EssentialHealthAssessment2ndE ditionThompsonTestB ank v v
Chapter1.UnderstandingHealth Assessment v
Question 1 v
v Type:MCSA
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v
v v v v v v v
v bloodpressureandsuffers fromalegulcerthatremainsunhealedafter6months.Whichofthe
v v v v v v
v followingstatementswouldbethebestchoiceforthenursetouseatthispointintheinterview?
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v
1. Ifeelthatyoumaybeindenialaboutyourhealthstatus.
v v v v v v
2. Tellmeabout yourdefinitionofbeinghealthy. v
3. Doyouunderstandwhathypertensionis? v
4. Isthereanythingelseyou arenottellingme? v
Rationale1:Moreinformationwouldbeneeded beforethenursecouldattributetheclientsviewpoint
v v v v v v v v
v asdenialorlackofknowledge.
v v v v v
Rationale2:Aclient will havehisorherowndefinitionofhealth,illness,and wellness.The
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v
v individualsconceptofhealth and wellness isinfluenced bymanyfactors,including age,gender, v v v
v race,family,culture,religion,socioeconomicconditions,environment,previousexperiences,and
v self-expectations.
Rationale3:The clientshistoryofhypertensionisavalidarea requiring furtherinvestigationbutthe
v v v v v
v nursemustfirstascertaintheclientsdefinitionofhealthy.
v v v v v v v
,Rationale4:Thereisnote noughinformationtodeterminetheclientswithholdingofinformation v v v v v v v v vv v v
to the nurse.
v v
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v
v individualsconceptofhealthandwellnessisinfluencedbymanyfactors,includingage,gender, race,
v v v v v v v v v v v v v
v v v v v v v v v v
expectations.More informationwouldbeneededbeforethenurse couldattributetheclients
v v v v v v v v v
v viewpointasdenialorlack ofknowledge.Theclientshistoryofhypertensionisa validarearequiring v v v v v
v furtherinvestigationbutthenursemustfirstascertaintheclientsdefinitionofhealthy.Thereisalso
v v v v v v v v v v
v notenoughinformationtodeterminetheclientswithholdingofinformationtothenurse. v v v v
CognitiveLevel:Analyzing v v
ClientN vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv v eed:HealthPromotion andMaintenance v v
Client NeedSub: v
Nursing/IntegratedConcepts: NursingProcess: Assessment v v
v LearningOutcome:1.4:Identifythefactors toconsiderinhealth assessment v v v
v Question2 v
Thenurseisdocumentingintheclientsmedicalrecordandwishes touseSOAPcharting.Thenurse v v v v v v v
v includeswhichofthefollowingundertheassessmentcategory?
v v v v v v v v
1. Theclientsblood pressurewas177/93. v v
2. Therecent loss ofemploymentandinsurancehave preventedtheclient from being ableto
v v v v v v v
v affordprescriptionmedications.
v v
3. Theclient reportshavinglostherjobandinsurance3months ago.
v v v v
,4. Referralshavebeen madetosocialservicestodeterminefinancialassistanceprograms
v v v v
v available.
v Rationale1:ThisistheOcomponent,objectivedata. v
Rationale2:TheAcomponentoftheSOAPnoterefers toconclusionsdrawnfrom thesubjective v v v v
v andobjectivedataobtained.
v v v
v Rationale4:ThisisthePcomponent,plan. v
Global Rationale: TheAcomponentofthe SOAPnotereferstoconclusionsdrawnfrom the
v v v v
v subjectiveandobjectivedataobtained.Theclientsrecentlossofemploymentandthep otentialthat v v v vvvvvvvvvvv v
v thiswasacontributingfactorintheinabilitytoaffordmedicationsisanexampleofaconclusion.The
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v
v v v v v v v v v v v
Objective data is information that can be measured by the examiner. Blood pressure is not an
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v
v exampleofsubjective information norisitaconclusion.Theclients reported lossofemploymentand
v v v v v v
v insuranceisanexampleofsubjectivedata.The statement doesnotincludeconclusionsas totheresults v v v v
v oftheseevents.Makingreferralsto socialservicesisanexampleofan intervention.Itisnota
v v v v v v
v conclusion.
Cognitive Level: Applying v v
v ClientNeed:HealthPromotion andMaintenance
v v v
v Client NeedSub:
Nursing/IntegratedConcepts:Nursing Process:Assessment v v
v LearningOutcome:1.4:Identifythefactors toconsiderinhealth assessment. v v v
v Question3 v
, The nurse is presenting a workshop on wellness and health promotion and the initiatives of
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v
Healthy People 2020 as a resource for this topic. After the session, which of the following
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v
statements bya participant indicates an understandingconcerningtheinitiativesproposed?
v v v v v v
1. Itwillallowhealth careproviderstolobbylegislatorsformore funding. v v v
2. TheprimarygoalofHealthyPeople2020istoassisthealthcareprovidersindeterminingrisk v
v factorsforprematurebirth.
v v
3. HealthyPeople2020seekstopromoteshealth,prevent illness,disability,andpremature death. v v v v
4. Theinitiatives willoutlinestandardsofcareforprovidersin managingdiseases. v v
Rationale1:Healthcareproviders and otherpersonsinterested in programstopromotehealthhave v v v v v
v foundthedocumenttobeausefulsourceofinformationintheireffortstogainfunding.
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v
v preventillness,disability,andprematuredeath.Thedocumentidentifiesleadinghealthindicators that
v v v v
v reflectpublichealthconcerns. Riskfactorsforprematurebirthmaybepartof those health v v v
v indicators,butthescopeofthedocumentcoversbroadareasofconcern.
v v v v v v v v v v
Rationale3:TheHealthyPeople2020initiativeisa10-yearstrategyintendedtopromotehealth,prevent v v
v illness,disability,andprematuredeath.
v v v v
Rationale4:Standardsofcareindiseasemanagementis notacomponentofthedocument. v v
Global Rationale:TheHealthyPeople2020initiativeisa10-yearstrategyintended topromote
v v v
v health,preventillness,disability,andprematuredeath.Thedocumentidentifiesleadinghealth
v v v v v v v v v v v
v indicatorsthatreflectpublichealthconcerns.Riskfactorsforprematurebirthmaybepartofthose
v v v v v v v v v v v v v
healthindicators,but thescopeof thedocument coversbroadareasofconcern.Health care providers
v v v v v v v
v andotherpersonsinterestedinprogramstopromotehealthhavefoundthedocument tobeauseful v v v v v v v v
v sourceofinformationintheireffortstogainfunding.Standardsofcareindiseasemanagementis nota
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v
v v v