NURS 366
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1. Name some pain behaviors of an Eyes closed, crying, stiff posture,
2. Pain behaviors of children/adoles- Anxious, drawing up knees, massag-
cents? ing area, immobile or guarding, de-
pression, aggressive behavior, fear
pain will worsen
3. What is the FLACC assessment Pain assessment scale; observable
scale and how does it work? behaviors in children that indicate pain.
Observe: Face, Legs, Activity, Cry,
Consolability. Each gets a score from
0-2, added together to get a pain scale
of 0-10
4. For what ages do you use the 2 months to 7 years
FLACC scale?
5. What is the FACES assessment Pain assessment scale utilizing car-
scale and how does it work? toon faces indicating levels of pain be-
tween 5 and 10. Child selects face that
best represents how she/he feels. A
self-report pain assessment tool.
6. At what age can you use the Ages 5 and up; a self-report assess-
numeric pain assessment scale? ment tool
This is what kind of assessment
7. How is medication dosage calcu- Based on body weight. If weight is >
lated for pediatrics? 100 lbs, use adult dosages
8. Four factors to consider regarding 1. Children metabolize drugs more
medications when dosing for chil- rapidly than adults. 2. Children have
dren? more variability in drug elimination and
side effects than adults. 3. Children
may require higher doses of opioids
than adults to achieve the same anal-
gesic effect. 4. Dosages are calculated
based on body weight.
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9. What is the ceiling effect and Ceiling effect occurs when larger dos-
which type of drugs present it? es do not produce enhanced analgesic
effects. Ie, going beyond the recom-
mended dose will not produce more
pain relief. Ceiling effect is observed in
non-opioids but NOT in opioids
10. For kids, anesthetic creams are Useful for IV insertion or IMs. EMLA
useful for what? Name two kinds. or LMX4. Apply 30-60 minutes prior to
11. Name some non-pharmacological Allow parents to remain with child (if
pain relief strategies possible), distraction, relaxation, guid-
ed imagery. For neonates: pacifiers,
sucrose, kangaroo care
12. List five characteristics of IV solu- 1. Types of fluid (isotonic, hypertonic,
tion/bag that one must review be- hypotonic) - ie diluent
fore administration. 2. Amount of fluid
3. Med, dosage, route
4. Expiration
5. Patient identifiers
Fluid leaking? Fluid clear? Right solu-
tion? (check order)
13. What are three things to assess for Phlebitis - inflammation of the vein; In-
in IV sites? filtration - medicine that has seeped
from the IV into immediate surrounding
tissue; Extravasation - same as infil-
tration but the medicine involved is a
14. Action taken if phlebitis is ob- DC IV and apply warm compress
served at IV site?
15. Action taken if infiltration is ob- DC IV and apply warm compress
served at IV site?
, NURS 366
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Action taken if extravasation is ob- DC infusion, attempt to aspirate drug,
served at IV site? apply ice, research device (antidote for
vesicant?), notify provider
17. Which sites of the body should be Head, neck, trunk, extremities
assessed for fluid excess and fluid
18. Signs/symptoms of phlebitis Erythema (streaks), pain, edema
19. Signs/symptoms of infiltration Skin blanched and cool to touch, ede-
ma, pain, bruising
20. Name three reasons an IV may be 1. Administer meds
required 2. Alterations in fluid balance
3. Alterations in electrolyte balance
21. During IV therapy, name the things Labs, fluid balance, electrolytes,
that should be monitored/as- weight, vital signs, I&O, review of sys-
sessed tems, physical assessment
22. Name the 4 Ps of hourly rounding Pain, Position, Potty, Possessions
23. Three results from the BMJ Quality Hospitals should have unrestricted vis-
and Safety study? itor access, patients should participate
in shift change reports (bedside shift
report), and hospitals need policies for
disclosure/apology of errors.
24. SOAPIE format for writing a Subjective, Objective, Assessment,
nurse's note? Plan, Implement, Evaluate
25. What are cataracts? Symptoms Altered transparency in the lens of the
and treatment? eye. Symptoms: glare, blurred vision
--> like looking through smokey glass.
Treatment: none other than surgical re-
moval and implant
26. Symptoms of Age-related Macular Blurry spot right in the center of the
Degeneration? Treatment? field of vision. Laser treatment to pho-