Test bank Varcarolis\\\' Foundations of
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PsychiatricMentalHealth Nursing 9th Edition Chapter 1-36 |
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Test .,Bank .,For
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Table .,Of .,Contents
UNIT .,I: .,Foundations .,in .,Theory
Chapter .,1. .,Mental .,Health .,and .,Mental
.,IllnessChapter .,2. .,Theories .,and .,Therapies
Chapter .,3. .,Psychobiology .,and .,Psychopharmacology
UNIT .,II: .,Foundations .,for
.,PracticeChapter .,4.
.,Treatment,.Settings .,Chapter .,5.
.,Cultural .,Implications
Chapter .,6. .,Legal .,and .,Ethical .,Considerations
UNIT .,III: .,Psychosocial .,Nursing .,Tools
Chapter .,7. .,The .,Nursing .,Process .,and .,Standards .,of .,CareChapter
8. .,Therapeutic .,Relationships
Chapter .,9. .,Therapeutic .,Communication
Chapter .,10. .,Stress .,Responses .,and .,Stress .,Management
UNIT .,IV: .,Psychobiological .,Disorders
Chapter .,11. .,Childhood .,and .,Neurodevelopmental
.,DisordersChapter .,12. .,Schizophrenia .,Spectrum
.,Disorders,.Chapter .,13. .,Bipolar .,and .,Related
14. .,Depressive .,Disorders
Chapter .,15. .,Anxiety .,and .,Obsessive-Compulsive .,Disorders .,Chapter
16. Trauma, .,Stressor-Related, .,and .,Dissociative hapter
17. Somatic .,Symptom .,Disorders
Chapter .,18. .,Eating .,and .,Feeding hapter
19. .,Sleep-Wake .,Disorders
Chapter .,20. .,Sexual .,Dysfunction, .,Gender .,Dysphoria, .,and
.,Paraphilic,.DisordersChapter .,21. .,Impulse .,Control .,Disorders
Chapter .,22. .,Substance-Related .,and .,Addictive hapter
23. .,Neurocognitive .,Disorders
.,Chapter .,24. .,Personality
.,Disorders,.UNIT .,V: .,Trauma
Chapter .,25. .,Suicide .,and .,Non-suicidal
.,Self- .,InjuryChapter .,26. .,Crisis .,and
.,Disaster .,Chapter .,27. .,Anger, .,Aggression,
.,and .,Violence
Chapter .,28. .,Child, .,Older .,Adult, .,and .,Intimate
.,Partner,.ViolenceChapter .,29. .,Sexual .,Assault
UNIT .,VI: .,Interventions .,for .,Special .,Populations
Chapter .,30. .,Dying, .,Death, .,and .,GrievingChapter
31. Older .,Adults
Chapter .,32. .,Serious
.,Mental ,.IllnessChapter .,33.
UNIT .,VII: .,Other .,Intervention
.,Modalities,.Chapter 34.
Therapeutic .,Groups Chapter
35. Family .,Interventions
Chapter 36.
Integrative .,Care
,Test .,bank .,Varcarolis' .,FoundationSstuovfiaP.csyom
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Chapter .,01: .,Mental .,Healthand .,Mental .,Illness
Halter: . , Varcarolis’ . , Foundations . , of . , Psychiatric-Mental . , Health . , Nursing:
. , A.,ClinicalApproach, .,9th .,Edition
1. Thescopeofpracticed .,for .,an .,advancednursepractitionerwouldincludewhich .,intervention?
a. Conductingamental .,healthassessment.
b. Prescribingpsychotropicmedication.
c. Establishing .,atherapeuticrelationship.
d. Individualizing .,anursing .,careplan.
ANS: .,B
In .,most .,states, .,prescriptive .,privileges .,are .,granted .,to .,master‘s-prepared .,nurse
.,practitioners.,andclinicalnursespecialists .,whohavetakenspecial
.,coursesonprescribingmedication. .,The .,nurseprepared .,at .,the .,basic .,level .,is .,permitted .,to
.,perform .,mental .,health .,assessments, .,establish.,relationships, .,and .,provide .,individualized
PTS: . , 1 DIF: Cognitive .,Level: .,Understand .,(Comprehension)
TOP: Nursing .,Process: .,Implementation MSC: .,Client .,Needs: .,Safe, .,Effective .,Care .,Environment
2. Anursing student .,expresses .,concerns that mental .,health nurses ―lose .,all .,their clinical
.,nursingskills.‖ .,Select .,the .,best .,responsebythe .,mental .,health nurse.
a. ―Psychiatric.,nurses practice in safer environments thanother specialties..,Nurse-to-
.,client .,ratios .,must .,bebetter .,becauseof .,the .,nature .,of .,the .,clients‘ .,problems.‖
b. ―Psychiatric.,nurses .,usecomplex .,communication .,skills .,as .,well .,as .,critical .,thinkingto
.,solve .,multidimensional .,problems. .,I.,am .,challenged .,bythose .,situations.‖
c. ―That‘s a misconception. .,Psychiatric nurses .,frequentlyusehigh
.,technologymonitoring .,equipment .,and .,manage .,complex
d. ―Psychiatric .,nurses .,do .,not .,have to deal with .,as .,much .,pain and .,suffering
.,asmedical–surgical .,nurses .,do. .,That .,appeals .,to .,me.‖
ANS: .,B
The .,practice .,of .,psychiatric .,nursing .,requires .,a .,different .,set .,of .,skills .,than .,medical–surgical
.,nursing,.,though .,there .,is .,substantial .,overlap. .,Psychiatric .,nurses .,must .,be .,able .,to .,help .,clients
.,withmedical .,as .,well .,as .,mental .,healthproblems,
.,reflectingtheholisticperspectivethesenursesmust .,have. .,Nurse– .,client .,ratios .,and .,workloads .,in
.,psychiatric .,settings .,have .,increased, .,just .,like .,otherspecialties.
Psychiatric .,nursinginvolves .,clinical .,practice, .,not .,just .,documentation.
.,Psychosocialpainandsufferingare .,as .,real .,as .,physicalpainand .,suffering.
PTS: . , 1 DIF: Cognitive .,Level: .,Apply(Application)
TOP: Nursing .,Process: .,Implementation MSC: .,Client .,Needs: .,Safe, .,Effective .,Care .,Environment
3. When .,a .,new .,bill .,introduced .,in .,Congress .,reduces .,funding .,for .,care .,of .,persons
.,diagnosed .,withmental .,illness, .,a .,group .,of .,nurses .,write .,letters .,to .,their .,elected
.,representatives .,in .,opposition.,tothelegislation. .,Which .,role .,have .,the .,nurses .,fulfilled?
a. Recovery
b. Attending
c. Advocacy
d. Evidence-basedpractice
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, Test .,bank .,Varcarolis' .,Foundations .,of .,Psychiatric-Mental .,Health .,Nursing .,9th .,Edition 3
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ANS: .,C
An .,advocate .,defends .,or .,asserts .,another‘s .,cause, .,particularly .,when .,the .,other .,person
.,lacks .,the .,ability .,to .,do .,that .,for .,self. .,Examples .,of .,individual .,advocacy .,include .,helping
.,clients .,understand.,their .,rights .,or .,make .,decisions. .,On .,a .,communityscale, .,advocacyincludes
.,political .,activity, .,public.,speaking, .,and .,publication .,in .,the .,interest .,of .,improving .,the
.,human .,condition. .,Since .,fundingis .,necessarytodeliverqualityprogrammingforpersons
.,withmental .,illness, .,theletter-writing .,campaign .,advocates .,for .,that .,cause .,on .,behalf .,of
.,clients .,who .,are .,unable .,to .,articulate .,their .,own .,needs.
PTS: . , 1 DIF: Cognitive .,Level: .,Understand .,(Comprehension)
TOP: Nursing .,Process: .,Evaluation MSC: .,Client .,Needs: .,Safe, .,Effective .,Care .,Environment
4. Afamilyhas .,a .,long .,historyof .,conflicted .,relationships .,amongthemembers.
.,Which.,familymember‘s .,comment .,best .,reflects .,a .,mentallyhealthyperspective?
a. ―I‘ve.,made mistakes .,but .,everyone .,else in this .,familyhas .,also.‖
b. ―Irememberjoyandmutualrespect . , from . , ourearlyyears . , together.‖
c. ―Iwill . , makesomechanges . , inmy . , behaviorforthe . , goodofthe . , family.‖
d. ―It‘s .,best .,for me .,to move awayfrom myfamily. .,Things .,will .,never .,change.‖
ANS: .,C
The .,correct .,response .,demonstrates .,the .,best .,evidence .,of .,a .,healthy.,recognition .,of .,the
.,importance .,of .,relationships. .,Mental .,health .,includes .,rational .,thinking, .,communication
.,skills, .,learning, .,emotional .,growth, .,resilience, .,and .,self-esteem. .,Recalling .,joy .,from .,earlier .,in
.,life .,maybehealthy, .,butthecorrect .,responseshowsahigherlevelof .,mentalhealth.
.,Theotherincorrectresponsesshow.,blaming .,and .,avoidance.
PTS: . , 1 DIF: Cognitive .,Level: .,Analyze .,(Analysis)
TOP: Nursing .,Process: .,Assessment MSC: .,Client .,Needs: .,Psychosocial .,Integrity
5. Whichassessment .,findingmost .,clearlyindicates .,that
a. reportingoccasionalsleeplessnessandanxiety.
b. reportinga .,consistentlysad, .,discouraged, .,andhopeless .,mood.
c. being able to describe the .,difference between ―as if‖ .,and ―for.,real.‖
d. experiencingdifficultymakingadecisionabout . , whethertochangejobs.
ANS: .,B
Thecorrectresponsedescribesamoodalteration, .,whichreflectsmentalillness. .,Thedistractersdescribe
.,behaviors .,that .,arementallyhealthyorwithintheusual .,scopeofhumanexperience.
PTS: . , 1 DIF: Cognitive .,Level: .,Apply(Application)
TOP: Nursing .,Process: .,Assessment MSC: .,Client .,Needs: .,Psychosocial .,Integrity
6. Which findingbest .,indicates .,that the goal .,―Demonstrate mentally healthy behavior‖
.,wasachieved .,for .,an .,adult .,client?
a. beingwillingtoworktowards .,achievingidealsand .,meeting .,demands.
b. behavingwithout .,consideringtheconsequences .,ofpersonalactions.
c. aggressivelymeetingpersonalneedswithout . , consideringtherights . , ofothers.
d. seekinghelpfrom .,otherstoavoid
. , assumingresponsibilityformajorareasof .,ownlife.
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