Basic Microbiology
Acid Fast Stain – answer Ziehl-Nelsen stain, TB
Aerobic - answer grows well with air/oxygen, Containing oxygen; referring to an
organism, environment, or cellular process that requires oxygen.
Albumin - answer Protein, Renal disease, may also come from excessive excerise,
exposure to extreme heat or cold, emotional stress
Anaerobic - answerwill not gorw with oxygen, use candle jar, gas pack jar
Arthritis Panel - answerUric Acid, ESR, RA
Autoclave - answer121C for 15-20 min, A sterilization chamber that allows the use of
steam under pressure to sterilize materials.
Bacilli - answerrod/round shaped, most bacteria is bacilli
Bacteriology - answerstudy of bacteria
Candida albicans - answeryeast infection, a parasitic fungus that can infect the mouth or
the skin or the intestines or the vagina
Carolus von Linnaeus - answerdiscovered current classification system
Casts - answerwhen protein accumulates, Hyaline casts increase with kidney disease
Chemistry - answerchemical composition of blood & joint fluid
Circadian rhythm - answerpattern based on 24hrs sleep cycle, cortisol produced at night
beween 12am and 4pm
Classification of living organisms - answerMicrobiology (study of microorganisms)
Botany (study of plants) Zoology (study of people and animals
CLIA - answerFederally regulated, protected under CMS, to protect patients, has three
categories-waived, moderate complexity(PPMP) & high complexity
Clinical Diagnosis - answeridentify a disease or diagnosis without diagnositc tests, A
patient's condition obtained through evaluation of the health history & the physical exam
without the benefit of lab or diagnostic tests
, Cocci - answerround, nonmotile
Collecting ducts - answertube that gathers the urine formed from the nephrons, final
step for reabsorption to take place
Control Tests - answersamples that have a known value are copared to the patients
Crystals - answernormally seen in urine, found in normal urine sediment, these
structures generally have no particular significance, the presence of a few should be
Crystal violet - answerPurple colored stain used in Gram staining
Cytology - answermicroscopic exam of cells and early signs of cancer
Dermatophyte - answerfungal parasite that grows on the skin
Differential diagnosis - answeridentify disease or diagnosis by doing a test to rule out
one disease over another
Diplo - answerpair
DNA - answerdeoxyribonucleic, genetice information inside the nucleus of a cell
Electrolyte panel - answerCarbon Dioxide, Potassium, Chloride, Sodium (Gatorade
Eukaryotes - answerhas a nucleus, protozoa, Algae, fungi
Feces common tests - answerOva & Parasites (O&P), bacterial cultures, fecal occult
blood test (FOBT)
Genus - answer1st name-Capitalized (Neisseria, Chlamydia, Streptococcus)
Glomerulus - answerball of capillaries surrounded by a glomerular capsule in the
nephron, filtering unit of the kidneys, filters out water, ammonia, electrolytes, glucose,
amino acides, creatinine, urea, 180L are filtered daily and 1-2L of urine is eliminated
Glomerular capsule - answerball shaped thin membrane surrounding the glomerulus
and collecting ducts
Glucose - answerless than 180 mg can be reabsorbed
Gram Positive - answerlower lipid (fat), Purple, absorbs more stain