Nur 102 Final Exam Latest Update 2024-2025
Actual Exam from Credible Sources with 170
Questions and Verified Correct Answers Golden
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Patient-Centered Care - CORRECT ANSWER:
- expedites care
- promotes patient convenience
- capitalizes on professional competence of team members
- emphasizes continuum of care and reduced fragmentation of care
- uses resources efficiently
- fosters teamwork, collaboration, and communication
- requires "right staff at right time" to meet patient needs
- difficult to explain; uses several models of care delivery
- requires a lot of RNs; must have both clinical and management skills
Advantages and Disadvantages of Primary Nursing - CORRECT ANSWER:
- high patient and family satisfaction
- promotes RN responsibility, authority, autonomy, and accountability
- nurse can care for entire patient (physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually)
- patient knows nurse well, and nurse knows patient well
- promotes patient-centered decision making
- increases coordination and continuity of care
- promotes professionalism
,- promotes job satisfaction and sense of accomplishment for nurses
- difficult to hire all RN staff
- expensive to pay all RN staff
- nurses are not familiar w/ other patients, making it difficult to "cover" for each other
- may create conflicts b/w primary and associate nurses
- stress of round-the-clock responsibility
- heavy responsibility, especially for new nurses
Advantages and Disadvantages of Team Nursing - CORRECT ANSWER: Advantages:
- potential for building team spirit
- provides comprehensive care
- each worker's abilities used to the fullest
- promotes job satisfaction
- decreases nonprofessional duties of RNs
- ongoing need for communication among team members requires commitment of time
- all team members must promote teamwork, or team nursing is unsuccessful
- team composition varies from day to day, which can be confusing and disruptive and
decreases continuity of care
- may result in blurred role boundaries, resulting in confusion and resentment
Advantages of Case Management Nursing - CORRECT ANSWER: Advantages:
- promotes interdisciplinary collaboration
- increases quality of care
- is cost-effective
- eases patient's transition from hospital to community services
,- nurse has increased responsibility
- requires additional training
- requires nurses to be off the unit for periods of time
- is time-consuming
- is most useful only w/ high-risk patients and high-cost/high-volume conditions
Appreciate how continued knowledge acquisition is necessary to implement safe,
effective, salient nursing care via the nursing process. - CORRECT ANSWER: - nursing
process is dynamic, not linear
- continued knowledge is necessary for growth and proper nursing care
- the more knowledge you acquire, the more experienced of a nurse you will become
- continuing one's education through lifelong learning is an excellent way to maintain
and enhance your
critical thinking skills
Appreciate the interplay of care, compassion and communication. - CORRECT
ANSWER: - being compassionate helps foster a safe environment for patients, improve
quality of care, and increase trust and comfort b/w patients and nurses
- compassion promotes effective communication between patients, families, and staff
=> patients are more willing to open up to nurses they trust
Articulate the concept of gracious space - CORRECT ANSWER: - graciously listening,
engaging, and responding appropriately to the diverse viewpoints and/or polarity of
possible solutions that exist for delivering safe, cost-effective, and quality healthcare
Attributes of a Critical Thinker - CORRECT ANSWER: - A critical thinker: (1) raises
questions and problems and formulates them clearly and precisely; (2) gathers and
assesses relevant information, using abstract ideas for interpretation; (3) arrives at
conclusions and solutions that are well-reasoned and tests them against relevant
, standards; (4) is open-minded and recognizes alternative ways of seeing problems, and
has the ability to assess the assumptions, implications, and consequences of alternative
viewpoints; (5) communicates effectively w/ others as solutions to complex problems are
***Reflective Thinking --> asking self questions during and after nurse-patient
Board of Directors Responsibilities (Not-for-Profit Organizations) - CORRECT
ANSWER: - determination of the organization's mission
- strategic planning
- financial oversight
- selection and evaluation of the CEO
- board self-evaluation and education
BSN Essentials I, III, IV, & IX - CORRECT ANSWER: - Essential I: *Liberal Education
for Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice*
=> A solid base in liberal education provides the cornerstone for the practice and
education of nurses
- Essential III: *Scholarship for Evidence Based Practice*
=> Professional nursing practice is grounded in the translation of current evidence into
one's practice
- Essential IV: *Information Management and Application in Patient Care Technology*
=> Healthcare policies, including financial and regulatory, directly and indirectly
influence the nature and functioning of the healthcare system and thereby are important
consideration in professional nursing practice
- Essential IX: *Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice*
=> The baccalaureate-graduate is prepared to practice w/ patients, including individuals,
families, groups, communities, and populations across the lifespan and across the
continuum of healthcare environments
=> The baccalaureate graduate understands and respects the variations of care, the
increased complexity, and the increased use of healthcare resources inherent in caring
for patients