Interactive Media Platforms || with Errorless Solutions
User Experience correct answers How a person feels when interfacing with a system.
Interface correct answers Content, GUI, UI, product/application, technology
Content correct answers The content itself (e.g.: video clips).
- The Message.
Graphical User Interface (GUI) correct answers How it looks, visual experience (e.g.: layouts,
composition, colors, icons, fonts).
User Interface (UI) correct answers How it does it, how it behaves, how the user will interact
(e.g.: navigation, flow, availability).
Product/Application correct answers What it does, the core features, core concepts (e.g.: video
community, personalisation).
Technology correct answers What is possible, what is not (e.g.: what is needed to enable - video
uploading, video delivery, video tagging, user identification).
Discoverability correct answers Is it possible to figure out what actions are possible and how to
perform them?
Understanding correct answers What does it all mean? How is the product supposed to be used?
What do all the different controls and settings mean?
Industrial Design correct answers The professional service of creating and developing concepts
and specifications that optimize the function, value and appearance of products and systems for
the mutual benefit of both user and manufacturer.
Interaction Design correct answers The focus is upon how people interact with technology. The
goal is to enhance the people's understanding of what can be done. what is happening and what
has just happened. This concepts draws upon principles of psychology, design, art and emotion
to ensure a positive, enjoyable experience.
Experience Design correct answers The process of designing products, processes, service, events
and environments with the focus placed on the quality and enjoyment of the total experience.
"Human Error" correct answers - Machines require us to be accurate, precise, operate based on
- When things go wrong - frustrations or even accidents/ injury. Who is at fault? Machine or
- Design principles are needed
, - The illusion: "I can design for people like me".
- Don Norman: "The problem with a lot of industrial design is that it is too logical. Not all
regular people think like engineers", "We must design our machines on the assumptions that
people will make errors".
Human Centered Design (HCD) correct answers - An approach that puts human needs,
capabilities and behavior first, then the design to accommodate those needs, capabilities and
ways of behaving.
-The process that ensures that the designs match the needs and capabilities of the people to
whom they are intended.
Six Fundamental Concepts of Discoverability correct answers Affordance, signifiers, constrains,
mapping, feedback, conceptual model
Affordances correct answers - Relationship between the properties of the object and the
capabilities of the agent that determines just how the object can possibly be used.
- Some features of the designs give hints of how to use it.
- (E.g.: Some chairs can only be lifted by stronger people or a group of people. For weaker
people, or younger people, those chairs do not have that affordance.)
Signifiers correct answers - Communicate where the action should take place. Any mark, sound,
indicator that communicates appropriate behavior to a person.
- How do we discover, or perceive the affordances of an object?
- (E.g.: Intentional - sign PUSH on a door. Unintentional - Trail of foot prints left on a snowy
road that shows the best path, bookmarks are both intentional - show where one stopped reading
and unintentional - show how much is left to read.)
Mapping correct answers - Relationship between the elements of two sets of things.
- The relationship between a control and its result.
- (E.g.: The mapping of switches lo lights shows which switch controls witch light.)
- What happens when a user performs an action. A very technical thing. Every centimetre of
turning the wheel turns the car's wheels direction precisely.
Feedback correct answers - Communicating results of an action.
- The reaction from the system to the user (informative, positive, negative, media type, "tone"...)
- (E.g.: Dishwasher beeping, telling the wash is done.)
Conceptual Models correct answers - A simple explanation of how something works.
- How we mentally simulate the operation when we see the object/design.
- (E.g.: The files, folders and icons one sees displayed on a computer screen help people create
the conceptual model of documents and models inside the computer. Good conceptual model -
scissors - who holes - easy to understand. Bad conceptual model - Don Norman's watch - five
buttons - unintuitive.)
- The model we get about objects from our experience.