Five-step ISD framework that guides in designing and developing learning programs. -
ANSWER ADDIE model, which means analysis, design, development, implementation,
and evaluation
General term for various techniques and methods, other than litigation, that can be
applied to settle a dispute, for example, through arbitration, conciliation, and mediation.
- ANSWER Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
Tools that add context or sub-classifying comparison groups to data so that the data can
be used for decision support. - ANSWER Analytics
Person who has applied for or formally expressed interest in a position. - ANSWER
Software application that automates organizations' management of the recruiting
(e.g., accepting application materials, screening applicants). - ANSWER Applicant
tracking system (ATS)
The method of ADR by which disputing parties agree to be bound
by the decision of one or more impartial persons to whom they submit their dispute for
final determination. - ANSWER Arbitration
A process in which job candidates or employees are evaluated to determine whether
one is suitable and/or ready for employment, training, promotion or an assignment. -
ANSWER Assessment center
,Statement of the financial position of an organization at a particular point in time,
presenting the assets, liabilities and equity of a business. - ANSWER Balance sheet
A strategic performance management tool, that illustrates the performance of an
organization with respect to meeting goals, lagging indicators and leading indicators. -
ANSWER Balanced scorecard
Process through which an organization identifies performance gaps and establishes
goals for performance improvement, by comparing its data, performance levels and/or
processes against those of other organizations. - ANSWER Benchmarking
Mandatory or voluntary payments or benefits given to employees, typically including
things such as: retirement plans, healthcare, sick pay/disability, life insurance and paid
time off (PTO). - ANSWER Benefits
Conscious or unconscious beliefs that influence a persons perceptions or actions,
which may cause that person to become partial or prejudiced. - ANSWER Bias
Factor (e.g., gender, religion, national origin) that is reasonably necessary, in the
normal operations of an organization, to carry out a particular job function. - ANSWER
Bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)
Tool or document that defines a particular problem, presents a solution and then gives
justifications for the proposal in terms of time cost efficiency and probability of success.
- ANSWER Business case
Raw data internal and external to an organization, that is translated into meaningful
information for decision makers to use in taking strategic action. - ANSWER Business
Organization element or segment that represents a discrete business function - e.g.
accounting, marketing, production; may also be referred to as department, division,
group, cost center or functional area. - ANSWER Business unit
,The process by which an individual or group demonstrates a sustained commitment in
support of a decision, approach, solution or course of action. - ANSWER Buy-in
A process or sequence of passing through a series of employment stages characterized
by relatively unique issues, themes and tasks. - ANSWER Career development
The process by which organizations use visual tools or guides to depict prototypical or
exemplary career possibilities and paths, in terms of sequential positions, roles and
A way in which companies develop inside the skills they will need to achieve future
business goals and, on the way, it pays off in other ways for the company as well. It is
able to show employees how they are able to advance in any given
organization-Account for Career mapping
A process by which employers provide employees with a clear outline for moving from a
current to a desired position.
Career pathing An individualized process by which an employee maps out his or her
course within an organization for his or her career path and career development; it
involves an honest look at one's career goals, skills, needed knowledge, experience,
and personal characteristics.
Statement of an organization's ability to meet its current and short-term obligations,
showing incoming and outgoing cash and cash reserves in operations, investments and
financing - ANSWER Cash flow statement
Team or structure that provides expertise, best practices, support and/or knowledge
in a focused area. - ANSWER Center of excellence (COE)
Transition in an organization's technology, culture or behavior of its employees and
, managers. - ANSWER Change initiative
Principles and practices of managing a change initiative so that it is more likely to be
accepted and provided with the resources - financial, human, physical, etc. - needed to
reshape the organization and its people.
Leads and supports maintenance of or changes in strategy, organization and/or
operations. - ANSWER Change management
Focused, interactive communication and guidance intended to develop and enhance
on-the-job performance, knowledge or behavior. - ANSWER Coaching
Process by which management and union representatives bargain employment
conditions for a designated bargaining unit for a specified period. - ANSWER Collective
Concept that jobs primarily being staffed by women that involve skill, effort,
responsibility, and working conditions similar to other jobs primarily being staffed by
men should receive similar classification and pay - ANSWER Comparable worth
Clusters of highly interrelated attributes, including knowledge, skills, abilities and other
characteristics (KSAOs), that give rise to the behaviors needed to perform a given job
effectively. - ANSWER Competencies
State of being in accordance with all national, federal, regional and/or local laws,
regulations and/or other government authorities and requirements applicable to the
places in which an organization operates. - ANSWER Compliance
Procedure of nonbinding alternative dispute resolution (ADR) whereby a neutral third
party attempts to help the disputing parties reach a mutually acceptable decision-that
is, mediation. - ANSWER Conciliation
Circumstances under which a person or organization could stand to gain, directly or