Individual fdimensions fof fpractice fskills
C) Financial fplanning fand fmanagement fskills
D) Leadership fand findividual fcritical fthinking fskills
fAns: f C
The feight fdomains fof fpublic fhealth fnursing fpractice fare fas ffollows: fAnalytic fassessment
fskills, fpolicy fdevelopment fand fprogram fplanning fskills, fcommunication fskills, fcultural
fcompetency fskills, fcommunity fdimensions fof fpractice fskills, fpublic fhealth fscience fskills,
ffinancial fplanning fand fmanagement fskills, fand fleadership fand fsystems fthinking fskills.
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