CTRS Assessments
Life Effectiveness Questionnaire (LEQ) - answer Assesses the extension to which a
person's actions/behaviors/feelings are effective in managing and succeeding at life/
capacity to adapt, survive and thrive, time management, social competence,
achievement, motivation, intellectual flexibility, task leadership, emotional control, active
initiative, and self-confidence
Leisure Motivation Scale (LMS) - answer Measures a participant's motivation for
participating in leisure. Areas assessed: primary motivators are intellectual, social,
competence-mastery, and stimulus-avoidance
Leisure Interest Measure (LIM) - answerMeasures a participant's interest in 8 leisure
areas: physical outdoor, mechanical, artistic, service, social, cultural, and reading
Leisure Assessment Inventory (LAI) - answerMeasures the leisure behavior of adults
with developmental disabilities
Leisure and Recreation Involvement (LRI) - answerAssesses a participant's perception
of involvement in leisure/recreation activities, along with its importance, pleasure,
interest intensity, and meaning of recreation activities.
General Recreation Screening Tool (GRST) - answerAssesses participant's functional
level in 18 skill areas relation to leisure. Suitable for those with Mental (MR) and
Developmental Disabilities (DD)
Leisure Competence Measure (LCM) - answerStandardized assessment that measures
outcomes in TR consisting of 8 sub scales: Leisure awareness, leisure attitude, leisure
skills, cultural/social behaviors, interpersonal skills, community integration skills, social
contact, and community participation. Scaled to be consistent with the Functional
Independence Measure (FIM). Originally designed for adults in adult rehab and long-
term care facilities.
Functional Assessment of Characteristics for Therapeutic Recreation-Revised (FACTR-
R) - answerAssesses participant's needs related to basic functional skills and behaviors
in 3 domains: Physical, cognitive, social/emotional using observation. Useful as an initial
screening assessment. Uses norm-referenced scoring. Intended primarily for adults with
traumatic brain injury.
Optimizing Lifelong Health Through TR Model - answerParticipants make informed
decisions to accommodate changes in their functional abilities in order to remain
involved in valued leisure activities.
4 Components:
, 1. Selection (of activities and goals)
2. Optimization (of personal and private resources)
3. Compensation (for impaired abilities)
4. Evaluation (for effectiveness in promoting a valued leisure lifestyle)
WHODAS 2.0 - answerA Self-report assessment tool that evaluates the participant's
ability to perform activities in 6 domains of functioning over the previous 30-days. Used
to calculate global disability. Domains assessed: Understanding and communicating,
mobility, self-care, social and interpersonal functioning, life activities, participation in
FOX Scale - answerMeasures social and affective skills. Population: Youth and adults
with developmental disabilities
4 Categories of Child Development - answer1. Personal/Social (heeds his/her name)
2. Adaptive/fine-motor behavior (Sits leaning forward on hands)
3. Motor behavior (activity, boy movement)
4. Language (speech) asks "why?"
Leisure and Social Sexual Assessment (LS/SA) - answerAssesses the breadth and
depth of understanding of social and sexual roles. Population: Individuals with
developmental disabilities
Comprehensive Evaluation in Recreational Therapy-Psych/Behavioral, Rev. (CERT-
Psych/R) - answerAssesses performance areas in general, individual, and group social
AIM-Free Tool - answerAssesses the physical and social accessibility of recreation
Looks at 6 factors: Equipment, information, programs, professional behavior,
professional support, and training
Vitality Through Leisure Scale (VTL) - answerAssesses the parts of leisure that increase
vitality for the participant, could be used to measure outcomes from TR interventions
Leisure Diagnostic Battery (LDB) - answerEnables users to assess their client's leisure
functioning to determine area in which involvement of functioning is needed.
Leisure Diagnostic Battery (LDB) - answerMeasures leisure functioning conceptualized
as...leisure competence (perceived), leisure control (perceived), leisure needs, depth of
involvement in leisure, and playfulness
International Classification of functioning (ICF) - answerQuality of life (social and happy)
versus Quantity of life (mortality). Assessing impairments with: Body functions, body
structures, activity and participation, and environmental factors.