D322 INTRO TO IT (Words and Definitions) FOR EXAM COMPLETE
1. Key Components Hardware, Software, Data
2. Information Technolo- The technology used in creating, maintaining, and
gy making information accessible
3. Information System Takes in raw data entered by a user or acquired
from a data source or sources (input), deliberately
transforms the data into information (process), and
provides the results of the transformation to the
user (output)
4. IT department in an or- IT is responsible for the storage, processing, and
ganization distribution of information.
5. Networks Organization servers and give employees access
to the resources, the data, and the exchange of
6. Infrastructure The system of hardware, software, facilities, and
service components that support the delivery of
business systems and IT-enabled processes.
7. Difference between in- *Input: hard disk is inserted into the computer to
put, output, and storage store information in the computer
*Output: displays information in a pictorial form
allowing the user to interact directly with the com-
*Storage: Random Access Memory (RAM) holds
programs and data when the computer is in use
8. Core of Components of Hard Disk, Monitor, Motherboard, CPU, RAM
IT Hardware
9. Software Development Implementing various algorithms that transform
data into another, which performs calculations,
manipulate files, or complete other repetitive tasks,
can be time-consuming or dangerous to an em-
10. Business Analysis
, D322 INTRO TO IT (Words and Definitions) FOR EXAM COMPLETE
*Organizations improve their operations by opti-
mizing their technology
*IT changes rapidly, so organizations must con-
stantly investigate and plan or replace systems.
11. Information Systems *Security: Organizations try to aim for secure sys-
Requirements and tems to prevent incidents that can disrupt busi-
needs ness. Unauthorized access could cause data loss
or modifications
*Accessibility functions: These functions are de-
signed to help people with disabilities use technol-
ogy more easily
12. IT department in an or- Analyzing, specifying, designing, developing, test-
ganization ing, and maintaining software that is beneficial and
effective for the company or client. Oversees the
installation and maintenance of computer network
systems within a company. Helps an organization
to analyze its current IT and identify areas where
changes could lead to cost savings.
13. Intranet A local or restricted communications network, es-
pecially a private network created using World
Wide Web software.
14. Business Intelligence
15. Project Management
16. Outsourcing Services The business practice of hiring a party outside
(OS) a company to perform services or create goods
that were traditionally performed in-house by the
company's own employees and staff.
17. Taxonomies The discipline studying the classification criteria of
a given set of items and a specific classification
system of knowledge organization
18. Software Engineer A person who is responsible for designing and de-
veloping software that makes hardware and soft-
, D322 INTRO TO IT (Words and Definitions) FOR EXAM COMPLETE
ware systems work, including operating systems,
database systems, and embedded systems.
19. Network Engineer A person who is responsible for setup, configure,
maintain, and upgrade system where data resides
that support the exchange of information, including
communication systems and networks.
20. Cloud Engineer These individuals design and set up automation,
cloud storage, data centers, virtual servers, and
web services with an emphasis on a particular
solution's cost benefits to users, and security of
data processing.
21. IT Professional Roles Develops, designs, programs, and analyzes appli-
cations designed to serve its core business needs.
Provides oversight of the company's numerous
communications channels, including the compa-
ny's email system, network drives, intranet, and
phone system.
22. IT Administrator In terms of, which technologies should be used,
what should be the security protocols, which
should have access to which files and resources
on the network, and so on.
23. Network Administrator Oversees all aspects of the computer network.
The network administrator's duties include physi-
cally laying down cables, making connections, and
working with the network hardware (for instance,
routers and switches).
24. Database Administra- Focus on the design, development, and support of
tor database management systems (DBMSs). Tasks
will include installation, maintenance, performance
analysis, and troubleshooting, as with the other
administrative areas
25. Security Administrator