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LOMA 281 Module 3 exam questions with complete solution 2024.
LOMA 281 Module 3 exam questions with complete solution 2024.
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LOMA 281 Module 3 exam questions
with complete solution 2024
Waiver jof jpremium jfor jdisability jbenefit j- jANS✓✓-A jsupplemental jlife jinsurance
jpolicy jbenefit junder jwhich jthe jinsurer jpromises jto jgive jup j- jto jwaive j- jits jright
jto jcollect jpremiums jthat jbecome jdue jwhile jthe jinsured jis jtotally jdisabled.
Waiver jof jpremium jfor jpayor jbenefit j- jANS✓✓-A jsupplemental jlife jinsurance
jpolicy jbenefit junder jwhich jthe jinsurer jagrees jto jwaive jits jright jto jcollect ja
jpolicy's jrenewal jpremiums jif jthe jpolicyowner jdies jor jbecomes jtotally jdisabled.
Disability jincome jbenefit j- jANS✓✓-A jsupplemental jlife jinsurance jpolicy jbenefit
jthat jprovides ja jmonthly jincome jbenefit jto jthe jpolicyowner-insured jif jhe
jbecome jtotally jdisabled jwhen jthe jpolicy jis jin jforce.
Accidental jdeath jbenefit j- jANS✓✓-A jsupplemental jlife jinsurance jpolicy jbenefit
jthat jprovides ja jdeath jbenefit, jin jaddition jto jthe jpolicy's jbasic jdeath jbenefit, jif
jthe jinsured jdies jas ja jresult jof jan jaccident.
Accidental jdeath jand jdismemberment jbenefit j- jANS✓✓-A jsupplemental jlife
jinsurance jpolicy jbenefit jthat jprovides jan jaccidental jdeath jbenefit jand jprovides
ja jdismemberment jbenefit jpayable jif jan jaccident jcauses jthe jinsured jto jlose jany
jtwo jlimbs jor jsight jin jboth jeyes.
Accelerated jdeath jbenefit j- jANS✓✓-A jsupplemental jlife jinsurance jpolicy jbenefit
jthat jgives ja jpolicyowner-insured jthe jright jto jreceive jall jor jpart jof jthe jpolicy's
jdeath jbenefit jbefore jher jdeath, jif jcertain jconditions jare jmet.
Terminal jillness jbenefit j- jANS✓✓-An jaccelerated jdeath jbenefit junder jwhich jthe
jinsurer jpays ja jportion jof ja jlife jinsurance jpolicy's jdeath jbenefit jto ja
jpolicyowner-insured jwho jsuffers jfrom ja jterminal jillness jand jhas ja jphysician-
certified jlife jexpectancy jof j12 jmonths jor jless.
Dread jdisease jbenefit j- jANS✓✓-An jaccidental jdeath jbenefit junder jwhich jthe
jinsurer jagrees jto jpay ja jportion jof jthe jlife jinsurance jpolicy's jface jamount jto
jthe jpolicyowner jif jthe jinsured jsuffers jfrom jone jof ja jnumber jof jspecified
, Long jterm jcare jinsurance jbenefit j- jANS✓✓-An jaccelerated jdeath jbenefit junder
jwhich jthe jinsurer jagrees jto jpay ja jmonthly jbenefit jto ja jlife jinsurance
jpolicyowner jif jthe jinsured jrequires jconstant jcare jfor ja jmedical jcondition.
Spouse jand jchildren's jinsurance jrider j- jANS✓✓-A jsupplemental jlife jinsurance
jpolicy jbenefit jthat jprovides jterm jlife jinsurance jcoverage jon jthe jinsured's
jspouse jand jchildren.
Children's jinsurance jrider j- jANS✓✓-A jsupplemental jlife jinsurance jpolicy
jbenefit jthat jprovides jterm jlife jinsurance jcoverage jon jthe jinsured's jchildren.
Second jinsured jrider j- jANS✓✓-A jsupplemental jlife jinsurance jpolicy jbenefit jthat
jprovides jterm jinsurance jcoverage jon jthe jlife jof ja jperson jother jthan jthe
jpolicy's jinsured.
Guaranteed jinsurability jbenefit j- jANS✓✓-A jsupplemental jlife jinsurance jpolicy
jbenefit jthat jgives jthe jpolicyowner jthe jright jto jpurchase jadditional jinsurance jof
jthe jsame jtype jas jthe jbasic jlife jinsurance jpolicy j- jfor jan jadditional jpremium
jamount j- jon jspecified joption jdates jduring jthe jlife jof jthe jpolicy jwithout
jsupplying jevidence jof jthe jinsured's jinsurability.
Paid jup jadditions joption jbenefit j- jANS✓✓-A jsupplemental jlife jinsurance jpolicy
jbenefit jthat jallows jthe jpolicyowner jof ja jwhole jlife jinsurance jpolicy jto jpurchase
jsinge-premium jpaid-up jadditions jto jthe jpolicy jon jstated jdates jin jthe jfuture
jwithout jproviding jevidence jof jthe jinsured's jinsurability.
Entire jcontract jprovision j- jANS✓✓-An jinsurance jpolicy jprovision jthat jdefines
jthe jdocuments jthat jconstitute jthe jcontract jbetween jthe jinsurance jcompany
jand jthe jpolicyowner.
Closed jcontract j- jANS✓✓-A jcontract jfor jwhich jonly jthose jterms jand jconditions
jthat jare jprinted jon j- jor jattached jto j- jthe jcontract jare jconsidered jto jbe jpart jof
jthe jcontract.
Open jcontract j- jANS✓✓-A jcontract jthat jidentifies jthe jdocuments jthat
jconstitute jthe jcontract jbetween jthe jparties, jbut jthe jenumerated jdocuments jare
jnot jall jattached jto jthe jcontract.
Free jlook jprovision j- jANS✓✓-An jindividual jlife jinsurance jpolicy jprovision jthat
jgives jthe jpolicyowner ja jstated jperiod jof jtime j- jusually j10 jdays j- jafter jthe
jpolicy jis jdelivered jin jwhich jto jexamine jthe jpolicy.
Incontestability jprovision j- jANS✓✓-An jinsurance jpolicy jprovision jthat
jdescribes jthe jtime jlimit jwithin jwhich jthe jinsurer jhas jthe jright jto javoid jthe
jcontract jon jthe jground jof jmaterial jmisrepresentation jin jthe japplication.