HPNA ACHPN exam questions with
complete solutions 2024
1. jWhich jof jthe jfollowing jis jone jof jthe jfour jelements jof jthe jbest jstandard jfor
jassessing jcapacity?
A. jMini-Mental jStatus jExamination
B. jRepeat jback jmethod
C. jAbility jto jcommunicate jchoice
D. jAbility jto jread jand jwrite
Chapter j1 j- jANS✓✓-C. jAbility jto jcommunicate jchoice
Standards jfor jassessing jcapacity jmay jvary jfrom jstate jto jstate jbut jgenerally jare
jbased jon jfour jelements. jPatients jmust jhave jthe jability jto: j(1) junderstand jthe
jrelevant jinformation jabout jproposed jdiagnostic jtests jand jtreatment, j(2)
jappreciate jtheir jsituation jwith jrespect jto jtheir junderlying jvalues jand jcurrent
jmedical jcondition, j(3) juse jreason jto jmake ja jdecision, jand j(4) jcommunicate
jtheir jchoice.
2. jIn jthe jabsence jof jadvance jdirectives, jwhich janswer jbest jdemonstrates
jsubstituted jjudgment?
A. jThe jsurrogate jexpresses jthe jpatient's jwishes jand jvalues.
B. jThe jsurrogate jmakes ja jdecision jbased jon jwhat jis jin jthe jbest jinterest.
C. jThe jsurrogate jmakes ja jshared jdecision jwith jother jfamily jmembers.
D. jThe jsurrogate jmakes ja jdecision jbased jon jhis/her jown jvalues.
Chapter j1 j- jANS✓✓-A. jThe jsurrogate jexpresses jthe jpatient's jwishes jand
When ja jpatient jlacks jcapacity jand jdoes jnot jhave jadvance jdirectives jfor
jpreferred jhealth jcare jwithin jthe jcontext jof jthe jserious jillness, jsubstituted
jjudgment jis jneeded. jIt jcan jbest jbe jdetermined jby jthe jAPRN jasking jthe
jsurrogate jdecision jmaker jwhat jthe jpatient jwould jhave jwanted jif jhe/she jcould
3. jWhat jis jan jimportant jfirst jstep jin jthe jadvance jcare jplanning?
A. jInquire jwho jis jthe jhealthcare jsurrogate jor jpower jof jattorney j(POA).
B. jBe jaware jof jthe jpatient's jcomfort.
C. jAsk jthe jpatient jabout jhis/her jvalues jand jpreferences.
D. jEstablish jcommon jterms jto jensure junderstanding.
Chapter j1 j- jANS✓✓-D. jEstablish jcommon jterms jto jensure junderstanding.
,Inquiries jabout jadvance jcare jplanning jare jnecessary jand jpart jof jthe
jcomprehensive jassessment. jThe jassessment jstarts jwith jestablishing jcommon
jterms jto jensure junderstanding jof jmedical jterminology jassociated jwith jend jof
4. jIn jthe jnursing jprocess, jwhich jof jthe jfollowing jis jan jexample jof ja jsystematic
janalysis jand jinterpretation jof jsubjective jand jobjective jdata?
A. jAssessment
B. jDiagnosis
C. jOutcomes jidentification
D. jPlanning
Chapter j1 j- jANS✓✓-B. jDiagnosis
The jAPRN jformulates jthe jpalliative jcare jdifferential jdiagnosis jby jsystematically
janalyzing, jcomparing, jand jinterpreting jdiagnostic jdata jwith jnormal jstandards,
jonce jthe jchief jcomplaint, jhistory, jand jphysical jexamination jhave jbeen
5. jWhich jof jthe jfollowing jis jNOT ja jgoal jof jpalliative jsedation jat jend jof jlife?
A. jHasten jdeath
B. jInduce junconsciousness
C. jRelieve jdistressing jsymptoms
D. jAlleviate jintractable jpain
Chapter j1 j- jANS✓✓-A. jHasten jdeath
Palliative jsedation jis jused jto jrelieve jintractable jsymptoms jin jterminal jillness. jIt
jis jperformed jby jadministering jdoses jof jpharmacotherapies jto jinduce
junconsciousness jwhile jrelieving jdistressing jsymptoms jand jintractable jpain.
jPrior jto jinitiating, jthe jAPRN jfollows jorganizational jpolicies jand jprocedures jfor
jpalliative jsedation, jwhich jincludes jdiscussing jthe jprocedure jwith jpatient jand
jfamily, jincluding jexpected joutcomes, jthe jpossibility jof jdeath, jand jinformed
6. jWhen jthe jAPRN jparticipates jin jend jof jlife jdiscussions jprior jto jwithdrawal jof
jlife jsustaining jtherapies, jwhich jintervention jis ja jpriority jbefore jextubation?
A. jPre-medicate jthe jpatient jto jprevent jpain.
B. jArrange ja jfamily jmeeting jto jprepare jthe jfamily jfor jpossible joutcomes.
C. jEncourage jfamily jmembers jto jstay jat jbedside.
D. jOffer jspiritual jsupport.
Chapter j1 j- jANS✓✓-B. jArrange jfamily jmeeting jto jprepare jfamily jfor jpossible
Withdrawal jof jthe jventilator jis jan joption jfor jpatients jwith jprolonged jmechanical
jventilation jwhen jall jattempts jat jweaning jhave jfailed, jand jit jis jdeemed jfutile jto
jcontinue jthe jtherapy. jPrior jto jextubation, jarrange ja jfamily jmeeting jto jprepare
jthem jfor jpossible joutcomes jand jto jdetermine jthe jfamily's jdesired jlevel jof
jinvolvement jand jreligious jpreferences jand jrituals. jOpioids jare jinitiated jat jsigns
jof jdistress, jstarting jlow jand jtitrating jslowly. jPremedication jor jmedication
jduring jand jfollowing jwithdrawal jof jmechanical jventilation jwith jopioids jand
,jbenzodiazepines jis juseful jif jthe jpatient jis jexperiencing jdistress jbefore
7. jWhen jdeactivating ja jleft jventricular jassist jdevice j(LVAD) jat jthe jend jof jlife,
jwhich jaction jis jan jinitial jpriority?
A. jFacilitate jcommunication jwith jthe jpatient, jfamily, jand jattending
B. jFacilitate jdeactivation jof jLVAD jwith jthe jdevice jcompany.
C. jFacilitate jspiritual jsupport.
D. jCheck jadvance jdirectives jto jconfirm jpatient's jwishes.
Chapter j1 j- jANS✓✓-A. jFacilitate jcommunication jwith jpatient, jfamily, jand
jattending jprovider/cardiologist.
Patients jwith jdecision-making jcapacity jand jtheir jsurrogate jcan jrequest
jdeactivation jof jLVAD jwhen jit jis jconsidered jburdensome jor jno jlonger
jbeneficial. jPriorities jfor jthe jAPRN jinclude jeffective jcommunication jwith jthe
jpatient jand jfamily jin jthe jpresence jof jthe jattending jprovider/cardiologist jand jin
jcoordination jwith jthe jinterdisciplinary jteam jmembers jto jfacilitate jplanning. jIn
jpreparation jof jdeactivating jthe jLVAD, jthe jAPRN jutilizes jan jinterdisciplinary
8. jWhich jof jthe jfollowing jimportant jinterventions jis ja jpriority jfor jthe jpatient
jand jcaregiver jwhen jwithdrawing jartificial jnutrition jand jhydration jat jend jof jlife?
A. jEducate jthe jstaff jto jensure junderstanding jof jthe jclinical, jlegal, jand jethical
B. jEducate jthe jcaregiver jto jensure junderstanding jof jthe jmedical jcondition jand
C. jEducate jthe jpatient, jfamily jand jother jcaregivers jabout jthe jdying jprocess
jand jits jeffects jon jnutrition jand jfluid.
D. jEducate jcaregivers jto jenhance jthe jpatient's jcomfort jby jproviding jfrequent
joral jand jskin jcare.
Chapter j1 j- jANS✓✓-D. jEducate jcaregivers jto jenhance jthe jpatient's jcomfort jby
jproviding jfrequent joral jand jskin jcare.
Although jall jof jthe jresponses jare jimportant jconsiderations jfor jthe jAPRN, jthe
jquestion jasks jwhich jis ja jpriority. jThe jHospice jand jPalliative jNurses
jAssociation jposition jstatement jreflects javailable jevidence, jwhich jincludes
jinstructing jcaregivers jto jenhance jthe jpatient's jcomfort jby jproviding jfrequent
joral jand jskin jcare jand jacknowledging jthe jlegal jand jmoral jright jof ja jcompetent
jpatient jto jrefuse junwanted jtreatment.
9. jTo jminimize jharm jand jreduce jpatient jand/or jfamily jcaregiver jvulnerability,
jwhich jintervention jcan jbe jperformed jby jthe jAPRN?
A. jGive jhonest janswers jabout jchance jof jrecovery jand jtreatment joptions.
B. jAsk jthe jsocial jworker jto jdiscuss jthe jpatient jand jfamily jconcerns.
C. jAvoid jdiscussing jprognosis jwith jthe jpatient jand jcaregiver jwhen jthey jbring
jit jup.
D. jArrange jfor ja jfamily jmeeting jto jdiscuss jgoals jof jcare.
, Chapter j1 j- jANS✓✓-A. jGive jhonest janswers jabout jchance jof jrecovery jand
jtreatment joptions.
Vulnerability jissues jand jhealth jliteracy jconcerns jarise jaround jinformed
jconsent. jThe jpatient, jfamily, jand/or jhealthcare jsurrogate jmay jworry jabout
jmaking jwrong jdecisions, jexperience jemotional jstrain jand jfamily jconflict, jor
jfeel jpressured jby jthe jhealthcare jteam. jThe jAPRN jcan jminimize jharm jand
jreduce jvulnerability jby jdemonstrating jcompetency,
trustworthiness, jand jcredibility, jle.. jgiving jhonest janswers
about jchance jof jrecovery jand jtreatment joptions. jAlthough jestablishing jgoals jof
jcare jis jan jimportant joutcome, jthe jAPN jshould jprovide jopportunities jfor jboth
jpatient jand jfamily jto jask jquestions jto junderstand jand jappreciate jthe jdiagnosis
jand jprognosis, jand jto jtake ja jspiritual jhistory jand joffer jspiritual jsupport. jAsk
jabout jadvance jdirectives jor jestablish jsubstituted jjudgment jby jseeking jto
jclarity jdecisions jbase jon ja jpatient's jprevious jmedical jdecisions, jvalues, jand
jstate jpreferences.
10. jIn jassisting jpatients jand jfamilies jin jtheir jsearch jfor jmeaning jand jhope,
jwhich jtherapeutic jintervention jwould jbe jmost jhelpful?
A. jSpiritual jsupport jwith jprayer jand jmeditation
B. jInterdisciplinary jteam japproach jto jcare
C. jEmpathic jpresence jby jlistening, jacknowledging, jand jexploring jhopes jand
D. jStructured jprocess jfor jlife jreview
Chapter j1 j- jANS✓✓-C. jEmpathic jpresence jby jlistening, jacknowledging, jand
jexploring jhopes jand jfears
Patients jand jfamilies jmay jface juncertainty jwhen jconfronted jwith jserious jand
jcomplex jmedical jillnesses, jand jtheir jexpectations jand jhopes jmay jexceed jwhat
jtechnology jand jmedical jscience jcan jdeliver. jOften, jthese jdesires jare jbarriers
jto jrealistic jtreatment jplans, jand jthe jAPRN jmay jbe jchallenged jto jhelp
jpatients/families jmaintain jhope jand jfind jmeaning. jThe jbest jinitial jintervention
jis jto joffer jan jempathic jpresence jby jlistening, jacknowledging, jand jexploring
jthe jpatient's/familys jhopes jand jfears jto jensure jthat jthey jare junderstood.
Nursing jProcess j- jANS✓✓-Assessment, jdiagnosis, joutcome jidentification,
jplanning, jimplementation, jevaluation
Breakpoint jDiscussions j- jANS✓✓-Systematic jseries jof jconversations jto
jidentify jwhen jchange jfrom jgoals jof jextending jlife jor jcure jto jother jthings jthat
jindividuals' jvalues jsuch jas jcomfort jquality jof jlife
Bereavement j- jANS✓✓-The jstate jof jLoss jdescribed jas ja jperiod jof jtransitions,
jwhich jchallenges jread jadjustment, jor jsymptoms jof jgrief jor jpresent
1. jWhich jof jthe jfollowing jis jthe jinitial jstep jin jthe jprocess jof jcollecting jpatient
jdata jto jbegin jthe jhistory jof jthe jpresent jillness?
A. jEstablishing jthe jchief jcomplaint