HSU GSP 101 Exam 1 Questions &
Answers 2024/2025
Primary sciences - ANSWERSgeodesy, land survey, remote sensing
Geodesy - ANSWERSmeasuring the earth
Land Surveying - ANSWERSapplication of geodesy
Remote Sensing - ANSWERSremote measurement of earth
Secondary sciences - ANSWERScartography, GIS
Cartography - ANSWERScommunicating geographic info
GIS - ANSWERSanalyzing geographic info
Qualitative data - ANSWERSlabels or names, numeric or nonnumeric, limited statistical analysis
Quantitative data - ANSWERSdiscrete or continuous, numbers or colors
Discrete data - ANSWERShow many, counted.
Tobler's Law - ANSWERSeverything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than
far things
Raster format - ANSWERSpixels, tins, dems, continuous features
, Vector format - ANSWERSlines/continuous image, points, polygons, discrete features
Metadata - ANSWERSinformation about data, who, what, where, when, how, why
Accuracy - ANSWERShow true it is to accepted values
Precision - ANSWERSlevel of measurement/detail
Error - ANSWERSacknowledge and minimize: QAQC, push elsewhere, visual inspection
Credits: - ANSWERSSources, cartographer, projection, funding, date
Seven elements and their guidelines - ANSWERSbody of the map, scale, direction (on map), title, legend,
neatline, credits (near map)
Hierarchy - visual: figure ground relationship - ANSWERSthe map, then title and legend, then scale and
direction and credits
Font guidelines - ANSWERS(lettering on maps should enhance the message, not distract the reader the
correct use of types set the mood) water = italics, larger letters = more important, CAPITAL LETTERS =
more important
Three Font Rule - ANSWERSno more than three fonts
Divergent scheme - ANSWERSNeutral in middle, high saturation of different colors on ends (SD)
Sequential Scheme - ANSWERSOne color of increasing intensity (natural breaks, equal interv, quantitative
Categorical Scheme - ANSWERSblue green orange, all the colors, qualitative data