context bb- bbAnswer bbthe bbwords, bbphrases, bband bbsentences bbsurrounding bba bbword
restatement bbor bbdescription bb- bbAnswer bbThe bbsentence bbdefines bbor bbdescribes
bbthe bbunknown bbword bbor bbuses bbanother bbword bbclose bbto bbit bbto bbhint bbat bbits
bbmeaning. bbA bbtext bbmay bbuse bbwords bbsuch bbas bbthe bbfollowing bbto bbindicate bbthe
bbdefinition bbor bbrelated bbword: bbor, bbwhich bbis, bbthat bbis, bbin bbother bbwords, bbalso
bbknown bbas, bbor bbalso bbcalled.
The bbman bbworked bb*dexterously*, bbor bb*skillfully bbwith bbhis bbhands*, bbmaking bbthe
bbwork bblook bbeasy.
example bb- bbAnswer bbThe bbsentence bbuses bban bbexample bbafter bbthe bbword bbyou
bbdo bbnot bbknow, bbusing bbphrases bblike: bbsuch bbas, bblike, bbas bbif, bbfor bbexample,
bbespecially, bbor bbincluding.
The bblittle bbchicken bbwas bbfull bbof bb*drivel*, bbsuch bbas, bb*"The bbsky bbis bbfalling!"*
comparison bb- bbAnswer bbThe bbsentence bbpoints bbout bbthe bbsimilarities bbbetween bba
bbword bbor bbconcept bband bba bbmore bbfamiliar bbword bbor bbconcept. bbThey bbmay bbuse
bbsuch bbwords bbor bbphrases bbas: bbas, bbas bbif, bblike, bbalso, bbsimilar bbto, bbin bbthe
bbsame bbway, bbor bblikewise.
The bbballerina bbdisplayed bbgreat bb*agility*, bb*as bbif bbshe bbhad bbbeen bbdancing
bbsince bbthe bbmoment bbshe bbwas bbborn.*
contrast bb- bbAnswer bbThe bbsentence bbshows bbthe bbdifferences bbbetween bban
bbunfamiliar bbword bband bba bbfamiliar bbone, bbusing bbwords bbor bbphrases bbsuch bbas:
bbunlike, bbbut, bbhowever, bbalthough, bbon bbthe bbother bbhand, bbor bbon bbthe bbcontrary.
*Unlike bbher bbdull bbsister*, bbshe bbfelt bbherself bbto bbbe bba bb*dynamic* bbperson.
, cause bband bbeffect bb- bbAnswer bbThe bbsentence bbshows bbthe bbrelationship bbbetween
bba bbresult bband bba bbreason bbusing bbwords bblike: bbbecause, bbsince, bbwhen,
bbconsequently, bbas bba bbresult, bbor bbtherefore.
*As bba bbresult bbof bbmisbehaving bbduring bbclass*, bbthe bbboys bbwere bbunder bb*duress*
bband bbwere bbnot bballowed bbto bbgo bboutside bbfor bbrecess.
Mary bblooked bbaround bbat bbthe bb*pristine* bbkitchen, bbwondering bbwho bbhad bbtaken
bbthe bbtime bbto bbclean. bb- bbAnswer bbrestatement bbor bbdescription, bbvery bbclean
The bb*lurid* bbtales bbwere bbfull bbof bbexceptionally bbdreadful bband bbsomewhat
bbshocking bbdetails. bb- bbAnswer bbrestatement bbor bbdescription, bbdreadful; bbshocking
Rather bbthan bbpassing bbon bbhis bbinheritance bbto bbhis bbsons bbas bbthey bbhad
bbexpected, bbMr. bbGeribaldi bb*bequeathed* bball bbhis bbmoney bbto bbcharity. bb- bbAnswer
bbrestatement bbor bbdescription, bbpass bbon; bbhand bbdown
Since bbAnne bbknew bbthat bbher bbpresents bbwere bbhidden bbin bbher bbcloset, bbshe
bbfound bbit bbincreasingly bbdifficult bbto bbignore bbher bb*piqued* bbcuriosity. bb- bbAnswer
bbcause bband bbeffect, bbexcited
Tina bbfelt bb*compunction* bbover bbthe bbway bbshe bbhad bbyelled bbat bbher bbfriend, bbso
bbshe bbwrote bbher bba bbnote bbof bbapology. bb- bbAnswer bbcause bband bbeffect, bbguilt
Although bbthe bbyoung bbman bbwas bbfree-spirited bband bbalmost bbrebellious, bbhis
bb*austere* bbfather bbrequired bbhim bbto bbfollow bbmany bbrules. bb- bbAnswer bbcontrast,
Tim bbcould bbnot bbkeep bbthe bbsmiles bbfrom bbhis bbface; bbhowever, bbhe bbcouldn't bbhelp
bbbut bbnotice bbhis bblittle bbbrother's bb*dejected* bbdemeanor. bb- bbAnswer bbcontrast,
Tim bbcould bbnot bbkeep bbthe bbsmiles bbfrom bbhis bbface; bbhowever, bbhe bbcouldn't bbhelp
bbbut bbnotice bbhis bblittle bbbrother's bbdejected bb*demeanor*. bb- bbAnswer bbrestatement
bbor bbdescription, bbfacial bbappearance
Instead bbof bba bblight bbshower bbas bbthe bbweatherman bbpredicted, bbwe bbprepared bbfor
bba bb*deluge*. bb- bbAnswer bbcontrast, bbflood; bbdownpour
Many bbslaves bbwere bbsuccessful bbin bbescaping bbto bbthe bbNorth bbbecause bbof
bbabolitionists bbwho bbwere bbwilling bbto bb*abet* bbthem bbby bbhiding bbthem bbin bbtheir
bbhouses. bb- bbAnswer bbexample, bbhelp; bbaid
The bbyoung bbman bbhad bblearned bbmany bb*deferential* bbmanners bbfrom bbhis
bbmother, bbsuch bbas bbalways bbopening bbthe bbdoor bbfor bbladies. bb- bbAnswer
bbexample, bbpolite