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Red Cross: First Aid/CPR Exam Questions
With Verified Answers
Seven Fundamental Principles - answer✔Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence,
Voluntary Service, Unity, Universality
Humanity - answer✔We serve people, but not systems.
Impartiality - answer✔We care for the victims and the aggressors alike.
Neutrality - answer✔We take initiatives, but never take sides.
Independence - answer✔We bow to needs, but not rulers.
Voluntary Service - answer✔We work around the clock, but never for personal gain.
Unity - answer✔We have many talents, but a single idea.
Universality - answer✔We respect nations, but our work knows no bounds.
Official Symbols of the Red Cross - answer✔Red Cross, Red Crescent, Red Crystal
International Symbols of the Red Cross - answer✔Proprietary symbols that represent neutrality
and aid, both military and humanitarian, and as such must always be used appropriately.
Mission of the Canadian Red Cross - answer✔To improve the lives of vulnerable people by
mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada and around the world.
Vision of the Canadian Red Cross - answer✔The leading humanitarian organization through
which people voluntarily demonstrate their caring for others in need.
Values of the Canadian Red Cross - answer✔Respect, dignity, and care for one another within
and outside the Canadian Red Cross; integrity, accountability, effectiveness, and transparency.
Services and Programs - answer✔Disaster Management, International Operations, First Aid
Programs, Swimming and Water Safety, Respect Education, and Community Health and
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Disaster Management - answer✔Provides aid to individuals and families across Canada
following emergencies such as house fires, flooding, ice storms, and even chemical spills.
International Operations - answer✔Works around the world to protect and promote the rights
of all people affected by armed conflict, and also provides aid following emergencies such as
natural disasters and disease outbreak.
First Aid Program - answer✔Offers first aid and CPR training for individuals, groups, workplaces,
and first responders.
Swimming and Water Safety Program - answer✔Offers courses to help people of all ages and
abilities learn about water safety and learn how to swim.
Respect Education - answer✔Offers programs to teach children, youth, and adults about
healthy relationships, signs of abuse, dating violence, personal safety, and bullying prevention.
Community Health and Wellness - answer✔Offers nutrition-based programs, transportation
services, and health equipment loans to help individuals continue to live independently in their
homes despite illness, injury, or other circumstances.
Be prepared... - answer✔Have easy access to emergency items; keep first aid kit in home and
vehicle; know the location of first aid kits and AED in workplace; download Red Cross app.
First Aid Kit Checklist - answer✔Adhesive tape, adhesive bandages in assorted sizes, a
thermometer, barrier devices (pocket masks or face shield), scissors, tweezers, safety pins,
Canadian Red Cross first aid manual, sterile gauze pads (small and large), emergency telephone
numbers, a pencil and pad, cold packs, a flashlight with extra batteries, antiseptic wipes or
soap, eye patches, an emergency blanket, disposable non-latex gloves, roller or triangular
bandages (for slings).
Indicators of an Emergency - answer✔Unusual sights, sounds, odours, or behaviours.
Unusual Sounds - answer✔Screaming, moaning, yelling or calls for help; sudden, loud noises
such as breaking glass, crashing metal or screeching tires; a change in the sound made by
machinery or equipment; unusual silence.
Unusual Sights - answer✔A stopped vehicle on the roadside or a car that has run off of the
road; downed electrical wires; sparks, smoke or fire; a person who suddenly collapses or is lying
motionless; signs or symptoms of illness or injury, such as
profuse sweating for no apparent reason or an
uncharacteristic skin colour.
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Unusual Odours - answer✔A foul or unusually strong chemical odour; the smell of smoke; the
smell of gas; an unrecognizable odour; an inappropriate odour (e.g., a sickly-sweet odour
on a person's breath).
Unusual Behaviours - answer✔Confusion in a person who is normally alert; unusual drowsiness;
personality or mood changes (e.g., agitation in
a person who is normally calm, irritability in a
person who is normally pleasant).
Four reasons someone may not get involved... - answer✔Bystander Effect, unpleasant injury or
illness, catching a disease, doing something wrong/causing more harm.
Bystander Effect - answer✔"Someone else will look after them..." [Never assume that someone
else has taken action, and even if it looks like they have there are still many important things to
do--always offer to help in any way you can.]
Unpleasant Injury/Illness - answer✔"That makes me feel sick!" [Close your eyes or turn away
and take a deep breath, then offer to help in any way you are able.]
Catching Disease - answer✔"I don't want to get sick!" [EMS deal with sick people all the time
without incident--use gloves and protective barriers to minimize risk.]
Doing Something Wrong/Causing More Harm - answer✔"What if I make it worse?" [The most
harmful thing to do is nothing at all. Use good judgment and only administer care you've been
trained in. At the very least call EMS/911 and follow their instructions.]
Good Samaritan Law - answer✔Good Samaritan laws usually protect first-aiders who act in the
same manner as a "reasonable and prudent person" would; if first-aider is grossly negligent or
reckless, or abandons someone after starting care, then they may not be protected.
"Reasonable and Prudent" Actions - answer✔Only move a person who's life is in danger; ask
responsive person or guardian for permission before giving care; check for life-threatening
conditions before giving further care; call EMS/911 if necessary; continue to give care until
more highly trained personnel take over.
Permission - answer✔Tell the ill or injured person who you are, that you are there to help, and
ask if you can administer care; if the ill/injured person is a child, ask parent or guardian unless
one is unavailable.
Reasons it may be difficult to get permission... - answer✔Language barriers, the person is
unresponsive, confused or has a mental impairment, the person refuses care.