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What ffis ffclinical ffcoding? ff- ffAnswer ffClinical ffcoding ffis ffthe fftranslation ffof ffmedical
ffterminology ffthat ffdescribes ffa ffpatient's ffcomplaint, ffproblem, ffdiagnosis, fftreatment ffor
ffother ffreason fffor ffseeking ffmedical ffattention ffinto ffcodes ffthat ffcan ffthen ffbe ffeasily
fftabulated, ffaggregated ffand ffsorted fffor ffstatistical ffanalysis ffin ffan ffefficient ffand
ffmeaningful ffmanner.
What ffis ffcoding ffuniformity ffand ffwhy ffis ffit ffimportant? ff- ffAnswer ffUniformity ffmeans
ffthat ffwhenever ffa ffgiven ffcondition ffor ffreason fffor ffan ffepisode ffis ffcoded, ffthe ffsame
ffcode ffis ffalways ffused ffto ffrepresent ffthat ffcondition ffor ffreason fffor ffthe ffencounter.
ffUniformity ffis ffessential ffif ffthe ffinformation ffis ffto ffbe ffuseful ffand ffcomparable
What ffare ffthe ffthree ffdimensions ffof ffcoding ffaccuracy? ff- ffAnswer ffIndividual ffcodes
Totality ffof ffcodes
Sequencing ffof ffcodes
What ffis ffmeant ffby ffIndividual ffcodes? ff- ffAnswer ffEach ffclinical ffstatement ffof
ffdiagnosis ffmust ffhave ffthe ffcorrect ffcode ffassignment. ffAn ffindividual ffpatient ffmay
ffhave ffmany ffdiagnoses ff(or ffprocedures). ffConsequently ffa ffcoded ffrecord fffor ffan
ffepisode ffwill ffhave ffat ffleast ffone ffor ffpotentially ffmany ffindividual ffcodes.
What ffis ffmeant ffby fftotality ffof ffcodes ffand ffwhy ffis ffthis ffimportant? ff- ffAnswer ffThe
ffconcept ffof fftotality ffof ffcodes ffis ffcomplex. ffIt ffmeans ffthat ffall ffcodes ffnecessary ffto
ffgive ffan ffaccurate ffclinical ffpicture ffof ffthe ffpatient's ffdiagnosis, ffproblems ffor ffother
ffreasons fffor ffan ffepisode ffencounter, ffmust ffbe ffassigned ffin ffaccordance ffwith ffthe
ffrules, ffconventions ffand ffstandards ffof ffthe ffclassification. ffThis ffis ffimportant ffas ffit ffis
ffpossible fffor ffa fflist ffof ffcodes ffto ffdescribe ffan ffepisode ffincorrectly ffin ffterms ffof
ffclinical ffcoding ffrules ffand ffstandards ffeven ffthough ffthe ffindividual ffcodes ffselected
ffare ffcorrect.
What ffis ffmeant ffby ffsequencing ffof ffcodes, ffwhy ffis ffthis ffimportant ffand ffwhat ffis ffa
ffsignificant ffaspect ffof ffthis? ff- ffAnswer ffCodes ffmust ffbe ffsequenced ffin ffaccordance
ffwith ffclinical ffcoding ffstandards ffto ffprovide ffconsistent ffdata fffor ffstatistical ffanalysis.
ffA ffsignificant ffaspect ffof ffsequencing ffis ffthe ffselection ffof ffthe ffmain ffcondition fftreated
, How ffmany ffsteps ffmake ffup ffthe ffcoding ffprocess? ff- ffAnswer ffFour
What ffis ffstep ffone ffof ffthe fffour ffstep ffcoding ffprocess? ff- ffAnswer ffStep ffOne
Analyse ffmedical ffterminology ffto ffdetermine fflead ffterm(s) ffand ffmodifier(s)
What ffis ffstep fftwo ffof ffthe fffour ffstep ffcoding ffprocess? ff- ffAnswer ffStep ffTwo
Locate ffthe fflead ffterm(s) ffin ffthe ffAlphabetical ffIndex ff(ICD-10 ffVolume ff3)
What ffis ffstep ffthree ffof ffthe fffour ffstep ffcoding ffprocess? ff- ffAnswer ffStep ffThree
Assign ffa fftentative ffcode(s) ffusing ffthe ffAlphabetical ffIndex ffand fftaking ffinto ffaccount
ffall ffrules, ffconventions ffand ffstandards.
What ffis ffstep fffour ffof ffthe fffour ffstep ffcoding ffprocess? ff- ffAnswer ffStep ffFour
Verify ffthe ffcode(s) ffusing ffthe ffTabular ffList ff(ICD-10 ffVolume ff1) ffand fftaking ffinto
ffaccount ffinstructional ffnotes.
If ffthere ffis ffa ffdoubt ffas ffto ffwhere ffa ffcondition ffshould ffbe ffcoded, ffwhat ffchapters
ffmust fftake ffpriority? ff- ffAnswer ffThe ff'special ffgroup' ffchapters ffmust fftake ffpriority.
How ffmany ffchapters ffmake ffup ffICD-10? ff- ffAnswer ff22 ffchapters
Name ffthe fftypes ffof ffchapters ffwithin ffICD-10, ffdescribe ffbriefly fftheir ffcontent ffand
ffgive ffthe ffchapter ffnumbers ffthat fffall ffwithin ffeach fftype. ff- ffAnswer ffSpecial ffgroup
Chapters ffI-V, ffXV-XVII ffand ffXIX ffclassify ffconditions ffthat ffdo ffnot fffocus ffon ffany ffone
ffbody ffsystem. ffIn ffgeneral, ffconditions ffare ffprimarily ffclassified ffto ffone ffof ffthe
ff'special ffgroup' ffchapters.
Body ffsystem ffchapters
Chapters ffVI-XIV ffclassify ffconditions ffaccording ffto ffthe ffbody ffsystem ffthey ffaffect.
Other ffchapters
Chapters ffXVIII ffand ffXX-XXII ffclassify ffother ffdisorders ffand fffactors ffwhich ffdo ffnot ffsit
ffcomfortably ffin ffeither ffa ffspecial ffgroup ffor ffbody ffsystem ffchapter
What ffcharacter fflevels ffmust ffcode ffassignment ffbe ffmade ffto, ffwithin ffICD-10, ffto
ffmake ffthe ffcode ffvalid? ff- ffAnswer ffCode ffassignment ffmust ffalways ffbe ffmade ffto fffour
ffcharacter fflevel ffor fffive ffcharacter fflevel ff(where ffavailable ffand ffin ffline ffwith fffifth
ffcharacter ffcoding ffstandards), fffor ffthe ffcode ffto ffbe ffvalid
Describe ffwhat ffmust ffbe ffdone ffwhen ffa ffthree ffcharacter ffcode ffdoes ffnot ffhave fffourth
ffcharacter ffsubdivisions ffand ffwhy ffthis ffis. ff- ffAnswer ffWhere ffa ffthree ffcharacter
ffcategory ffcode ffis ffnot ffsubdivided ffinto fffour ffcharacter ffsubdivisions ffthe ff'X' fffiller
ffmust ffbe ffassigned ffin ffthe fffourth ffcharacter fffield ffso ffthe ffcodes ffare ffof ffa ffstandard
fflength fffor ffdata ffprocessing ffand ffvalidation. ffThe ffcode ffis ffstill ffconsidered ffa ffthree
ffcharacter ffcode fffrom ffa ffclassification ffperspective.