1. A ilman ilis ilterminally ilill ilwith ilend-stage ilprostate ilcancer. ilWhich ilis ilthe ilbest ilstatement
ilabout ilthis
man‘s ilwellness?
a. Wellness ilcan ilonly ilbe ilachieved ilwith ilaggressive ilmedical ilinterventions.
b. Wellness ilis ilnot ila ilreal iloption ilfor ilthis ilclient ilbecause ilhe ilis ilterminally ilill.
c. Wellness ilis ildefined ilas ilthe ilabsence ilof ildisease.
d. Nursing ilinterventions ilcan ilhelp ilempower ila ilclient ilto ilachieve ila ilhigher
illevel ilof ilwellness.
ANS: i l D
Nursing ilinterventions ilcan ilhelp ilempower ila ilclient ilto ilachieve ila ilhigher illevel ilof ilwellness;
ila ilnurse ilcan ilfoster ilwellness ilin ilhis ilor ilher ilclients. ilWellness ilis ildefined ilby ilthe
ilindividual iland ilis ilmultidimensional. ilIt ilis ilnot iljust ilthe ilabsence ilof ildisease. ilA ilwellness
ilperspective ilis ilbased ilon ilthe ilbelief ilthat ilevery ilperson ilhas ilan iloptimal illevel ilof ilhealth
ilindependent ilof ilhis ilor ilher ilsituation ilor ilfunctional illevel. ilEven ilin ilthe ilpresence ilof
ilchronic ilillness ilor ilwhile ildying, ila ilmovement iltoward ilwellness ilis ilpossible ilif ilemphasis
ilof ilcare ilis ilplaced ilon ilthe ilpromotion ilof ilwell-being ilin ila ilsupportive ilenvironment.
PTS: i l 1 DIF: Apply REF: i l p. il7 TOP: i l Nursing ilProcess:
ilDiagnosis ilMSC: i l Health ilPromotion iland ilMaintenance
2. In ildifferentiating ilbetween ilhealU
th aS NellT
nd w ness in ilO
h e a l t h ilcare, ilwhich ilof ilthe
ilfollowing ilstatements ilis iltrue?
a. Health ilis ila ilbroad ilterm ilencompassing ilattitudes iland ilbehaviors.
b. The ilconcept ilof ilillness ilprevention ilwas ilnever ilconsidered ilby ilprevious ilgenerations.
c. Wellness iland ilself-actualization ildevelop ilthrough illearning iland ilgrowth.
d. Wellness ilis ilimpossible ilwhen ilone‘s ilhealth ilis ilcompromised.
ANS: i l A
Health ilis ila ilbroad ilterm ilthat ilencompasses ilattitudes iland ilbehaviors; ilholistically, ilhealth
ilincludes ilwellness, ilwhich ilinvolves ilone‘s ilwhole ilbeing. ilThe ilconcept ilof ilillness
ilprevention ilwas ilnever ilconsidered ilby ilprevious ilgenerations; ilthroughout ilhistory, ilbasic
ilself-care ilrequirements ilhave ilbeen ilrecognized. ilWellness iland ilself-actualization ildevelop
ilthrough illearning iland ilgrowth—as ilbasic ilneeds ilare ilmet, ilhigher illevel ilneeds ilcan ilbe
ilsatisfied ilin ilturn, ilwith ilever-deepening ilrichness ilto illife. ilWellness ilis ilpossible ilwhen
ilone‘s ilhealth ilis ilcompromised—even ilwith ilchronic ilillness, ilwith ilmultiple ildisabilities, ilor
ilin ildying, ilmovement iltoward ila ilhigher illevel ilof ilwellness ilis ilpossible.
PTS: i l 1 DIF: Understand REF: i l p. il7 TOP: i l Nursing ilProcess:
ilEvaluation ilMSC: i l Health ilPromotion iland ilMaintenance
3. Which ilracial ilor ilethnic ilgroup ilhas ilthe ilhighest illife ilexpectancy ilin ilthe ilUnited ilStates?
a. Native ilAmericans
b. African ilAmericans
c. Hispanic ilAmericans
d. Asian iland ilPacific ilIsland ilAmericans
, Ebersole iland ilHess' ilGerontological ilNursing iland ilHealthy ilAging il5th ilEdition ilTouhy
ilTest ilBank
Chapter il02: ilCross-Cultural ilCaring iland ilAging
Touhy il& ilJett: ilEbersole iland ilHess’ ilGerontological ilNursing il& ilHealthy ilAging, il5th
1. Which ilof ilthe ilfollowing ilis ila iltrue ilstatement ilabout ildiffering ilhealth ilbelief ilsystems?
a. Personalistic ilor ilmagicoreligious ilbeliefs ilhave ilbeen ilsuperseded ilin ilWestern
ilminds ilby ilbiomedical ilprinciples.
b. In ilmost ilcultures, ilolder iladults ilare illikely ilto iltreat ilthemselves ilusing
iltraditional ilmethods ilbefore ilturning ilto ilbiomedical ilprofessionals.
c. Ayurvedic ilmedicine ilis ilanother ilname ilfor iltraditional ilChinese ilmedicine.
d. The ilbelief ilthat ilhealth ildepends ilon ilmaintaining ila ilbalance ilamong ilopposite
ilqualities ilis ilcharacteristic ilof ila ilmagicoreligious ilbelief ilsystem.
ANS: i l B
Older iladults ilin ilmost ilcultures ilusually ilhave ilhad ilexperience ilwith iltraditional ilmethods
ilthat ilhave ilworked ilas ilwell ilas ilexpected. ilAfter ilthese iltreatments ilfail, ilolder iladults ilturn
ilto ilthe ilformal ilhealth ilcare ilsystem. ilEven ilin ilthe ilUnited ilStates, ilit ilis ilcommon ilfor
ilolder iladults ilto ilpray ilfor ilcures ilor ilwonder ilwhat ilthey ildid ilto ilincur ilan ilillness ilas
ilpunishment. ilThe ilAyurvedic ilsystem ilis ila ilnaturalistic ilhealth ilbelief ilsystem ilpracticed ilin
ilIndia iland ilin ilsome ilneighboring ilcountries. ilThis ilbelief ilis ilcharacteristic ilof ila ilholistic
ilor ilnaturalistic ilapproach.
PTS: i l i l 1 DIF: Understand REF: i l i l p. il16-17
TOP: i l Nursing ilProcess: ilAssessment MSC: i l Health ilPromotion iland ilMaintenance
2. Which ilof ilthe ilfollowing ilconsidU
onsNis m
Tost likO
ely ilto ilbe iltrue ilwhen ilworking
ilwith ilan ilinterpreter?
a. An ilinterpreter ilis ilnever ilneeded ilif ilthe ilnurse ilspeaks ilthe ilsame illanguage ilas ilthe ilpatient.
b. When ilworking ilwith ilinterpreters, ilthe ilnurse ilcan iluse iltechnical ilterms ilor ilmetaphors.
c. A ilpatient‘s ilyoung ilgranddaughter ilwho ilspeaks ilfluent ilEnglish ilwould ilmake ilthe ilbest
interpreter ilbecause ilshe ilis ilfamiliar ilwith iland illoves ilthe ilpatient.
d. The ilnurse ilshould ilface ilthe ilpatient ilrather ilthan ilthe ilinterpreter.
ANS: i l D
The ilnurse ilshould ilface ilthe ilpatient ilrather ilthan ilthe ilinterpreter ilis ila iltrue ilstatement; ilthe
ilintent ilis ilto ilconverse ilwith ilthe ilpatient, ilnot ilwith ila ilthird ilparty ilabout ilthe ilpatient.
ilMany ilreasons ilmay ilprevent ilthe ilpatient ilfrom ilspeaking ildirectly ilto ila ilnurse. ilTechnical
ilterms iland ilmetaphors ilmay ilbe ildifficult ilor ilimpossible ilto iltranslate. ilCultural ilrestrictions
ilmay ilprevent ilsome iltopics ilfrom ilbeing ilspoken ilof ilto ila ilgrandparent ilor ilchild.
PTS: i l i l 1 DIF: i l i l Understand i l i l REF: i l i l p. il18-19
TOP: i l Nursing ilProcess: ilImplementation il il il MSC: i l Safe, ilEffective ilCare ilEnvironment
3. An ilolder iladult ilwho ilis ila iltraditional ilChinese ilman ilhas ila ilblood ilpressure ilof il80/54 ilmm
ilHg iland ilrefuses ilto ilremain ilin ilthe ilbed. ilWhich ilintervention ilshould ilthe ilnurse iluse ilto
ilpromote iland ilmaintain ilhis ilhealth?
a. Have ilthe ilhealth ilcare ilprovider ilspeak ilto ilhim.
b. Use ilprinciples ilof ilthe ilholistic ilhealth ilsystem.
c. Ask ilabout ilhis ilperceptions iland iltreatment ilideas.
,Ebersole iland ilHess' ilGerontological ilNursing iland ilHealthy ilAging il5th ilEdition ilTouhy
ilTest ilBank
d. Consult ilwith ila ilpractitioner ilof ilChinese ilmedicine.
ANS: i l C
Using ilthe ilLEARN ilmodel il(listen ilwith ilsympathy ilto ilthe ilpatient‘s ilperception ilof ilthe
ilproblem, ilexplain ilyour ilperception ilof ilthe ilproblem, ilacknowledge ilthe ildifferences iland
ilsimilarities, ilrecommend iltreatment, iland ilnegotiate ilagreement), ilthe ilnurse ilgathers
ilinformation ilfrom ilthe ilpatient ilabout ilcultural ilbeliefs ilconcerning ilhealth ilcare iland ilavoids
ilstereotyping ilthe ilpatient. ilIn ilthe ilassessment, ilthe ilnurse ildetermines ilwhat ilthe ilpatient
ilbelieves ilabout ilcaregiving, ildecision ilmaking, iltreatment, iland ilother ilpertinent ilhealth-
related ilinformation. ilSpeaking ilwith ilthe ilhealth ilcare ilprovider ilis ilpremature iluntil ilthe
ilassessment ilis ilcomplete. ilUnless ilhe ilaccepts ilthe ilbeliefs, ilprinciples ilof ilthe ilholistic
ilhealth ilsystem ilcan ilbe ilpotentially ilunsuitable iland ilinsulting ilfor ilthis ilpatient. ilUnless ilhe
ilaccepts ilthe iltreatments, ilconsulting ilwith ila ilpractitioner ilof ilChinese ilmedicine ilcan ilalso
ilbe ilunsuitable iland ilinsulting ilfor ilthis ilpatient.
PTS: i l i l 1 DIF: Apply REF: i l i l p. il18
TOP: i l Nursing ilProcess: ilImplementation MSC: i l Health ilPromotion iland ilMaintenance
4. Which ilaction ilshould ilthe ilnurse iltake ilwhen iladdressing ilolder iladults?
a. Speak ilin ilan ilexaggerated ilpitch.
b. Use ila illower ilquality ilof ilspeech.
c. Use ilendearing ilterms ilsuch ilas il―honey.‖
d. Speak ilclearly.
ANS: i l D
Some ilhealth ilprofessionals ildemonstrate ilageism, ilin ilpart ilbecause ilproviders iltend ilto ilsee
ilmany ilfrail, ilolder ilpersons iland ilfewer ilof ilthose ilwho ilare ilhealthy iland ilactive. ilProviders
ilshould ilnot ilassume ilthat ilall ilolder iladults ilare ilhearing ilor ilmentally ilimpaired. ilThe ilmost
ilappropriate ilaction
when iladdressing ilan ilolder iladuNltUwRoS ulI
dNbeGtToB sp.eC
learly. ilExamples ilof ilunintentional
ilageism ilin illanguage ilare ilan ilexaggerated ilpitch, ila ildemeaning ilemotional iltone, iland ila
illower ilquality ilof
PTS: i l i l 1 DIF: Apply REF: i l i l p. il15
TOP: i l Nursing ilProcess: ilAssessment MSC: i l Health ilPromotion iland ilMaintenance
5. The ilnurse ilprepares ilan ilolder ilwoman, ilwho ilis ilPolish, ilfor ildischarge ilthrough ilan
ilinterpreter iland ilnotes ilthat ilshe ilbecomes iltense ilduring ilthe ilinstructions ilabout
ilelimination. ilWhich ilintervention ilshould ilthe ilnurse ilimplement?
a. Move ilon ilto ilthe ildiscussion ilabout ilmedication.
b. Ask ilthe ilolder ilwoman ilhow ilshe ilfeels ilabout ilthis iltopic.
c. Instruct ilthe ilinterpreter ilto ilrepeat ilthe ilinstructions.
d. Have ilthe ilolder ilwoman ilrepeat ilthe ilinstructions ilfor ilclarity.
ANS: i l B
When ilworking ilwith ilan ilinterpreter, ilthe ilnurse ilclosely ilwatches ilthe ilolder iladult ilfor
ilnonverbal ilcommunication iland ilemotion ilregarding ila ilspecific iltopic iland iltherefore
ilvalidates ilthe ilassessment ilabout ilthe ilolder iladult‘s iltension ilbefore ilproceeding. ilBecause
ilthe ilnurse ilnotices ilher iltension, ilthe ilnurse iltemporarily ilsuspends ilthe ilpreparation ilto
ilvalidate ilher ilassessment. ilIf ilthe ilnurse ilproceeds iland ilthe ilolder iladult ilis iluncomfortable
ildiscussing ilelimination, ilthen ilimportant ilinstructions ilcan ilbe ilmissed, illeading ilto iladverse
ileffects ilfor ilthe ilolder iladult. ilRepeating ilthe ilinstructions ilcan ilaggravate ilthe ilolder iladult‘s
ildiscomfort. ilInstructing ilthe ilolder iladult ilto ilrepeat ilthe ilnurse‘s ilinstruction ilignores ilher
, Ebersole iland ilHess' ilGerontological ilNursing iland ilHealthy ilAging il5th ilEdition ilTouhy
ilTest ilBank
PTS: i l i l 1 DIF: Apply REF: i l i l p. il18-19
TOP: i l Communication iland ilDocumentation
ilMSC: i l Safe, ilEffective ilCare ilEnvironment
6. The ilnurse ilplans ilcare ilfor ilan ilolder ilAfrican ilAmerican ilman ilwho ilis ilfrom ilJamaica iland
ilresides ilin ilNew ilYork ilCity. ilWhich ilshould ilthe ilnurse ilinclude ilin ilplanning ilcare?
a. Attribute ilhis ilillness ilto ilbreaking ila ilvoodoo.
b. Help ilhim ilimprove ilsocial ilrelationships.
c. Maintain ilblood ilpressure ilbelow il120/70 ilmm ilHg.
d. Review ilthe ilprinciples ilof ilthe ilmagicoreligious ilsystem.
ANS: i l C
Because ilAfrican ilAmericans iltend ilto ilbe ilat ilrisk ilfor ilcardiovascular ildisease iland
ilhypertension, ilthe ilnurse ilplans ilto ilmaintain ilthe ilpatient‘s ilblood ilpressure ilat ilor ilbelow
ilthe ilcurrent ilrecommendation ilby ilthe ilAmerican ilHeart ilAssociation. ilThe ilnurse ilcan ilbe
ilincorrectly ilassuming ilthat ilhe ilpractices iland ilbelieves ilin ilthe ilmagicoreligious ilsystem.
ilThe ilnurse ilshould ilassess ilhis ilspiritual ilbeliefs iland ildetermine ilhow ilmuch ilthey ilinfluence
ilhis ilattitudes iltoward ilWestern ilhealth ilcare. ilThe ilmagicoreligious ilsystem ilmaintains
ilsocial ilrelationships ilin ilgood ilcondition ilto ilprevent ilillness; ilhowever, ilif ilthe ilolder iladult
ildoes ilnot ilfollow ilthis ilcultural ilpractice, ilthen ilthis ilgoal ilcan ilbe ilunsuitable. ilThe ilolder
iladult ilmay ilnot ilbelieve ilin ilthis ilsystem; iltherefore, ilthe ilinformation ilcan ilbe ilirrelevant.
PTS: i l 1 DIF: Apply REF: i l p. il18-19 TOP: i l Nursing ilProcess:
ilPlanning ilMSC: i l Safe, ilEffective ilCare ilEnvironment
7. Which ilhealth ilbelief ilsystem iluses iltreatments ilto ilrepair ila ilbody ilpart?
b. Biomedical
c. Personalistic
d. Magicoreligious
ANS: i l B
Because ildysfunction ilor ila ilstructural ilabnormality ilis ilthought ilto ilcause ildisease, ilthe
ilbiomedical ilsystem ilbelieves ilin ilrepairing ilthe ilstructural ilabnormality. ilThe ilholistic ilsystem
ilholds ilthat ilhealth ilis ilattained ilthrough ilbalance. ilThe ilpersonalistic ilsystem iluses iltreatments
ilsuch ilas ilmeditation, ilfasting, iland ilpraying. ilThe ilmagicoreligious ilsystem ilis ilthe ilsame ilas
ilthe ilpersonalistic ilsystem.
PTS: i l i l 1 DIF: Understand REF: i l i l p. il17
TOP: i l Nursing ilProcess: ilAssessment MSC: i l Safe, ilEffective ilCare ilEnvironment
8. A ilnurse ilis ilcaring ilfor ila ilculturally ildiverse ilpatient ilwho ilhas ilmissed ilfollow-up
ilappointments ilwith ilthe ilprimary ilcare ilprovider ilthree iltimes ilover ilthe ilpast ilyear. ilThe
ilpatient ilhas ila ilchronic ilillness ilthat ilrequires ilperiodic ilmonitoring ilof ilblood iltest ilvalues.
ilThe ilpatient iltells ilthe ilnurse: il―You ildon‘t ilunderstand—in ilmy ilculture, ilwe ildon‘t ildo
ilthings illike ilthat. ilI ilcannot ilbe iltroubled ilwith ilworrying ilabout ilappointments ilin ilthe
ilfuture; ilI ildeal ilwith ileach ilday ilas ilit ilcomes.‖ ilThe ilnurse ilunderstands
which ilof ilthe ilfollowing ilabout ilthe ilpatient‘s ilculture?
a. The ilculture ildoes ilnot ilvalue ilWestern ilmedicine.
b. The ilculture ilhas ila ildifferent ilorientation ilto iltime ilthan ilWestern ilmedicine.
c. The ilculture ilis ilan ilinterdependent ilculture.
d. The ilculture ildoes ilnot ilbelieve ilin ilpreventative ilcare.