Final Exam Study Guide
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Women’s Health----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DX S/S Labs Pharm MGMT EDU
Herpes Genitalis Oral cold sores Gold std = culture Anti-virals daily Lesions likely to reoccur thru out life
(HSV) - OR - of active lesions Acyclovir daily Acyclovir is required for preg
Can be painful genital lesions (vesicles (active infxn) at 36 wks women to risk of spreading to NB
ASYMPTOMATIC rupture ulcers scabs) HSV1 & HSV2 gestation to TX S/S tylnol, loose clothing, sitz
Pins & needles sensation lab tests (not as prevent need for bath, lidocaine)
Itching definitive) C/S 1st outbreak most painful
Fever PCR Famciclovir
HA Valacyclovir
Painful joints
Trouble voiding
Trichomoniasis Green discharge (vag swab) Anti-protozoal Take ABX as directed + NO sex
Tric = STI Inflamed cervix strawberry Wet mount meds during TX
transmitted thru sex red Rapid antigen Metronidazole Cold water compress or cool bath
w/ infected partner Itching test PO only relieve itching
Burning Nucleic Prevent another infxn limit
Redness amplification test partners, abstain until partner is
Sore genitals tested, use condoms
Avoid alcohol while taking
Syphilis Secondary stage DX treponemal Penicillin G – IM Abstinence until both partners TXd
Primary stage Rashes tests detect inj Can cause SAB, stillbirth, or NB
PAINLESS ulcers Fever antibodies death
(chancre) occur Swollen lymph nodes specific to syphilis unTXd poss infertility in men &
where syphilis Sore throat (T. pallidum women
entered body HA proteins)
Lasts 3-6 wks Muscle aches Nontreponemal
Can progress to Wt loss tests detect
next stage Fatigue antibodies
Latent stage against lipoidal
Asymptomatic agents or
Tertiary stage damaged host
Affects mult organ sys cells
May cause psychosis
Gonorrhea vag discharge; color is Gonorrhea 1st line = Recurrent/unTXd infxns inflamm
greenish/yellow/whitish; nucleic acid ceftriaxone risk of PID
thin/watery discharge amplification (Rocephin) IM inj risk of ectopic preg (or ruptured
Pain/burning w/ voiding (NAAT) – ideal Ciprofloxacin fallopian tube) d/t scarring in
Abd pain + culture for (Cipro) or fallopian tubes
Painful sex gonococcus (UA cefixime (Suprax) Partner needs to be TXd and no
Vag bleeding in b/w periods or swab) ✓ CDC sex until after TX
may occur UA
Chlamydia Often ASYMPTOMATIC (DXd UA ( WBCs) Adults – Recurrent/unTXd infxns inflamm
during routine screening) + culture (swab) adolescents risk of PID
Painful voiding ELISA (enzyme 1st line = risk of ectopic preg (or ruptured
Discharge linked doxycycline fallopian tube) d/t scarring in
Painful sex immunosorbent Azithromycin fallopian tubes
Bleeding b/w periods assay) detect Levofloxacin Partner needs to be TXd and no
Testicular pain in men chlamydial Preg sex until after TX
antibodies Azithromycin Recc routine screen for everyone
Amoxicillin 25Y
Human Can be ASYMPTOMATIC Colposcopy & Prevention Recurrent/unTXd infxns inflamm
Papillomavirus Genital warts (painless tissue acetic acid test 2 vaxx (Gardasil, risk of PID
(HPV) growth) Biopsy Cervarix) risk of ectopic preg (or ruptured
Recc routine Intermenstrual bleeding DNA test fallopian tube) d/t scarring in
screen for Pap screen fallopian tubes
everyone 25Y HPV NAAT Partner needs to be TXd and no
screening test sex until after TX
Pelvic Pelvic pain Labs? Pharm MGMT? Often caused by unTXd G/C infxns
Inflammatory Fever Poss complications tubo-ovarian
Disease (PID) Foul discharge abscess, ascending infxn, septic
risk ectopic preg shock
Vulvovaginal Thick, white, sticky, creamy Wet mount Anti-fungals Wear cotton clothing/underwear
Candidiasis* (VVC) discharge (“cottage cheese”) microscope topical and/or Loose clothing, not tight/restricting
*not an STI Intense itching SureSwab panel oral Change clothes/underwear if
Red, itchy irritation culture fluconazole sweaty
(Diflucan), Take probiotics
miconazole Avoid sugar
Birth Control Method options (candidates, advantages/disadvantages)
Downloaded by Sylvester Kanyi (slyvesterkmzzz@gmail.com)
, lOMoARcPSD|13728229
BC Method Candidates + -
Nonhormonal BC
Barrier methods No hormones Only 80-88% effective
No menstrual SE Needs to be done every time
Breastfeeding (BF) as BF mothers who do No supplementation, no Must BF at least 1x at nite
contraception aka Lactation not want to use estrogen for 6 months Cannot pump, must BF only
Amenorrhea Method (LAM) hormonal BC 98% effective during 1st 6 NB only has breastmilk & NO formula
Prolactin suppresses FSH months only if exclusively BF
ovulation is suppressed
Calendar method Abstain or use No hormones Only 76% effective
Assumes ovulation is 14 days condoms during fertile No menstrual SE Involves daily tracking
B4 menses onset calculate period Fertility awareness
fertile period
Basal body temp (BBT) BBT 0.5°-1.0°F
method (response to surge of
BBT b4 ovulation (response to progesterone)
Cervical mucus charting
Coitus interuptus No hormones Only 80% effective
(pulling out) No menstrual SE Needs to be done every time
Copper IUD 99.2% effective Pain w/ placement
No hormones May cause cramps
Heavier periods
Sterilization For those who want >99.4% effective (most effective) SX
permanent protection No menstrual SE SE: pain, bleeding, infxn
Hormonal BC
Progesterone only Inhibits ovulation by Maintains endometrium (during
Temp 1° in secretory phase suppressing LH surge pregnancy)
Cervical mucus thickens Inhibits enzymes that Implant/IUD’s last 5-7Y
tubal motility permit sperm to
SHBG(sex hormone binding penetrate ovum
Combined (w/ estrogen) Contraind. for ⊘ Cycle control Poss preg-like S/S: nausea, breast
Suppression of FSH breastfeeding pts breakthru bleeding (stabilized tenderness
ACHES danger S/S Examples endometrium) Breakthru bleeding (BTB) freq occurs
Abd pain Pill during 1st cycle b/c endometrium is
Chest pain Patch getting used to E/P use backup until
HA Ring BTB resolves
Eye probs
Sudden leg pain
Emergency BC Emergency (cannot Most effective if used w/in 12- Less effective if used after 72H (5 days)
Prevents ovulation by altering be used as usual BC) 48H
tubal transport of sperm & ova Progestin-only Available OTC (Plan B)
Normal vaginal bleeding: reg cycle every 28 days, menses lasting 5-7 days, w/ avg ~80mL BL
Abnormal vaginal/uterine bleeding: or blood loss (BL); +/- of bleeding, freq, etc
Type of vag/uterine bleeding DX Nursing considerations
Menorrhagia: prolonged or heavy bleeding Coag studies Pharm MGMT
Metrorrhagia: bleeding occurring irreg & often Hgb/Hct (or CBC) Progesterone (large dose)
B/W periods Preg test (UA) NSAIDs (600mg Q6H w/ meal) take B4
Menometrorrhagia: bleeding occurring irreg & Ovulation test menses to prostaglandins
more freq Hormone & LFTs (detect anemia) TX
ETI: preg complications (ex. SAB); anatomic US (detect masses/fibroids) Endometr ablation (cauterizes bleed)
lesions on vagina, cervix, uterus; drug-induced Hysteroscopy (detect polyps, ✓ condition of chance of preg
(BTB w/ BC); u-myomas (fibroids); DM; u-lining) Hysterectomy as LAST resort ☠
hypothyroidism; failure to ovulate
1° Amenorrhea: failure to reach menarche (1st DNA testing (ex. Turner’s syn: only 1 X Address cause
menses), but have secondary sex chromosome)
characteristics Pelvic exam (structural abnorm)
2° Amenorrhea: no ⊘ menses for 6M Preg test (UA) Address cause
ETI: +preg, s in body wt (BMI), DM, infxn, US TX PCOS w/ progesterone
pituitary tumors, hypothyroidism, PCOS
Leiomyomas (fibroids): benign smooth US Uterine artery embolizationi
muscle tumors that grow d/t estrogen Hysteroscopy SX (myomectomy)
S/S: pelvic pain/pressure, vag bleeding, Location subserous (outer surface),
infertility, belly size during menses submucous (inner surface), interstitial (in wall)
Endometriosis: endometrial tissue thicken + presence of endometrium tissue outside Usually regress after menopause (if not
sloughs w/in closed cavity pressure & pain uterus found during unrelated SX or taking estrogen)
on adj tissue endoscope TX w/ hormonal BC
ETI: reflux menses, poss spread via lymphatic S/S: cyclic pelvic pain, pain during sex
sys, u-incisions, genetics, altered immune funct (dyspareunia), infertility, abnorm bleeding
Ovulation: mature egg is released from an ovary d/t surge LH endometrium thickens & corpus luteum progresses
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