WGU C949 Data Structures and Algorithms I
Retest Placement test Exam Questions with
complete solutions 2024/2025
What does a time complexity analysis of an algorithm include?
Memory usage | Efficiency analysis | Screen load times | Worst
case - correct answer Worst case
Which data type do heap sorts work with? Tree-based data
structure | Array | String | Number - correct answer Tree-
based data structure
Which function is used in conjunction with a merge sort
algorithm? For loop | If statement | Do while loop | Recursive -
correct answer Recursive
Which attribute of a recursive function makes it unique? Calls
itself | Calls another function | Uses for loops | Uses case
statements - correct answer Calls itself
What is x in the following block of logic? 20 | 25 | 100 | 500
If x >= 10 and x < 20
X = 20
Elif x <= 30
,X = 25
Elif x >= 50
X = 100
X = 500 - correct answer 25
What is an if statement inside of an if statement referred to as?
Nested | Internal | Double if | Subscript - correct answer
Which search algorithm functions by continually dividing the
data set in half until the sought item is found or the data set is
exhausted? Sequential search | Binary search | Jump search |
Linear search - correct answer Binary Search
Which search algorithm has the best performance when the data
set is sorted? Sequential search | List search | Interval search |
Linear search - correct answer Interval Search
Which term describes a way of organizing, storing, and
performing operations on data? Data structure | Vertex | Record |
Graph - correct answer Data Structure
Which data structure is used to implement a dictionary data
type? Heap | Hash table | List | Queue - correct answer Hash
, Which element refers to the numeric positions in a list abstract
data type (ADT)? Head | Queue | Priority | Indexes - correct
answer Indexes
Which characteristic of a class allows it to be used as an abstract
data type (ADT)? Overloading | Instantiation | It consists of
variables and methods | Overriding - correct answer It
consists of variables and methods
What is the result when 6 is enqueued to the queue 7,9,8 (with 7
as the front)? 6,7,9,8 | 7,9,8,6 | 6,7,9 | 7,9,6 - correct answer
Which value would be returned from executing the dequeue
operation on the queue 7,9,8 (with 7 as the front)? 7,9,8 | 9 | 7 | 8
- correct answer 7
Which queue results from executing the following queue
operations on the queue 7,9,8 (with 7 as the front)? 5,6,7 | 7,6,5 |
8,6,5 | 9,8,6
Dequeue ()
Enqueue (6)
Enqueue (5)
Dequeue () - correct answer 8,6,5
What will be the new state of the queue 7,9,8 (with 7 as the
front) after the enqueue (3) operation? 7,9,8,3 | 3,7,9,8 | 3,9,8 |
7,9,3 - correct answer 7,9,8,3