,Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach
jFeaturing jthe jInternet
Solutions jto jReview jQuestions jand jProblems
Version jDate: jDecember j1, j2002
This jdocument jcontains jthe jsolutions jto jreview jquestions jand jproblems jfor jthe j2nd
j edition jof jComputer jNetworking: jA jTop-Down jApproach jFeaturing jthe jInternet jby
jJim jKurose jand jKeith jRoss. j These jsolutions jare jbeing jmade javailable jto jinstructors
jONLY. jPlease jdo jNOT jcopy jor jdistribute jthis jdocument jto jothers j(even jother
jinstructors). j We‟ll jbe jhappy jto jprovide ja jcopy j(up-to-date) jof jthis jsolution jmanual
jourselves jto janyone jwho jasks.
All jmaterial j© jcopyright j1996-2002 jby jJ.F. jKurose jand jK.W. jRoss. jAll jrights jreserved
, Chapter j1 jReview jQuestions
1. There jis jno jdifference. jThroughout jthis jtext, jthe jwords j“host” jand j“end jsystem”
jare jused jinterchangeably. jEnd jsystems jinclude jPCs, jworkstations, jWeb jservers,
jmail jservers, jInternet-connected jPDAs, jWebTVs, jetc.
2. Suppose jAlice, jan jambassador jof jcountry jA jwants jto jinvite jBob, jan jambassador jof
jcountry jB, jover jfor jdinner. jAlice jdoesn‟t jsimply jjust jcall jBob jon jthe jphone jand
jsay, j“come jto jour jdinner jtable jnow”. jInstead, jshe jcalls jBob jand jsuggests ja jdate
jand jtime. jBob jmay jrespond jby jsaying jhe‟s jnot javailable jthat jparticular jdate, jbut
jhe jis javailable janother jdate. jAlice jand jBob jcontinue jto jsend j“messages” jback jand
jforth juntil jthey jagree jon ja jdate jand jtime. jBob jthen jshows jup jat jthe jembassy jon
jthe jagreed jdate, jhopefully jnot jmore jthan j15 jminutes jbefore jor jafter jthe jagreed
jtime. jDiplomatic jprotocols jalso jallow jfor jeither jAlice jor jBob jto jpolitely jcancel
jthe jengagement jif jthey jhave jreasonable jexcuses.
3. A jnetworking jprogram jusually jhas jtwo jprograms, jeach jrunning jon ja jdifferent jhost,
jcommunicating jwith jeach jother. jThe jprogram jthat jinitiates jthe jcommunication jis
jthe jclient. jTypically, jthe jclient jprogram jrequests jand jreceives jservices jfrom jthe
jserver jprogram.
4. The jInternet jprovides jits japplications ja jconnection-oriented jservice j(TCP) jand ja
jconnectionless jservice j(UDP). jEach jInternet japplication jmakes juse jof jone jthese
jtwo jservices. jThe jtwo jservices jwill jbe jdiscussed jin jdetail jin jChapter j3. jSome jof
jthe jprinciple jcharacteristics jof jthe jconnection-oriented jservice jare:
Two jend-systems jfirst j“handshake” jbefore jeither jstarts jto jsend japplication jdata
jto jthe jother.
Provides jreliable jdata jtransfer, ji.e., jall japplication jdata jsent jby jone jside jof jthe
jconnection jarrives jat jthe jother jside jof jthe jconnection jin jorder jand jwithout jany
Provides jflow jcontrol, ji.e., jit jmakes jsure jthat jneither jend jof ja jconnection
joverwhelms jthe jbuffers jin jthe jother jend jof jthe jconnection jby jsending jto jmany
jpackets jto jfast.
Provides jcongestion jcontrol, ji.e., jregulates jthe jamount jof jdata jthat jan
japplication jcan jsend jinto jthe jnetwork, jhelping jto jprevent jthe jInternet jfrom
jentering ja jstate jof jgrid jlock.
The jprinciple jcharacteristics jof jconnectionless jservice jare:
No jhandshaking
No jguarantees jof jreliable jdata jtransfer
No jflow jcontrol jor jcongestion jcontrol