,DOWNLOAD vTHE vTest vBank vfor vAdvertising vand vPromotion
vIntegrated vMarketing vCommunications vPerspective v12th
vEdition vBelch
Advertising vand vPromotion vIntegrated vMarketing
Communications vPerspective v12th vEdition vby vBelch vCH01
TRUE/FALSE v- vWrite v'T' vif vthe vstatement vis vtrue vand v'F' vif vthe vstatement vis vfalse.
1) Traditionally, vdirect vselling vvia vindependent vcontractors vhas vbeen vthe vprimary
vmedium vfor vdirect-response vadvertising.
⊚ true
⊚ false
2) Omnichannel vretailing vinvolves vusing va vcombination vof vphysical vor voffline
vchannels vas vwell vas vdigital vor vonline vchannels vto vinfluence va vcustomer’s vshopping
vexperience, vincluding vresearch vbefore va vpurchase vand vservice vafter va vsale.
⊚ true
⊚ false
3) Publicity vis valways vunder vthe vcontrol vof van vorganization, vso vthe vorganization
vcan vmake vsure vit vis vpositive.
⊚ true
⊚ false
4) Companies vor vbrands vthat vare vnew vto vthe vmarket vor vthose vfor vwhom vperceptions
vare vnegative vshould vfocus von vthe vbenefits vor vattributes vof vthe vspecific vproduct vor
vservice, vand vnot von vtheir vimage.
⊚ true
⊚ false
5) Analysis vof vthe vcommunication vprocess vmay vinvolve vpreliminary vdiscussions von
vmedia- vmix voptions vand vtheir vcost vimplications.
⊚ true
⊚ false
Version 1
,DOWNLOAD vTHE vTest vBank vfor vAdvertising vand vPromotion
vIntegrated vMarketing vCommunications vPerspective v12th
vEdition vBelch
Advertising vand vPromotion vIntegrated vMarketing
Communications Perspective
MULTIPLE vCHOICE v- vvChoose v12th vEdition
vthe vone valternative vthat vbestvvby vBelch
completes vCH01
vthe vstatement
vor vanswers vthe vquestion.
6) Full vof vFun vIndustries vhas vbeen vreviewing vtheir vadvertising vspending von vtraditional
vmedia vsuch vas vtelevision, vradio, vand vprint. vThe vnoticed vthat vtheir vcompetitors vacross vthe
vcountry vare vspending vless von vtraditional vadvertising vand vmore von v , vwhich vincludes
vonline vsearch, vdisplay vand vvideo vads, vand vadvertising von vsocial vmedia.
A) online vadvertising
B) one-stop vadvertising
C) digital vadvertising
D) social vmedia vadvertising
E) video vadvertising
7) According vto vthe vAmerican vMarketing vAssociation, vthe vorganization vthat
vrepresents vmarketing vprofessionals vin vthe vUnited vStates vand vCanada, vmarketing vis
vplanning vand vexecuting vthe vconception, vpricing, vpromotion, vand vdistribution vof videas,
vgoods, vand vservices vto vcreate
that vsatisfy vindividual vand vorganizational vobjectives.
A) opportunities
B) plans
C) advertisements
D) exchanges
E) contributions
8) KB vindustries vis vlearning vmore vabout vtheir vcustomers’ vperception vof vvalue. vAn
vindependent vsurvey vshowed vthat vcustomers vweigh vall vof vthe vbenefits vof va vproduct
vagainst vall vthe vcosts vof vacquiring vand vconsuming vit. vBenefits vare vcategorized vas
vfunctional, v , vand/or
A) empirical
B) experiential
C) emotional
D) empathetic
E) empathic
Version 2
, DOWNLOAD vTHE vTest vBank vfor vAdvertising vand vPromotion
vIntegrated vMarketing vCommunications vPerspective v12th
vEdition vBelch
Advertising vand vPromotion vIntegrated vMarketing
Communications vPerspective v12th vEdition vby vBelch vCH01
9) GSI vIndustries vhas valways vworked vwith vProductive vAdvertising, va vtraditional
vadvertising vagency. vNow vGSI’s vnew vmarketing vVP vwants vto vadd vin vother vtypes vof
vpromotional vspecialists vand vhas vasked vProductive vto vstart vusing va vvariety vof vpromotional
vtools vrather vthan vrelying vprimarily von vmedia vadvertising. vThe vnew vVP vis vembracing vthe
vconcept vof
A) international vmarketing vcommunications.
B) interdepartmental vmarketing vcommunications.
C) informational vmarketing vcommunications.
D) integrated vmarketing vcommunications.
E) intradepartmental vmarketing vcommunications.
10) Money vBacked vEnterprises vrecognizes vthe vimportance vof videntifying vevery
vopportunity vto vdeliver von vthe vbrand vpromise, vstrengthen vcustomer vrelationships, vand
vcustomer vdeepen vloyalty. vThey vare vusing van vintegrated vmarketing vcommunications
vapproach vto va(n) v messaging
vfunction vso vthat veverything va vcompany vsays vand vdoes vcommunicates va vcommon vtheme
vand vpositioning.
A) organized
B) centralized
C) energized
D) formalized
E) right-sized
11) Clear vCite vIndustries’ vgoals vare vto vboth vgenerate vshort-term vfinancial vreturns
vand vbuild vlong-term vbrand vand vshareholder vvalue. vThey vhave vchosen vto vuse va
vstrategic vbusiness vprocess vcalled v to vplan, vdevelop, vexecute, vand vevaluate
vcoordinated, vmeasurable, vpersuasive vbrand vcommunications vprograms vover vtime vwith
vconsumers, vcustomers, vprospects, vemployees, vassociates, vand vother vtargeted vrelevant
vexternal vand vinternal vaudiences.
Version 3