NR 464 - Exam 3 questions with complete
solutions 2024
The jnurse jprovides jhome jcare jinstructions jto ja jclient jwith jsystemic jlupus
jerythematosus jand jtells jthe jclient jabout jmethods jto jmanage jfatigue. jWhich
jstatement jby jthe jclient jindicates ja jneed jfor jfurther jinstruction?
1. j"I jshould jtake jhot jbaths jbecause jthey jare jrelaxing."
2. j"I jshould jsit jwhenever jpossible jto jconserve jmy jenergy."
3. j"I jshould javoid jlong jperiods jof jrest jbecause jit jcauses jjoint jstiffness."
4. j"I jshould jdo jsome jexercises, jsuch jas jwalking, jwhen jI jam jnot jfatigued." j-
jANS✓✓-1. j"I jshould jtake jhot jbaths jbecause jthey jare jrelaxing."
To jhelp jreduce jfatigue jin jthe jclient jwith jsystemic jlupus jerythematosus, jthe
jnurse jshould jinstruct jthe jclient jto jsit jwhenever jpossible, javoid jhot jbaths
j(because jthey jexacerbate jfatigue), jschedule jmoderate jlow-impact jexercises
jwhen jnot jfatigued, jand jmaintain ja jbalanced jdiet. jThe jclient jis jinstructed jto
javoid jlong jperiods jof jrest jbecause jit jpromotes jjoint jstiffness.
The jnurse jis jassisting jin jplanning jcare jfor ja jclient jwith ja jdiagnosis jof
jimmunodeficiency jand jshould jincorporate jwhich jaction jas ja jpriority jin jthe
1. jProtecting jthe jclient jfrom jinfection
2. jProviding jemotional jsupport jto jdecrease jfear
3. jEncouraging jdiscussion jabout jlifestyle jchanges
4. jIdentifying jfactors jthat jdecreased jthe jimmune jfunction j- jANS✓✓-1.
jProtecting jthe jclient jfrom jinfection
The jclient jwith jacquired jimmunodeficiency jsyndrome jis jdiagnosed jwith
jcutaneous jKaposi's jsarcoma. jBased jon jthis jdiagnosis, jthe jnurse junderstands
jthat jthis jhas jbeen jconfirmed jby jwhich jfinding?
,1. jSwelling jin jthe jgenital jarea
2. jSwelling jin jthe jlower jextremities
3. jPositive jpunch jbiopsy jof jthe jcutaneous jlesions
4. jAppearance jof jreddish-blue jlesions jnoted jon jthe jskin j- jANS✓✓-3. jPositive
jpunch jbiopsy jof jthe jcutaneous jlesions
Kaposi's jsarcoma jlesions jbegin jas jred, jdark jblue, jor jpurple jmacules jon jthe
jlower jlegs jthat jchange jinto jplaques. jThese jlarge jplaques julcerate jor jopen jand
jdrain. jThe jlesions jspread jby jmetastasis jthrough jthe jupper jbody jand jthen jto
jthe jface jand joral jmucosa. jThey jcan jmove jto jthe jlymphatic jsystem, jlungs, jand
jgastrointestinal jtract. jLate jdisease jresults jin jswelling jand jpain jin jthe jlower
jextremities, jpenis, jscrotum, jor jface. jDiagnosis jis jmade jby jpunch jbiopsy jof
jcutaneous jlesions jand jbiopsy jof jpulmonary jand jgastrointestinal jlesions.
The jhome jcare jnurse jis jpreparing jto jvisit ja jclient jwho jhas jundergone jrenal
jtransplantation. jThe jnurse jdevelops ja jplan jof jcare jthat jincludes jmonitoring jthe
jclient jfor jsigns jof jacute jgraft jrejection. jThe jnurse jdocuments jin jthe jplan jto
jassess jthe jclient jfor jwhich jsigns jof jacute jgraft jrejection?
1. jFever, jhypotension, jand jpolyuria
2. jHypertension, jpolyuria, jand jthirst
3. jFever, jhypertension, jand jgraft jtenderness
4. jHypotension, jgraft jtenderness, jand jhypothermia j- jANS✓✓-3. jFever,
jhypertension, jand jgraft jtenderness
A jclient jwith jacquired jimmunodeficiency jsyndrome j(AIDS) jhas jbeen jstarted jon
jtherapy jwith jzidovudine. jThe jnurse jshould jmonitor jthe jresults jof jwhich
jlaboratory jblood jstudy jfor jadverse jeffects jof jtherapy?
1. jCreatinine jlevel
2. jPotassium jconcentration
3. jComplete jblood jcell j(CBC) jcount
4. jBlood jurea jnitrogen j(BUN) jlevel j- jANS✓✓-3. jComplete jblood jcell j(CBC)
Acquired jimmunodeficiency jsyndrome jis ja jviral jdisease jcaused jby jthe jhuman
jimmunodeficiency jvirus j(HIV), jwhich jdestroys jT jcells, jthereby jincreasing
,jsusceptibility jto jinfection jand jmalignancy. jCommon jadverse jeffects jof
jzidovudine jare jagranulocytopenia jand janemia. jThe jnurse jshould jmonitor jthe
jCBC jcount jfor jthese jchanges. jCreatinine, jpotassium, jand jBUN jare junrelated jto
jthis jmedication.
The jnurse jis jperforming jan jassessment jon ja jfemale jclient jwho jcomplains jof
jfatigue, jweakness, jmuscle jand jjoint jpain, janorexia, jand jphotosensitivity.
jSystemic jlupus jerythematosus j(SLE) jis jsuspected. jWhat jshould jthe jnurse
jfurther jassess jfor jthat jalso jis jindicative jof jSLE?
1. jAscites
2. jEmboli
3. jFacial jrash
4. jTwo jhemoglobin jS jgenes j- jANS✓✓-3. jFacial jrash
Systemic jlupus jerythematosus jis ja jchronic, jprogressive, jinflammatory
jconnective jtissue jdisorder jthat jcan jcause jmajor jbody jorgans jand jsystems jto
jfail. jA jbutterfly jrash jon jthe jcheeks jand jbridge jof jthe jnose jis jan jessential jsign
jof jSLE. jAscites jand jemboli jare jfound jin jmany jconditions jbut jare jnot
jassociated jwith jSLE. jTwo jhemoglobin jS jgenes jare jfound jin jsickle jcell janemia.
A jclient jhas jrequested jand jundergone jtesting jfor jhuman jimmunodeficiency
jvirus j(HIV) jinfection. jThe jclient jasks jwhat jwill jbe jdone jnext jbecause jthe jresult
jof jthe jenzyme-linked jimmunosorbent jassay j(ELISA) jhas jbeen jpositive. jWhich
jdiagnostic jstudy jshould jthe jnurse jbe jaware jof jbefore jresponding jto jthe jclient?
1. jNo jfurther jdiagnostic jstudies jare jneeded.
2. jA jWestern jblot jwill jbe jdone jto jconfirm jthese jfindings.
3. jThe jclient jprobably jwill jhave ja jbone jmarrow jbiopsy jdone.
4. jA jCD4+ jcell jcount jwill jbe jdone jto jmeasure jT jhelper jlymphocytes. j- jANS✓✓-
2. jA jWestern jblot jwill jbe jdone jto jconfirm jthese jfindings.
The jnurse jis jcaring jfor ja jclient jwith jacquired jimmunodeficiency jsyndrome jand
jdetects jearly jinfection jwith jPneumocystis jjiroveci jby jmonitoring jthe jclient jfor
jwhich jclinical jmanifestation?
1. jFever
2. jCough
3. jDyspnea jat jrest
, 4. jDyspnea jon jexertion j- jANS✓✓-2. jCough
Pneumocystis jjiroveci jpneumonia j(PCP) jis ja jfungal jinfection jand jis ja jcommon
jopportunistic jinfection. jThe jclient jwith jP. jjiroveci jinfection jusually jhas ja jcough
jas jthe jfirst jsign. jThe jcough jbegins jas jnonproductive jand jthen jprogresses jto
jproductive. jLater jsigns jand jsymptoms jinclude jfever, jdyspnea jon jexertion, jand
jfinally jdyspnea jat jrest.
A jclient jwith jacquired jimmunodeficiency jsyndrome j(AIDS) jhas ja jconcurrent
jdiagnosis jof jhistoplasmosis. jDuring jthe jassessment, jthe jnurse jnotes jthat jthe
jclient jhas jenlarged jlymph jnodes. jHow jshould jthe jnurse jinterpret jthis
jassessment jfinding?
1. jThe jhistoplasmosis jis jresolving.
2. jThe jclient jhas jdisseminated jhistoplasmosis jinfection.
3. jThis jis ja jside jeffect jof jthe jmedications jgiven jto jtreat jAIDS.
4. jThe jclient jprobably jhas janother jinfection jthat jis jdeveloping. j- jANS✓✓-2. jThe
jclient jhas jdisseminated jhistoplasmosis jinfection.
Histoplasmosis jis jcaused jby jHistoplasma jcapsulatum jand jusually jstarts jas ja
jrespiratory jinfection jin jthe jclient jwith jAIDS jand jthen jbecomes ja jdisseminated
jinfection, jwith jenlargement jof jlymph jnodes, jspleen, jand jliver. jThe jclient
jexperiences jdyspnea, jfever, jcough, jand jweight jloss. jThe jremaining joptions jare
The jnurse jis jcaring jfor ja jclient jwith jacquired jimmunodeficiency jsyndrome
j(AIDS) jwho jis jexperiencing jnight jfever jand jnight jsweats. jWhich jnursing
jinterventions jwould jbe jhelpful jin jmanaging jthis jsymptom? jSelect jall jthat
1. jKeep jliquids jat jthe jbedside.
2. jPlace ja jtowel jover jthe jpillowcase.
3. jMake jsure jthe jpillow jhas ja jplastic jcover.
4. jKeep ja jchange jof jbed jlinens jnearby jin jcase jthey jare jneeded.
5. jAdminister jan jantipyretic jafter jthe jclient jhas ja jspike jin jtemperature. j-
jANS✓✓-1. jKeep jliquids jat jthe jbedside.
2. jPlace ja jtowel jover jthe jpillowcase.