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QASP-S actual EXAM
QUESTION: What is a good bx support plan look like? - ANSWER-- more proactive strategies
than reactive ones
- helps to ensure that the focus of the plan is on providing ways to support the person to have a
good life, enabling the person to learn better and more effective ways of getting what they
QUESTION: Proactive Strategies - ANSWER-Intended to make sure the person gets what they
need & includes ways to teach the person appropriate communication & life skills.
QUESTION: Reactive Strategies - ANSWER-Designed to keep the person & those around them
safe from harm. They provide a way to react quickly when person is distressed & more likely to
display challenging behavior.
QUESTION: Functions of Behaviors & Alternatives - ANSWER-Sensory:teach them to ask for
desired object/ activity, use preferred sensory items to create new activities, have sensory time
& structured activity so stimming doesn't take over
Escape:Teach them to say yes/ no, ask for break/ all done, introduce them to a less preferred
activity gradually, change the way you ask them to do something
Attention: Teach them to tap/ vocalize sign for desired item; give frequent positive social attn
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Tangibles:teach them to ask for object/ activity, Give what they asked for as soon as
appropriate, teach them to get something themselves, Make sure they are not left too long w/o
food/drink/ something meaningful to do.
Positive Behavior Support - ANSWER-an approach used to support behavior change. The
method is not designed to "fix" the person & never uses punishment. Main idea: teaching
someone a more effective/ acceptable bx will decrease problem bx.
QUESTION: Who is a bx support plan for? - ANSWER-indv who display challenging bx to the
extent that it severely impacts their life.
-can be developed and used at any age.
QUESTION: PBS in a School Setting - ANSWER-Proact, Safety Care, Be aware of antecedant
strategies, ensure safety of kiddo and others around.
QUESTION: What is Discrete Trial Training? - ANSWER-a Method of teaching in simplified &
structured steps. A skill is broken down into steps & built up one step at a time. Each attempt is
a "trial".
QUESTION: 5 steps of DTT - ANSWER-1.Antecedent-sets up the response (SD, environment)
4. Consequence for Correct Response/ Incorrect response
5. Inter-trial interval
QUESTION: Pros of DTT - ANSWER-Scripted to ensure all trials are consistent, can increase
motivation & learning, numerous learning opportunities, can be easily individualized, clear
beginning & end to each trial, can minimize failures
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QUESTION: Cons of DTT - ANSWER-Difficult to generalize, boring, lacks naturalistic
reinforcement, difficulty fading reinforcement
QUESTION: Purpose of Person Centered Planning - ANSWER-ongoing problem solving process
used to help ppl w disabilities plan for the future:
-To look at the ind a different way
-To assist the focus person in gaining control of their own life
-To increase opportunities for participation in the community
-To recognize individual desires, interests & dreams
-Through team effort, develop a plan to turn dreams into reality.
QUESTION: Who is involved in Person Centered Planning? - ANSWER-The focus person &
whoever they would like. Works best when there is an unbiased facilitator & a person to record
what is shared. Family members, professionals, friends, etc may be invited.
QUESTION: Steps of Person Centered Planning: Profiling - ANSWER-1. Develop a history for
focus person. (Background, critical events, medical issues, major developments, important
2. Description of quality of life for FP. (Comm participation, comm presence, choices/rights,
respect & competence)
3. Personal preferences of FP. (Preferred activities, things they do not like)
QUESTION: Person Centered Planning Meeting - ANSWER-1. Review the profile. Make
comments & observations
2. Review trends/ongoing events in the environment.
3. Share visions for the future to increase opportunities.
4. ID obstacles & opportunities, things that could make vision a reality
5. ID strategies: action steps for implementation
6. Getting started: ID action steps that can be done in a short time.
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7. ID the need for service delivery to be more responsive to ind needs.
QUESTION: Who was Hans Asperger? - ANSWER-20th century, Austrian Pediatrician who
published a profile in 1944 of four boys with a specific pattern of bx: "autisitic psychopathy".
QUESTION: Characteristics of Aspergers (1944) - ANSWER-"lack of empathy, little ability to form
friendships, one-sided conversations, intense absorption in a special interest & clumsy
QUESTION: The term "Asperger Syndrome" was coined by: - ANSWER-Lorna Wing, a British
Researcher in 1981 in her research to counter Kanner's findings on Autism.
QUESTION: Basic principles of Bx by Skinner (& others) - ANSWER-Reinforcement
-Schedules of Rx
(Principles are the pure science, not the applied science.)
-Principles used to describe how bx is lawful, observable, measurable & has an impact on the
QUESTION: DRO - ANSWER-Reinforcement is contingent on absence of problem behavior.
QUESTION: DRA - ANSWER-Potential rx is presented contingent on occurrences of desired
alternative to maladaptive bx. Maladaptive Bx is placed on extinction.
QUESTION: Example of DRA: crying to escape - ANSWER-Asking for a break. Crying doesn't
result in a break.