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Exam (elaborations)
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PPN 101
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What ssare ssthe ssthree sslevels ssof sscritical ssthinking? ss- ssAnswer1. ssBasic
2. ssComplex
3. ssCommitment
What ssis ssbasic sscritical ssthinking? ss- ssAnswerthinking ssis ssconcrete ssand ssbased sson
ssa ssset ssof ssrules ssor ssprinciples
What ssis sscomplex sscritical ssthinking? ss- ssAnswerWillingness ssto ssconsider ssother
ssoptions, ssincluding sspx sspreferences ssregarding sscare
What ssis sscommitment sscritical ssthinking? ss- ssAnswerAnticipating ssthe ssneed ssto
ssmake sschoices sswithout ssassistance ssfrom ssother ssprofessionals, ssand ssthen
ssassuming ssresponsibility ssand ssaccountability ssfor ssthose sschoices
What ssis ssdiagnostic ssreasoning? ss- ssAnswerthe ssprocess ssof ssanalyzing sshealth
ssdata ssand ssdrawing ssconclusions ssto ssidentify ssdiagnoses
What ssdid ssFlorence ssNightingale ssdo ssfor ssnursing? ss- ssAnswerElevated ssthe ssstatus
ssto ssa ssrespected ssoccupation.
What ssis ssexcluding ssfrom ssthe sswhite sssaviour, ssangel ssof ssmercy ssimage? ss-
ssAnswerPromotes sswhite sssaviour, sssubservience ssto ssmale ssdoctors, ssFlorence
ssopposed ssregistration ssand sshigher sseducation; sslegacy ssof sstroubling ssstatements
sson sscolonization ssand ssimpacts sson ssindigenous sspeople
Who ssare ssthree ssnurses ssof sscolour ssof ssnote? ss- ssAnswerHarriet ssTubman, ssMary
ssEliza ssMahoney, ss& ssLillian ssHolland ssHarvey
Who ssplayed ssvital ssroles ssas ssnurses ssin ssCanadian sssettler sssocieties? ss-
ssAnswerIndigenous sswomen sshealers
What ssare ssthe ss3 ssmajor ssperceptions ssof ssnurses? ss- ssAnswer1. ssmother ss(1945-
2. ssSex sssymbol ss(post ssmid ss1960s)
3. ssCareerist: sscurrent
, What ssare ssthe sslimitations ssof ssthe ssvirtue ssscript ssin ssimaging ssof ssnurses ss-
ssAnswerCan sstrivialize ssthe sscomplex ssand ssknowledge-laden ssnature ssof ssnursing
What ssis ssthe ssNightingalean ssphilosophical ssassumption ssof ss"natural sslaws" ss-
ssAnswerLaws ssof sslife ssare ssdefinable ssthrough ssexperience ssand ssresearch
ssincluding ssstatistical ssanalysis
What ssis ssthe ssNightingalean ssphilosophical ssassumption ssof ssMankind ssCan
ssAchieve ssPerfection ss- ssAnswerMankind ssdoes ssseek ssself-perfection. ssIn
sshealthcare, sspeople ssseek ssperfect sshealth; ssit ssis ssa ssnurse's ssrole ssto ss"alter ssthe
ssenviro ssin sssuch ssa ssway ssto ssobey ssthe ssnatural sslaws, ssthereby ssproviding ssthe
ssenviro ssin sswhich ssperfection ssmight ssbe ssachieved"
What ssis ssthe ssNightingalean ssphilosophical ssassumption ssof ssNursing ssis ssa ssCalling
ss- ssAnswerWork ssis ssdone sswith ssenthisiasm; ssshould ssnot ssbe ssdone ssfor
ssremuneration; ssshould ssbe ssconsidered sslike ssa ssreligious ssvow
What ssis ssthe ssNightingalean ssphilosophical ssassumption ssthat ssnursing ssis ssachieved
ssthrough ssEnvironmental ssalteration ss- ssAnswerThrough ssEA, sspx sscan ssbe ssput ssin
ssthe ssbest sspossible sscondition ssfor ssnature ssto ssact, ssthereby ssfacilitating ssthe sslaws
ssof ssnature
What ssis ssthe ssNightingalean ssphilosophical ssassumption ssthat ssnursing ssrequries ssa
ssspecific sseducational ssbase? ss- ssAnswerIdea sswas ssrevolutionary ssin ss19th ssC
ssengland; ssemphasis sson ssteaching sswomen
What ssis ssthe ssNightingalean ssphilosophical ssassumption ssthat ssnursing ssis ssdistinct
ssand ssseparate ssfrom ssmedicine ss- ssAnswerNot ssto ssbe ssviewed ssas sssubservient ssto
ssmedicine. ssNursing ssfocus ssis sscaring ssthrough ssenvironmental ssalteration, sswhereas
ssmedicine's ssfocus ssis ssthe sscure ssof ssthe ssdisease
What ssis ssMaslow's sshierarchy ssof ssneeds? ss- ssAnswer1. ssPhysiological ssneeds
2. ssSafety ssand ssSecurity ssneeds
3. ssLove ssand ssBelonging ssNeeds
4. ssSelf ssesteem
5. ssself ssactualization
When ssdo sswe ssbegin ssto sssee ssan ssemphasis sson ssnursing sshistory ssin ssthe
sseducational sscanon? ss- ssAnswer1990s
What ssis ssthe ssracial sshistory ssof ssnursing? ss- ssAnswerPOC sswere ssexpected ssto
ss"work ssin sstheir ssown sscommunities"; ssdeeply sssegregated; ss"foreign" sswards